This is a bit like making a stew, seeing the ingredients and the interpretations of them. I am not so sure where it is leading... While tuning into meditation, allowing an idea that I would receive a blog idea, I ws shown some images. These images were more states of being that a person experiences. I see a person slowing down and savoring some soup. The soup is very nourishing, of wholesome ingredients. The feeling is that they are really noticing the taste, the experience of eating, while mindfully enjoying the meal. This points to slowing down many times the rate of movement that you usually have. It is not only eating in which to slow down, but experimenting at other times with slowing down and really noticing what you are is happening. Maybe you close your eyes and notice taste or texture. There is pleasure in this and the ingredients in the soup are a mixture of what nourishes you in life. What is fun? What is inspiring? What keeps you in a positive mood that is soul food for you? The soup is homemade, slow cooked of course, and has only the finest ingredients. Going along with this slowing down is a feeling of enjoying being in a human body. Really love the how it feels to be in body, doing what your body might enjoy whether receiving massage or exercising, or sitting still and watching the birds outside. The next image was of an older baby or young toddler who goes from thing to thing and cries when they don't get what they want in the moment. The state of being was about being passionate about what you want. Follow your inner guidance to the next thing that excites you. Have some persistence when you don't get it right away. Use your voice. You don't need to have a tantrum, but you can speak up and you can follow your inner excitement. There is a kinetic energy of momentum. "Give passion to your voice and give voice to your passion." The third image was of a couple dancing in a crowded ballroom. The almost bumped into others but moved out of the way just in time.They were not speaking but listening to the music and one another's body language to move gracefully through space. They are flexible; if they get stopped in one direction, they go another. It is about working with others together, in a way that is a dance. It is about being harmonious with the one you are dancing with and also the whole room. It is about finding flow in a collaborative way. A side note about masculine-feminine balance is hinted at, as well. The state of being of being shown here is about being in your flow but with others, your human dance partners and the rest of the collective. What is this all leading to? I didn't quite get it and still don't have it tied together. Let me see if I can. Next, I was shown an umbrella, a big one, which was representing the overarching influences of these states of being. The themes are savoring in slowness, enjoying being embodied, being passionate and using your voice, and dancing in harmony with the greater whole. The overarching idea bringing it together is that these are the qualities to live as a person who wants to be of service to others. These are ways to be in balance with yourself. The greatest way to be in service is to be in your greatest joy. When I studied Thai Massage, my teacher would tell us to be relaxed in giving a massage. She says to "share your feel good." It is exactly the same as you come into your own purpose is to share your feel good. I was seeing in meditation that we do help most by being examples. If you are busy trying to help others, maybe you can notice whether you are getting burned out. Maybe you need to give to you a bit more in order to better be present for others and share what you know and who you are. The savoring of soup is about contemplation too. It is about slowing down, closing your eyes and going inward. It is about being mindful. This in itself is nourishing soul food for us. About the baby - not only was there passion and having a voice, don't forget that the baby was playing. Be sure to play and have a good time in life. No need for crying though, unless we need to. I love how babies flow there emotions in the moment and change so quickly which is healthy. Let us bring play and embody the highest level of joy we can, for ourselves and in doing so this gives to others. It makes a better world to live in if everyone is happier. Thank you for checking out my blog...handing you a bowl of soup! Be sure to savor it fully along with the rest of life, Shannon Luminance River Akashic Intuitive
The Earth Game Let's say that a part of us came to earth to play the earth game which is to learn through duality. The game is that we are pretending to be separate from source, and in fact we have forgotten we are source, meaning 100% love. Meanwhile, a part of us exists in the absolute true reality of source, where we have not forgotten. We remember who we are completely, and in this place we are in collaboration and harmony with all others, in complete love for one another. The image from meditation is our hearts placed over one another, as one heart, as if we are holograms. I heard a comic say that Earth is a like a game of Sims played by God. It is a little like that, and we are the source projecting itself from the ONE into this reality. Here in the experimental reality we experience duality, and as part of that, we have an emotional spectrum of feelings that are opposites of love, bliss, and joy that is in the absolute true reality. The truth is that we are love and in love, and there is nothing less than love yet here we are experimenting, by being in a body on earth, at experiencing what would not be a feeling of being totally merged with source and love and one another. The good news is that we can remember the absolute true reality which will help the earth game feel so much better. It will bring us great relief, especially when we go through difficult stuff. I will get to that in a little bit. Electromagnetics Pushing and Pulling Us I was shown, in meditation, how we are when we are experiencing drama, or we feel a charge around a situation or person. Negative emotion arises, and with that we can be repelled and upset by a person or situation. Or maybe we feel like grasping and hanging on. All of this is energetic. When we have a strong charge about something or somebody, we send that out into our world. The charge effects the earth game reality that we personally experience. It effects it in a way we don't want. It is like we are magnets sending one pole