On the left is a photo of fairies that I took earlier this week. What say you fairy beings about the month of July? we are speaking of the light body. you have seen our bodies that are made of light. You too have this potential and are heading toward having a light body, actually being a light body. You are the light within the vessel of the body. To become a lightbody, allow your spin to become faster. We show an image of dolphins swimming in a circle one way and then the other a counter rotation. The dolphin brothers and sisters mimic a merkaba which each cell and each atom also resemble, and your energy field and the planet and the solar system and galaxy and universe are doing this rotation, this spin. As above, so below. What makes it all spin? It is based on love and joy is the juice that spins the whole microcosm and macrocosm. What is my mission each of you ask? You know you are supposed to do some work here. You know you came with a job description. Everyone has a common aspects (as well as unique individual aspects) to their job description if they are awake now in this time and place, ascending earth 2012. Your mission is joy. The irony is that your work is to play. It makes all particles spin and it turns everything to wave form to manifest in any possibilities. We remind you of your heart, how being in an opinion free state of being that depolarizes reality. It makes quantum reality which is your reality more fluid and flexible. Being in the heart is the liberator from 3D. It liberates us from the emotional roller coaster that is 3d. The practice of being in the heart takes us to a new compassion, toward a new kind of love that is unconditional. This can be called angelic detachment. You are witnessing the drama on earth, well maybe, but you don't have too. You are not of it but watching and loving and caring and sending energy to those in the midst of it. You have transcended. Being in the heart transcends you and you are spending more time there, in 5D and your heart, all the time. Joy creates the spin, and increases the frequency of all matter. Love holds the universe and every smaller interconnected divine thing to each other. All is connected and related, and this love is dynamic. The spin creates attraction between among all things so that everything can influence anything. Me: I get the picture of how you see things now..can you tell us what will change this month? A flooding of light which you will take into your crown chakras. You will be open to new light codes of bliss and then opening these packets, unfolding the multidimensional information with high frequency light encoded gifts. Your body processes them, clearing out all that is not of the highest good, all you no longer need to carry. July offers some presents, and I see them offered on a silver platter, like an old fashioned tea set. More joy, greater light capacity, and more bliss are predicted for July. This will alleviate ascension symptoms. Fear will be let go of to a larger degree for everyone as the new light comes in and more joy results with the greater spin. Feel yourself connected to your higher aspects, taking in light coming down into your crown and also into your eyes. There is a clear and open channel to the angelic realm from the top of your head. See and feel it there. Allow bliss encodings to come through you. Allow the angelic realm to clear your energy field. Allow your angels to guide you, and they are a part of you, a part of the oneness we all are. Allowing the angelic realm to work through is through intention for the clear channel to be there, and for you to feel connected. Then it can become a passive thing of receiving to be lived through them. Ask for help in all your do. Ask for pictures of what to do next, of helping you understand what you are supposed to do or be, and for how to deal with stuff that is challenging for you. This month will bring epiphanies and realizations relating to oneness. More will realize that their natural state is enlightenment, that this, being awake and enlightened, is who and what they are. Aspects of the One, you reading this, will feel that oneness with their loved ones. they will download new understandings of love itself. Lots of what you know will be discovered to be what you were trained to believe and you will be deleting programs. Allow this to be an effortless process bringing you to more joy even if it means that what you thought you knew turns upside down. Be willing to erase your belief set this month and go into the I AM presence that is beyond personality, role, appearance, and identity. I see a giant pencil eraser erasing somebody's name on a piece of paper and they are showing me that emptiness if fullness, that somehow being erased takes you to divinity. Yes, that divinity was always there. We just didn't see it so clearly before. Ask for help from your guides and keep the connection to the highest realms through your crown. Connect with a stream of light. Drink in the sun. Drink in what inspires you and is fun and playful. We see you snuggling, smiling, laughing, and touching one another in loving ways. We see you turning off and ignoring anything that you would pay attention to that is not of joy. News reports, low vibrating food, being involved in dramas, people who trigger you repeatedly and drain you. Remember the angelic detachment. We are getting our energy from source now and not from each other. There is so much to look forward to, there is ease and play. There is inner guidance that was always there but more accessible. We will be going inside and see how we create the outside by what we feel. We are evolving. We are taking quantum leaps this month. I see an image of the video game Super Mario who takes big leaps over chasms but he does so effortlessly. I see the Keep on Truckin' drawing by Robert Crumb of a big foot stepping forward. That is us-- keep on truckin' through 3D and take leaps into 5D. We are there and it is all a game so let's play. Who are the Fae'rea? ~the Fae'rea are a new collective of guides that have come through from the archangelic realm and an aspect of me and also of us speaking to us. It feels like they are a frequency of compassion, divine feminine creator energy, the light at the center of the galaxy if you have seen that photo, a fairy energy, and they appear as pink light particles in my vision and are with me always. I call on them for guidance, assistance, and communion. I have been told they are a blending of all soul group rays in the spectrum of colors, thought they appear as pink. They may be related to the new chakra of the high heart that is formed. Most of all, The Fae'rea are here to help us embody unconditional love. Recently, on June 21st, the day after the Solstice, I started taking photos of light orbs and fairies. This is one of the fairies. I have been having healing ceremonies by myself, calling light beings and star friends of the highest intent to heal the earth, dissolve the veil, and uplift the people of of Earth, and Mother Earth to a higher frequency. The light beings show up and they want to help us. All we need do is to ask. I will be posting light being and fairy photos and stories here. See Akashic Intuitive Readings offerings page and you can see my July Full Reading special Please say hi if you are a fairy person who knows about them or feels a connection to them. I want to learn more and feel like it has just sort of happened that they have shown up in my life as they have. I sense the Fae'rea message is from a broad collective of higher beings of light lending their support to uplift us.