Finally the long awaited month of December is here. The Fae'rea are excited to express the color of energy for December. You have the triple portal date of 12-12-12. You have the new moon on the next day, 12/13, then the most auspicious day in more than 26,000 years, the 21st of December.
Then on the 22nd, the Return of the Divine Feminine Energy that has been less present for a long time, is coming back. Nourishing life, one another, shifting toward positive energy and light is the new theme. This is the dawn of a new era. The Mayans predicted this, and the Fae'rea have some insights. First they say that we must expect the most joyous outcome. We must expect a shift within us first, and without, in the world we inhabit. We must have our expectation for noticing the subtle positive signs of the shift and celebrating them. It is time to raise our voices together in celebration and awe at how we are witnessing the dawning of a new way of being on earth. Shed tears of joy and delight. It is upon us.Finally This November Lunar Eclipse washes us with light and we remember we are light. We share and spresd this in unity with our human soul family and those other living beings join us and the earth does in increasing our light quotient. It isn't holding light, it is spreading it and anchoring it and flowing with it, no it is flowing the light. Anchor and flow and seep yourself in light. We are divine conduits. Feel this in your body and don't resist, but completely allow the entrance of your true essence coming in. You may feel yourself not acting like a human so much any more. You are light, you are love, you are the grid, and you are the earth and each other. What else do the Fae'rea want to share? We share our delight, our appreciation for you. the whole multiverse salutes and honors you. You are greatly loved. Love is what you are made of, and what you express more of as this shift occurs. The whole month of December is this shift, where January is completion. January is coming out of the dark, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes and wondering what happens and where are you and who are you now. December is something to savor and to celebrate. But it might be intense, as the energies have been intense lately. Oh they have! They will be intense for some and easy and joyful for others. Surrender and non-resistance to the light is all that is called for. Take time out of everyday life. You might want to do fewer of the things you traditionally do in December if you celebrate holidays as many do. This is a season out of seasons and a time out of time. Cut yourself slack and carve time to simply "be." Notice how so many things are happening all at once. Within this, is a spacious now expansive moment. Look for that in your life. Look for the space between and reside within it. All is well. You are doing great. You are greatly loved and supported and those who support you are your galactic future selves, your angels and guides from other realms. You are deeply supported. Rest and dwell in gratitude. Release responsibilities, and at the same time please relax and enjoy. This special time is going fast and you will want to savor it, every moment. You can do that if you make the space and feel the spaciousness within time. So the big day of 12-12-12 is coming, the triple portal day? It is a completion of a journey. It will feel like other special portal days have felt and like the final touch of your creation is done now. A big relief and release. Nobody needs to fear and should entertain any fear whatsoever. All is well and getting better. Let your eyes see what has changed and is changing. Let your body feel what has shifted. No more struggle, getting there, worrying. No more trying just doing and being in the flow. Your angels and archangels are already celebrating and lifing a glass. It is done. We did it. Together, and now we get to start to taste the fruits of our laboring, and give birth to the new earth that is being created in each moment. What about the big day of 12-21? I hear a callling over the mountains, a woo hooooo, with a celebration of angels, of sparkly energy and light. I see how hearts open and this is the beginning of the end of turning away from what we don't have the compassion to acknowledge. It is the taking in of one another into each other's heart. You can live in a new way now that wasn't possible before. It is all perspective. It is also subtle perception of the difference, and with that it snowballs and crystalizes into really showing you the new dawn. You see we mentioned that you chose the most joyous possibility. You do this by expecting a wonderful outcome, a wonderful ride as it is an every expanding thing don't you agree? Perhaps you have heard of timelines? You have heard this person say this will happen, with great authority. And many declare the truth about what will happen. Well the truth is nobody really knows, and that is because it is being created by YOU!It isn't created yet. It is the field of pure possibility. Call the timelines you hear about "storylines" or maybe even story tales. Some people have put thought into what they believe and see and yes for them it is likely to happen that way because they are invested in their truth. Be invested only in the parts of their realities that make your heart sing. What do you really want? What reality would you prefer? We are supposed