of energy out. At the crux of these experiences is the belief that we are not loved. Our vibration is vibrating that which is not love such as worry, fear, anger, insecurity, guilt, unworthiness, frustration, or rage. Grief, depression and powerlessness are also emotions we feel. We came here to learn through experiencing the intensity of these emotions. We also came here to learn mastery and remember that the truth is not this, it is the purity of the absolute true reality.There is no judgment for having these or any emotions for any of us. Releasing the charge and remembering help us greatly. It should also be said that we effect others with our electromagnetism. They can feel us and we can feel them, and take on opposites of our charge sometimes. We can be repelled from each other. The energy can be stuck, but we can depolarize us and magic starts to happen. The magic is happens from going within the self and taking responsibility for our magnetics which are creating our reality. We see that stuff doesn't happen to us, but it happens from our vibration. How do you shift from having charged negative emotions? Or being upset about something that you feel that you cannot change? We all know the feeling of this, and have dealt with the intensity of it. Perhaps you have heard of the practice of "Ho'oponopono?" It is saying a prayer that is simple: I am sorry, please forgive me, I love you, thank you. By doing this, you can change the energetic electromagnetics of your heart and it effects others and the reality that you experience. A therapist for disturbed men invented this and used it to pray for his patients. He looked at their files on his desk and said the prayer. They experienced healing for him doing this, even though they were a distance away. Many people use this practice for healing themselves and the relation they have with existence. The point of mentioning Ho'oponopono is that it is a way to discharge the emotion. It is a pathway to remembrance, and a way to get to the absolute true reality that we are love. There are other ways, like saying I love you to your own heart. That changes your vibrational frequency and the charge goes away. Your emotion goes away too, and you become peaceful and calm. Once you arrive, you are neither grasping nor repelling. You are neither chasing nor avoiding. You are coming into the center of yourself that is beyond. It will be easy to have peaceful interactions with others as soon as the charge dissipates in the heart. It is coming into internal harmony. It is seeing the divine perfection in whatever is happening and surrendering to allowing that all that happens is for your highest good. Once you decide that, so it is. In meditation and through my own experiences, I have discovered ways to do this as well. The absolute true reality exists within you too. It is like relaxing and sensing the true reality underneath the charged emotions and mental thoughts. Step 1 - Deal with the emotions that are there. You can do it the ways I just mentioned. You can meditate and imagine your spirit guide placing their hands on your chest as you tone "ahhh" in your heart. But the thing that works well is to take your emotion into your heart. There you can intentionally zap whatever you are feeling and it dissipates energetically. Send negative emotions to the heart and be in the heart space. Be in love vibration which is what saying the words "I love you" to yourself will help you do. Step 2 - Say an affirmation that affirms you being in the absolute true reality. "I AM in harmony with the absolute true reality." "The true reality is love, only love." "I exist within the true absolute reality and call it now." Feel free to make up your own affirmations or invocations. An invocation shared with me: -I am/(we are) now in the Presence of Pure Being And all of that which I/(we) shall ever become a part of, Rests in the presence of Pure Being. I/(we) know no malice, no contempt, I am/(we are ) one with God and my fellowman. And so it is! And so it is! And so it is! Amen......... I/(we) now invite my/(our) Master Guides, my/(our) Angels, my/(our) Higher Self and all Saints, Angels, Archangels, Ascended Masters and any Beings of Light of the Absolute Reality to join me/(us) to help create a sacred space in which I/(we) may Honor God/Creator/Source in Truth. And so it is, Beloved I AM! Amen, Amen, Amen, and Amen......... Step 3 - Feel the feeling of love that is the true reality. Let your heart flood with the feeling. Acknowledge the existence here within yourself. It feels like pulling into yourself and your center. It feels like love. It feels like a letting go of all stories and all that is out there to go within to where love is the truth of your being. Remember that truth is love, and anything else that is fear is not true. It is only an illusion here on earth for our experience. Mastery is learning we have a choice in what we experience. Step 4 - The final part of this is seeing the truth. The truth is that our loved ones and us, and all others we interact with are aspects of the ONE. In the absolute true reality which is real and exists, our hearts are merged as one. We are hugging the beloved souls we interact with whether we get along with them here on earth or not. Whatever is going on here in the earth plane that triggers us and upsets us is not going there. This world is the illusion. The true absolute reality is where there is love. We are completely loved. I was seeing in meditation that so many if not all problems stem from not believing that we are not loved and there is not love there. Well, in another wider perspective there is love, and love is all there is. Fellow players of the earth game are just that! We are here to play and learn, and we exist in many dimensions. There is complete harmony in the absolute true reality. All is well there. See and feel this. Bring this awareness into yourself. What happens? What happens is that you start experiencing peace. You start emanating love, the deep divine love of the absolute true reality. We need more and more people to emanate this. Your life goes more smoothly and you help others with your mastery and your vibration. You see that it is an inside job. Love can grow in the world. You can more greatly effect people positively with these principles and awareness taken into practice, than you can with being emotionally charged and upset. It feels so much better and is simple. Find your own way with the how. The important part is