I thought you might be interested in the Human Design System perspective from reading the chart for today at this remarkable time on the planet.The energy right now has the Sun in Gate 27, a nurturing and sometimes even co-dependent energy that mothers us.
We may feel nurturing in this energy which makes us care for others and ourselves at this time. It is love for our family and those close to us. Are you making food and nourishing each other? What about nourishing your soul beyond just the physical needs of the body? Love is expressed through this gate. Meanwhile, our Earth is transiting the Gate of Struggle. This makes sense as this time has lots of struggle for everyone yet the struggle turns into learning for our soul's growth. We are mining this quarantine time for gold for us to grow which could be seen as becoming more conscious individually and collectively. It might just be the medicine we need for consciousness shift, yet it isn't always fun to experience. Can anyone relate? The Gate 35 in Venus is activated which is the Jack-of-all-trades channel. This can help us if we are reinventing the work we do as we can call up other skills, finding our Jack-of-all-trades to do another line of work. This energy also makes us bored and we want stimulation and adventure. Many are finding the ordinary becomes exquisite when they go out and do something normal again like walk on their city streets in the sunshine and see others after being at home. You may feel like the temporary time-out of life with the quarantine has gone from being a sprint to a marathon. It seems like it might continue for a while and we are coming to terms with that. The Gate 35 makes us crave adventure and stimulation which is the energy of this gate. The moon is in Gate 3, the Gate of Change and we are invited to release our fears and embrace change. We are can be innovative, think outside the box, and play in our lives. What a good reminder that is! Other elements at play are the feeling of not having a schedule and flowing with time from the South Node in Gate 15. The North Node in Gate 10 has the energy of self-love and drives our behavior. It can accept or challenge the norms of society. It can even blame others for their faults and we are seeing this play out on the world stage. Blame towards who is responsible for the C-virus, and also blaming of those choosing to not wear masks or stay at home is apparent. Mercury is in the Gate of Shock which gives shocking experiences that start us on a new chapter in life that we were not expecting. The sudden change has happened that drastically has rewritten everyone's life. It looks like it will transit soon out of this gate as it is in the 6th line. Let me know via message if you would like me to get your human design chart so you can understand yourself better. I will need your birth date, your birth time (am or pm) and place and also your email address so I can send it to you. I hope this helps you to understand through another lens of what is happening in the world right now. Offered on 4/22/2020 on the day of the New Moon Shivrael Certified Human Design Guide at AkashicIntuive.com