to be creator gods now. Do creator gods look to authorities to tell them what is going to happen in their reality? No. They create and co-create what they want. And so it is. YOU make up the storyline. The storyline to believe in is the one you make up for yourself, from your highest joy and excitement. Fae'rea, some people are going through an emotional time, like a roller coaster, and having difficulties. We give you the idea of what may be happening. The left brain and the right brain are pulsing off and on before they integrate. There is a pulsing between the polarities of the egoic self wanting what it wants, and the expanded awakened self enjoying the ride, and experiencing joy and bliss and downloads. The cosmos is pulsing light into the crowns of your heads and it is encoded with information. You share this light with the earth. You are receiving and you are senders of light to other beings and to the earth. If you are feeling some moments, more enlightened and other moments as if life were challenging beyond belief, that is normal at this time. But hang in there dear ones! We are almost at the cosmic tipping point. All is in divine order, you just may not see it yet. It is there. We are almost there. The galactics are holding your hands. It is going to be easier soon. The whole multiverse is watching and cheering YOU on so keep breathing and putting one foot in front of the other, and asking for help when you need it and smile and know that you are on the home stretch. Connect to source "vertically" and not to the drama and people around you. It is all going to be okay.Let what comes up from somebody just roll off your back. Do not engage. Do not take it personally. We are being zapped by intense solar flares and photonic energy and neutrinos for our transformation. We all react or respond differently in different moments. Your calm stillness within assists everyone, and you and the Mother Earth. How about some TLC for you with some pampering? Take it easy, slow down, notice the magic. Notice the synchronicity. Be in the flow of surprises the universe has to offer up for you. Let things happen more and let planning take the back about spontaneous improvizing of life? What is the shift to the Divine Feminine about? It is already happening- do you feel it? It is about living from the heart in the space of unconditional love. It is about respecting and honoring all life. It is seeing all as interconnected and all as alive and with consciousness. WE are coming to see the world in a new way, from an intuition. We are moving into flow and away from time and structure. Welcome synchronicity with open arms. Welcome the letting go of the old ways. You wayshowers have the seeds of the new way flowering in your hearts and this shift is an opportunity to live fully in the new way as your true authentic multidimensional self. What is my multidimensional self? A simple way would be to say you are multitasking as different beings all at once while you have a higher self guiding all the "yous" that you are.Streams that are aspects of you come in in dream time and in meditation and in odd moments where you remember. You may look at a map of the Pleaidian star system and suddenly know which one is your star. Or you read a word and it comes to you that it is connected to you, like a past life. It is like the streams of you become more vivid on the map and show up in your regular life. Look for hints of your multidimensional self showing up now. See the map of you get filled in, and better yet, see the multidimensional map of you line up with the maps of others who are your soul family. You feeling yourself into being beyond the human and body and personality you have known. Good things are in store for us! Dip yourself into the river of flow! It is time for celebration, whether you do it with others or inside yourself. The 21st is a time for allowing the light to come into you and shift you and to anchor it into the earth. She is ascending. She has emotions and is doing emotional cleansing. That is why we see the volcanoes and earthquakes and storms and tsunamis. She is expressing her emotions in the moment as we are. What we do, she is also doing. We are holding space for her and us and all living beings. Something remarkable is happening. We go through this incredible transition predicted by the ancients. It is consciousness shifting and the potential is huge. Ride the wave of possibility and be in your heart while you dream of what you would like for all beings and the planet. Dream of the new planet and offer your gratitude for these moments. Be in the heart and be in gratitude. Savor it all. This is the shift of the ages in case you haven't heard. ~The Fae'rea are a collective of guides that have come through from the archangelic realm. It feels like they are a frequency of compassion, divine feminine creator energy, the light at the center of the galaxy, a fairy energy, and they appear as pink light particles and all divine rays from the ONE, a blending. I call on them for guidance, assistance, and communion. They may be related to the new chakra of the high heart that is formed. Most of all, The Fae'rea are here to help us embody unconditional love. Thanks for reading! Blessing and love and wishes for a wonderful 12/21. Shannon Luminance River Look for a new post from the Fae'rea at the end of December or Early January! Thank you.