that you know about it and return to being in your heart when you need to which is the easy, short how-to explanation. Infinite love is the only truth- meet you there. May you and everyone on earth experience the Absolute Reality of Pure Being. Shannon Luminance River Akashic Intuitive From meditation: what arises is image of a tree, and the feeling of being a tree? What can we learn from one another? Hello Tree! We are alive sentient beings. We are connected to earth and sky. My breath becomes food for the tree, and tree makes breath for we. An infinite flow of giving and receiving between us and them, the trees on earth as a collective. A feeling of gratitude arises for breath and trees. We are indeed connected and dependent upon all life. Seeing this earth stripped of the manmade, the technological and what remains is life and a feeling we always have what we need. What we need is given. Step into infinite giving and receiving. In the center of the tree is the heartwood. It is the core. What you share can be from this core, which is love and heart and life force. Give from there, not from the surface, the bark which is devoid of heart essence. Let your arms or limbs reach out from that heart core. And while you are being a tree, close your eyes. Feel the connection with the earth. Burrow your roots into her substance and feel her, and appreciate that which gives you sustenance. Bring Mother Earth's energy up into your own heart. Feel your sap rising as it is doing this springtime. Feel the life force of her come up into your body. And now, shift your feeling to the tip top of the tree. See all of those leaves taking in sunlight. Take in sunlight and celestial energies into your crown chakra on the top of your head. Bring them into your heart and mix them with the earth energies. Bring alchemy in your heart, and let the heart shine fully with this feeling of connection to earth and sky. Celebrate the elements and elemental beings. Celebrate Mother Earth, feeling rootedness and groundedness. Feel the sun on your body and drink it in. Feel the water inside you and give thanks and appreciation for you and flow and water. Breath the air and know that plant life made it for you, and take it in. Rest knowing you have a body and are breathing now. You are alive. You are blessed for having a body no matter what you make of it, and the Earth is blessed for having you. The tree is merged over you as one being, and celebrate your connection with a tree, and see what else you notice and how it feels to be, in this holy now. Thank you for reading and connecting with a tree, Shannon Luminance River Akashic Intuitive Spirit speaks softly and in many ways. Recently I was explaining how sound is the same as color because they are translations of vibration. It is all vibration. In fact our existence and this reality is viration of energy in motion, and perceiving reality is translating that vibration. How do you decode messages from spirit? Messages come throguh multi-dimensionally in many ways. They are like energy packets that can be sensed in different ways, using our expanded multidimensional senses. Are you having synchronicity in your life? Are you being psychic and thinking of somebody and they call you? You must be picking up mulidimensional information. It is that easy and most everybody does it already. When you tune in to read the akashic records or to meditate, you are in a receptive mode. How do you know what is your mind and what is spirit speaking? You can easily tell the difference as spirit messages are very uplifting and never harming anyone. They will suggest a higher perspective that is beyond duality, from more of a higher self, angelic or bird's eye view. However the messages are often kind of open to interpretation like a dream is, and your intuition is what guides you to knowing what is being said and how it applies to you. People speak of whether they have clairsentience, claircognizance, clairvoyance and different ways of knowing, seeing, hearing or feeling multidimensional information. My first tip is to not decide which way you are, simply sense what you can and interpret it. Use as many senses as you can and they are like your regular senses but more expanded and inward. A part of you through your heart instantly can download the message of what you are sensing. For me the information comes through and I cannot tell you which way it comes or whether I am clair this or clair that. My second tip is to ask questions, and ask to be shown. I was doing a reading for a friend who is a psychic today who also did one for me. When we were unclear about something, we would ask the person asking the question for a more specific question, and ask spirit to show us. Start general about a subject and go deeper with more specific questions. The same image of something can get deeper as you play with it and see what else is there and what the person (or yourself) is doing in the image. What does it feel like? What does the object mean to you? What is the story playing out in the imagery. For example, Seeing a person having bring a luggage cart through a revolving door (my friend) and getting stuck was showing me something. It was showing me that the person had "baggage" and that my friend wanted to play and spin around and had a fast (vibrational) spin as he was being the revolving door. The other person with the baggage couldn't stop to play as he had too much baggage to carry and was not on the same playful, joyous fast vibrational frequency of my friend who was the revolving door. My friend also seemed stuck with being the door and not going in or out, like the relationship. There are messages that come in a flash just from observing the scene. It is all conveyed vibrationally when you tune into the source field. Sometimes you hear something being said. I put it together that this person was not wanting to play as he has stuff he is carrying to work through, not to be taken personally. When interpretin psychic information, you may see something written. Ask for "them" to show you, meaning your guides.Notice what colors are there and you may relate them to chakras. Go with the meaning for objects that you have, from what you know. Psychic information is tailored to your own sub-consciousness. It is not something you look up in a dream decoding book of symbols but symbols you already know. When you see a bird, you have some a meaning for that. The third tip refers to setting up your space and tuning in at the beginning. Take time to tune in psychicly. A meditation practice will go a long way to success. How to tune in is to have some sort of ritual before you do your asking for multidimensional information to be presented. Put on headphones in a quiet, private space.Silence or listening to singing bowls or something gentle with no words is best. Have your opening meditation, which could be noticing your breath. It could be going into your heart. Invocations and prayers are wonderful, to tune you into to communion with divine, or your I AM Presence. Then you can read The Pathway Prayer for entering the Akashic Records. Listen to a guided meditation before you start, if you want to. Maybe you hold two crystals. Do a special mudra. Create sacred space. You acknowledge you are going into a special state of being to connect with divine. Some sort of ritual that helps you get connected, and then be in silence (or with the music) and ask your questions. Automatic writing is an option if you want to feel like you are having a dialogue with your guides. If you get stuck, you can draw a tarot card and really pay attention to the imagery that it evokes. Yes/no questions can be answered through feeling. YOu can train yourself to feel yes or no as a certain sensation which is felt in my heart. YOu must be careful to be clear so the mind doesn't get in the way of your perceiving as it can trick you sometimes. However you do your psychic inquiry, it is important to take time to tune in and be relaxed. You are entering a state of consciousness that is different from everyday alert consciousness. In summary, be open to differnt ways in which information comes through.Be open to interpreting in different ways as it gets deeper if you make a story out of it. Ask questions about what you want to know, about what you are seeing and ask to be shown something more. You can get clarification and you have clues to put together in a story and it will start to make sense. Sometimes there are clues that never makes sense but do not stress about this. And finally- remember to tune in and create sacred space before you begin. Many happy times of self-discovery with your inner guides, Shannon Luminance River Akashic Intuitive PS: I forgot to add that it is fun to ask your guide or guide to show you what they look like and who they are. That often has meanings. You may have set guides, such as ascended masters who are specific. You also have random guides that might be a color or light, or animal or some other being, depending on the day. I ask for those who are aligned with unconditional love as my guides to appear. Be open to receiving vibrational healing energy from your guides. Who happens to appear, is a message in itself relating to the question or what is going on for you. Voila! See what happens and let me know if it is interesting for you to meet your guides. Much multi-dimensional information has flowed through recently, it is hard to know where to start. And being multi-dimensional, it is layered and sometimes complicated so a little hard to know where to start. I connected with some women friend where we did some group work connecting with the consciousness of the Dream Weavers, knowing they are aspects of us, creator aspects. We did some simple toning together, weaving our voices. Let me share some images and what they mean in the context in which they were presented. First, a staircase is seen, which is representing ascension in my sub-conscious. The message is that we think of ascension as going from one level to a higher level. though it isn't really like that. It is more a of a spiral thing, in that it is a non-linear spiritual maturity and masterypath. The spiral going up, I suppose. It is being able to say "I love and accept who I am." That would mean no comparison between anyone and where they are at, just a being on the journey. Who are the Dream Weavers? I wrote about them in a recent blog. I shared: The dream weavers of Lyra weave “the Strands of Dreamtime’, because whatever they dreamed of and envisioned together at this time, could then be created. The important thing was to design the correct vision and have both the energy capacity and degree of focus to hold fast to this intention. The Lyran women were able to very precisely, connect to the energy that was of the mind of God, or universal consciousness. They could create the correct mental images that would then synchronize an image or intention into manifested creation in the world of form.(quoted from Sunshine Before the Dawn) How do they do this? The book explains: the ten light rays of creation that emanated from the mind of God, the Creator-of-All. These ten light rays of creation set in motion an energy pulse for the Dreamtime Strands that the Lyran women worked with to create the DNA sequences of light, 8 Epiphany sound and vibration that, in turn, created the genetic pattern for each type of physical creation. My friends and I expanded this with a knowing that anyone can connect to the Dream weaver consciousness, and create from there, in case you wonder what I was speaking about. It is metaphor for something big that excites me even if I cannot explain it fully. To further clarify with the new information, I learned that the Dream Weavers can be seen as gypsy nomads through time and space. I see them playing music right now in my mind's eye. It touches on the eternal self that we are, beyond time and space, the eternal one. Everyone has this aspect as well. Spider Grandmother, from the Native American creation myths, showed up in vision. she was sitting at a loom with so many threads going into it. I see those as colors and frequencies of ourselves that we create with through who we are. When I connect to source, I have sensed the strands as different colors of threads coming in my crown. Activating the sacred rays of various colors in meditation is when that has been shown. Next, I learned something very key in relation to frequencies! This was so exciting, which was that sound and color and light language and toning, and expression whether auditory or visual but picked up by the senses were the same. By that I mean that when you see a color or a vision from a connected to source place (like meditation), or express with color in a painting, or interpret light language or speak it, or tone in harmony, it is all vibrational interpretation of source. We are receivers of energy, or vibration and we interpret that vibration though our beings. Sound and color are vibrationally expressed. We are vibrational interpreters. Being water as most of our body is important in the interpretation of vibration as it is a medium for vibration to travel and be felt. Even reading light language or writing, singing or toning, or creating art can be vibrational interpretation. We are open channels for divine to flow through. What is most aligned with source, is considered most beautiful in expression and is show in phi ratio or fibonacci sequence. We can feel it and then express it. We feel "it" being divine inspiration in our moments of flow, when we are doing something we love that takes us into an altered state of being. Even dance can do that for me. Creative expression is vibrational interpretation. The Dream Weaver Mothers can create as they are not held down by needing to do so in a timeline. They are beyond time and space and they love us so! I saw them holding us like children and loving us as mothers on a beach. I saw them dancing and singing in a happy gypsy way. They say, more of these both please- more hugging and more dancing. We should hug each other and dance, sing, and celebrate more. They experiences our lives through their connection with us and want joy for us and want to share in the joy. Since the intention of connecting with the Dream Weaver Mother consciousness was there- I asked if there were any messages. Instantly I saw a message in a bottle. It was twisted into a spiral and had gold letters in light language which I read instantly (that vibrational interpretation thing.) The message there for me was "unfurl." Take the love that you are out of the bottle. It is like I have been holding back expressing the love that I am to everyone as fully and heart fully as I could, or so they showed me. Perhaps this message is for another person too.... I can see that and I am enjoying being more open with my expression of love here on the planet. My friend was getting the suggestion from them to be intuitive. She says that they are out of time and space, so trust your senses. Completely trust as if you have your eyes closed but know where to put your feet anyway. She says that they are showing her to stop looking for trust and validation. Let me add 'outside approval' as something else for which to stop looking. There you have it..what was shared with us, and may it be entertaining to you. May your dreams come true and may you feel the essence of your creator self within. Most of all, may you open up the message in the bottle that says LOVE FULLY. With infinite love for each and all, Shannon Luminance River Akashic Intuitive As you breath tune into the infinite space that is your heart and allow it to be. Feel the energy there. Send an I love you to your heart. Be with your own heart in tenderness and appreciation. Appreciate the essence that is you as this is expressed and felt most in your heart space. You tune into who you are there, the place of your divine spark, where you hold what you came here for, who you really are. It is all a flavor of the special love you brought to earth. Feel the love you are and let it expand from the size of a birthday candle flame to something bigger and more palpable spreading through your chest in your body. Let yourself feel love as the essence of you, and love for yourself in this moment. Feel love for your existence, unconditional self-acceptance. Those who are willing to feel this complete self-love are able to have it spill outside of them to others in a generous way that ever renews, like a spring. Love the essence of you, the space in your heart, tingling with appreciation, expanding to the whole chest, the whole torso, your limbs and your whole body. Fill your whole field, your energy field as love, and now (in your imagination) and give it a color you like. See the essence as that color. Notice the feeling of it, the love essence of you and also the color of it. Focus more on your heart and let it intensify the feeling like it is pumping out more of this essence always into your blood stream, but it is your light stream we are speaking of, as you are beyond body. You are light. Rest in this feeling, feelign the love as you silently witness the inner landscape. Notice the colored light, and the feeling of love that is there. Be with it and with you for awhile. Let yourself be in this bubble of colored love essence. Feel it extend from your heart space to your arms and hands. It is like your arms are creator's arms, a galaxy's arms, and all you do with these arms is an extension of the love you are. Now all that you do is an expression of the pure love essence. The tinging of this pure love energy can travel to your throat. Allow this, and feel it, even seeing your special color go up into your throat from the heart. Feel how the that words you speak can always be tinged with the love essence, that they can spring from the heart of you. Now we, your angels and guides, surround you, though you cannot see us except out of the corner of your eye, sometimes. You can feel us if you ask to. We are ready to take your prayers into actuality. We are here to assist, but mostly we are here to remind you of your angelic essence and reflect your magnificence back to you. You are really doing the work that is being on earth. This is most important work, to remember to love yourself deeply and completely. We honor you for the courage of having a body, for forgetting who you are by coming here to be human. We thank you for bringing this love essence you are to earth and sharing it with others just by being yourself. You are deeply loved and honored, each of you, no exceptions. Now in this place feel your connection to all beings, the oneness of the universe. Feel that connection in that all are here to assist you in receiving all that you need. From a place of knowing your plentitude there is much you have to share. Let the light that you are spill out in your words and actions, extending those galactic arms in service to the galaxy and all other life forms. See a waterfall of love flow out of your heart. Remember to tap into the reservoir of self-love that you find in meditation, in yourself each time you say “I love you” to your heart” in words or in energy. You walk forth with a smile on your face and a knowing that all is well. We have your back. We are always and forever with you, your angels and guides. There is no hierarchy, no better or worse, there is only love expressing itself through different forms. You are the same light and the same love as we are, one of the same substance. Feel the substance of this love essence, your angelic essence, with your eyes closed, now and often. Consider yourself nestled and held in the arms of love always, and in this feeling you can bring heaven to earth from touching the heaven that is in yourself. Thank you for being, Shannon Luminance River Akashic Intuitive What is the template reality: this is the web of life, the grid, the framework on which the appearance of reality exists upon. Or that is what I call it. Alex Grey, the visionary artist, was interviewed about the cosmic grid or web of eternal life seen it his paintings. Alex explains: It comes from seeing the grid work in meditation and on psychedelic voyages and it seems to be related to one’s perceptions and projections. (It is) an experience of witnessing a grid work that was emanating from my own awareness. I was a node in the sourcing of the web and felt so expansive I was beyond my sourcing it. I could both see it and it projecting from my awareness. ….we are all projecting it, it is a part of all of us. It is an aspect of our being. Yet it is a bit different than our notion of Prana, which is just energy. The grid is a more coherent and structured thing. It feels like the template reality is the same thing he is speaking of, and you discover it when you become expansive. The template reality is the framework behind the illusion of this reality, that it is built upon energetically. After all, all matter is light and vibration, or energy expressed in form. Being inspired by the template reality, I took this, and the idea of "returning to our divine blueprint" as individuals, into meditation. I brought the feeling of expansiveness. Writing for me is like taking some thematic ingredients to meditation and see what pops out in expression and understanding. Since I first learned about the original divine blueprint, it I have had a fascination to discover what it is. It could be described as an energetic template for of your soul's knowing. Expand the idea further, be seen as the original divine perfection that you be, with the coding of the template for human, divine human that we are morphing into in this ascension process. Human beings are taking a giant evolutionary leap right now. In meditation, I asked for more information about this. I was seeing the web of creation/web of life/cosmic grid/template reality (as I call it above) interact with the original divine template as in a man or woman. The image of Dr.Emoto's snowflakes comes to mind. I see some chaotic ones that are distorted blobs. I know they come from polluted waters and from saying negative things to the water which is then frozen and photographed. Then I see the gorgeous sacred geometric ones that are created by sending the intention of LOVE or JOY to, or played music that is soothing like classical, too. You see the vibrational effect. Be sure to see the photo at the bottom and you will see what I mean. What was the point of the snowflakes? They are a metaphor, of course. I am seeing that the moving into the original divine blueprint is to connected to the template reality or web of life. All is connected. We expand our energy fields and feel a connection with all life. It has to come from the heart, from love. Love is what makes us feel connected with all, and love is what moves us into heart coherence. Looking up the definition of coherence, I find this “the quality of forming a unified whole.” How perfect! The template reality, the cosmic grid, interacts and integrates with each of us, who are returning to our original divine blueprints. The key is being in the feeling state of love. The energies since the equinox have been offering more and more possibility of feeling divine love. We cultivate that in ourselves very simply by loving ourselves and loving others. It is simplifying this whole process. Love is the answer. As we expand in consciousness, embody divine love and take in these lovely frequencies of light, we also are called to be in service but this service is the expression of our true self living our passion, in a way that is in contribution to others too. We go inward to tune into the original divine blueprint from our soul's knowing with our unique path forward. We are shown that when we tune in, we receive information from source and our soul to guide our way. Another theme that seems so important right now is harmony, harmony within and harmony with the universe. What songs make us vibrate to the greatest beautiful geometric forms like Dr. Emoto's snowflakes? What words and thoughts can we fill ourselves so we vibrate at this high level of joy and love? I was shown that there is a continuum and some are chaotic blobs and some are beautiful crystalline formations or somewhere in between. All we have to do is tune in. Vibrational attunement is real and matters, matters in the return of our original divine blueprints. The return to the divine blueprint is harmony, harmony with creation but also within ourselves. Everyone is blossoming into a greater sense of themselves! Meeting you (and everyone) in the ever present now moment in perfect Divine Love! In celebration, Shannon Luminance River at Akashic Intuitive Ring Ring...are you home? You are being summoned. Your wildest imagining is the gift that the collective desires from you. I am thinking about the qualities that make it visionary as I look at visionary art. In a flash, an insight came that was asking for those who are creating new earth, the wayshowers to summon their inner visionaries. What is the definition of visionary? vi·sion·ar·y ˈviZHəˌnerē/ adjective
The qualities of visionary are there to guide us what to pull forth from ourselves, in order to do this, and be that. It takes everyone dreaming and imagining how their life could be and how the world, could be, but taking it to the best possible world imaginable. What does visionary art have? It has a spiritual focus that sees the unseen world. -There is connectedness indicated by lines and vines and threads or other ways. Inherently we are connected to all life. Visions can celebrate our co-creation with earth and all forms of life on the planet. Consciousness exists within all things, and we can expand our energy field to include plant wisdom, animal wisdom, and earth wisdom. We can collaborate with all life for creating the new earth through us. It is seeing, and also receiving information, so we are divinely inspired and include them in the highest good as we move toward unity consciousness. -Animals and shapeshifting are shown in visionary artwork. A translation is that We can tap into our animal nature and the wisdom of animal totems or guides in our visioning. We carry aspects of animals in our DNA. Loving animals, loving our animal aspects, and we can integrate it all to wholeness. -An overlay of one reality on another. This is the talent of the visionary, to see things as they could be not as they are, but walk both worlds, the world of imagination and the grounded physical world and bridge the two. Art and expression is a way to bridge them and bring them together. Visionary paintings, and being a visionary are tapping the fountain of multidimensionality and playing in it. Bridging the everyday reality, other dimensions, the non-physical world, the celestial world beyond earth, all connecting and bringing through knowing and rememberance from beyond into this one. That is what visionaries do and you are invited to be one. -Streams of light and lots of color. I see this as bringing in light as awareness, as our human bodies as vessels holding higher light. Color represents different frequencies and creating from the frequencies which are the basis for the material world. This is the substance to create with in our imagination. -Magic. This implies using imagination to create. It implies seeing the impossible in the mind's eye. -Nature (earth, stones, plants, animals) blending into human shapes again shows our interconnectedness with all life. -Higher self show with our human self together or sometimes this is God with man/woman. This is symbolic for getting in touch with one's divinity, inner voice, higher being, through mystical experiences and meditation. It means knowing one is beyond this human body and is a much bigger, more powerful creator being, the I AM Presence, than we have been conditioned to believe. -Snakes are a powerful symbol with so many meanings like deep transformation, rising of kundalini, feminine energy, earth energy, connectedness, shedding and releasing what no longer serves. A visionary is in touch with all of this at various times, and is on a journey. Art shares the spiritual journey of the human. -Shaman scenes are in visionary paintings like the one here. To be a visionary, connect with your inner shaman. Create sacred space for yourself. Go into a relaxed state of being where you can really let go beyond this world and dream into the next. Go into your inner world and see what presents. Then after visioning, we are called to share what we see and express what is deep in our souls. Sharing anchors vision into form. Writing, speaking, singing and making art come to mind as easy ways of sharing visions. -Stars, the universe, galaxies, moons, suns. These celestial bodies show our connection to all that is, beyond this reality, like the plant and animal consciousness. There is consciousness beyond earth, and we have come from that consciousness. It is awakening this memory in awake dreaming states to return to the original god spark, our divine purpose and our orgins. There are stories in our DNA that connect us to the stars and the rest of the universe. -Human bodies remind us of how our bodies are sacred, and how we are anchoring spirit into form. Nudity is depicted in visionary art and this reminds us to be naked with our truthfulness and authenticity. -The Grid, or web of life that is weaving the world reminds us again of the connectedness of all things and of Creator source, and our connection to creator source. -Light bodies remind us of our divinity, that we are vessels holding light. All of the symbols, the sacred geometry, the themes and what I have mentioned here are reminders. They are triggers to show us who we are, beyond this human self. They are here to point us toward the reality beyond the seen realm to the one that exists within each of us. It is fun to think about, and thinking about what is often shown in visionary artwork is what we can do as visionaries. We are living our lives, while creating heaven on earth. How else to create it but imagine it first? No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. -Albert Einstein. Going into naturally altered states of consciousness with inner visioning to tap into the multidimensional universe that we are is what helps bring Shamballa (heaven on earth) into form. Each person's heaven, or heaven on earth for all beings as it arises for the highest good of all and is one. We each have a special flavor to add to the vision as we all are weaving creation together. Your colors are needed! Let us paint this masterpiece together. Shannon Luminance River Akashic Intuitive Readings Springtime is on the way, and it is a great time to detox the body. Maybe you are considering a juice fast, the Master Cleanse, eating raw foods, taking dandelion root juice or drinking special teas for your spring cleaning. What if we took if further and detoxed our mind and emotion as well? What if we fasted from that which is junk food for our mind, like TV or news or chatter in our mind that perpetuates negative self-worth? How do we do this? We can turn off those electronic things from TVs, the radio and internet sites with it. What if we found things that make us feel good, like music that we love, to listen to? Or we make music? Or artwork? What if we spend more time outside in the springtime enjoying the flowers and green showing? What if we didn't have conversations with high drama and complaining for awhile? What if we stopped made a pledge to not speak a complaint or even think one. Maybe we can switch to gratitude for something when we notice we are complaining. A simple little thing to be grateful for is “I am alive and I am breathing.” We can make lists daily of what we are grateful for as part of our mind detox. It is a simple thing that really makes a difference. An emotional detox can be about releasing feelings that no longer serve us. Finding the path to feeling peaceful, we know we are on our way. Sometimes it takes feeling what is inside and clearing it. You can be in a solitary space to process, doing some writing, having a listener who supports you. How about doing your own process to detox old emotional patterns. Getting out of your regular stream of duties and activities will assist your detoxing of mind, body, and emotions. Peace is an interdimensional quality that can be experienced whenever you so chose. -wisdom from “elixirs of life cards” Four Steps to Peace Step 1. Imagine feeling totally at peace. Imagine your thoughts also fully at peace. This seeds the belief in you that peace is possible. Step 2. Consider all the feelings and thoughts in you that prevent you from having this peace. This step is a cleansing process. Step 3. Ask that these thoughts and feelings be temporarily removed so you can experience peace right now. Step 4. Close your eyes and enjoy this peace for as long as it lasts. Continue to hand off any thoughts and feelings that arise. This will allow you to extend the period of peace for as long as you like. Enjoy this space of peaceful radiance. -more wisdom from the "elixirs of life cards" On the other side, all of this work is going to be worth you. You will feel lighter, less dense, more peaceful and more free. It is a great time to detox for any addictions you are trying to break as the universe is supporting you. Trust your own inner guidance to find your way. Know that a physical detox scratches the surface of who you are. My acupuncturist would recommend a spring cleanse every year at this time. Lots of waste ends up in the blood that clogs up your system and the movement of springtime tries to get it moving. There is value to releasing the clutter in your body, your mind, and your emotions. Remember that your home is also a temple. You can let go of stuff and the energy flows more freely. I have noticed that when I start decluttering and creating beauty in my home, I start letting go of other things. Things start to move in my life. It could even bring up emotions to do decluttering. Everything is related. It is all about creating space within and without, and everything mirrors each other. Update Yesterday I posted this and since then, I notice how I was writing it and posting it for me as much as anyone. I am laughing at this- or course! I have begun to deepen my own detoxing which I am taking slowly. It feels right as I want to integrate change slowly and also it is still cold and snowy here, so I am waiting for warmer weather. For the body, I have been inspired to eat and drink lighter and today made carrot apple grape celery wheatgrass juice with a little ginger. Who knows where this is leading, but those ideas of wholistic detoxing on all levels are coming about. Approach detoxing from all angles, guided by yourself. May you be supported and guided to a big shift for your highest good. Wouldn't that be wonderful? In love and support, Shannon Luminance River Akashic Intuitive I am thinking about how this is World Water Day with a meditation for water at 6pm EST. Water has a consciousness and it responds to vibration. I am thinking about how important it is to bless your water as this actually changes it. I hear, on writing this, that the water becomes “coherent” like our hearts do when we are attuned within. The picture is an image of a frozen water that is in sacred geometric formation from the power of prayer, from sending love to the water. Read more about Dr. Emoto and his work if you don't know about it yet. The images in meditation that I got were reminders about self-attunement in meditation. The first thing that I see is my guide (who happens to be St.Germain today) handing me a dove to hold. I am to be so still and present that the dove stays in my hands though my hands are open and it can fly away at any time. I felt the stillness and presence required to hold the bird, and be present, heart to heart with this being. Then the bird morphed into a dragonfly and it brought me to summers on this lake, in which a dragonfly lands on me and I sit still enjoying the communion and the blessing by having it land on me. Be that still, was the message. The next image was simple, and sounds boring but it had a big message to decode for my intuitive brain. It was a light bulb with the idea that light bulbs have filaments to stay lit, and shine bright. Connection and flow within is essential. I see how the contact at the bottom needs to be cleaned sometimes to get the lightbulb to light up maximally. We are the lightbulbs with filaments of light within, and we shine brightest when we “clear” what keeps us from connecting to source ie the socket and the outlet. There has to be flow. Water comes in to the story as it transmits vibration within, and also without like when you are in the ocean , a whale can send a sound a very long way under water. You are just as sensitive and simply being aware that you are a water being is being shown to me as important. Bless and drink your water. Do what connects you to source. Clear your contacts, like the stuff at the base of your bulb, ie human body vessel. We want to eat food that is clean and clear and healthy for our connection. We want to have thoughts that are positive and clear. We want to clear our emotions that need purging.... and the best way is to send emotions right into the heart and they get zapped. We clear mentally, emotionally, and physically in these ways. As for the electrical flow, we want our electrons to be excited. We want to be in a state of excitement, living our passion and following what makes us happy, This way we will light up as much as we can. We want to have the highest light quotient possible, being more high voltage at any time, and that can me connecting with our guides, doing our prayers or invocations and asking to have our light quotient raised, and to have our DNA activated and for any upgrades we might require. You can ask your guides and source to increase your voltage and flow of spiritual current running through your body. Watch what thoughts you program your mind with- for example, watching the news or listening to what is the depressing or has discord in it will put you in a state of fear and less joy. Instead, listen to and read what is inspiring to you. How about toning and singing? These get our vibration going and are beneficial. Sing yourself into inner harmony. The image of the ligh bulb is a reminder, as is the image of the dove and the dragonfly to be still, peaceful and in presence. Whatever works for you, and we each have our own special spiritual practices that we prefer and that work for us. The message is do them, and make each day sacred. Many blessings on this global water day. May it raise consciousness of all, and may it shift the water molucules and in turn send healing to Mother Earth. I am excited for the effect that sending love to water as a group all over the world will have on everything! Thank you for reading! Shannon Luminance River Akashic Intuitive |