Dolores Cannon does hypnotic past life regression. She has discovered a special group of people who don't have past lives on Earth. They have past lives in other dimensions and other planets. They have volunteered here on Earth to help raise the frequency.
One of her subjects had leukemia and she was regressed in front of a group and experienced healing through the experience. She went back to a time in which she described to her she says “The air is like living crystals that have been developed into little pieces. They're everywhere in the air.of the ground. They're in the air, I'm breathing them " "Oh, they are tiny, minute particles. It's a very beautiful place, like another dimension. I am so high up you can see things in manifest them, and project them to Earth. It's easy. It's my job. I am linked everything, but to manifest this, I can't talk to people. You know what I mean? Some things have to be learned. It's an intrusion really. Well, there really aren't any people here where I am. In place of people… Energy. You couldn't leave this." So there are no other people around you? I don't think I'm a person. I'm the shimmer actually now that you mention it, there are many beings I'm thinking of people? These are people. They are my colleagues there made of little proton things I have to go down. I have decided to go down and be one of those humans because we manifest. We all do… The shimmers. There are many of them then they come down because you created, you deliver it, you anchor it. We anchor it on to Earth. Why did you decide to come down if you're so happy here? The word duty comes to me. Because we all play our roles. We know our role. We all do. I'm coming down. Is that okay? It's not forced. It isn't like that. We meet, we know, we decide. It just is or will come down. Tell me what happens when you decide to come down. Well, Earth is very,okay very different. Where is the love? Upset I don't get it. It's also dense. We can't breathe the crystals. No there are no crystals there, are there? All of it is tucked away. It's harsh… And people are… I'll tell you something. You want to hear this? Down where I am here they do not believe in the shimmering if you speak about the shimmering your body gets ripped like this… Pulled from one end to another. Do not speak of the shimmering should do you know what they do to people here. (She started crying.) And they pull them apart. They do not realize what went into creating a physical body. They just destroy it and they have no link to the shimmering. I must find a place where they link. She goes on to describe the torture that a person experiences coming to earth and what it's like to have your body pulled apart by being here. When you come down you are in a physical body because you have to be. And then they do things to the body she says. The body is dense, heavy like lead. It's not comfortable, but you chose to enter the body so you could do a job. Is that correct? Yes, I forgot for a minute. It's the poor people on earth that have been cut off from this. It's so dense here with beer. Our job is to dissipate the fear and really connect them to the shimmering where they came from. And the possibilities vary because the shimmering can be lowered to be manifest. But it is not as easy as I thought. Because I've had no limitations, no, I didn't. They whisper it in the wind. It is whispered off, but she don't know, do you? So the question arises, how do we do it? How do I finish what I've come to do? How? I'm searching for an answer. Sometimes I feel what's the point? There's no good. Others have come from the shimmering they work its those those who forgot where they have come from. Their link, and their power, and their beauty. It's so heavy that you forget. Is there a way to help them remember? This is what I'm here for. I'm searching – I think I failed – to call down more shimmerings. Called out where shimmering so the energy is building. It is happening now… More like. And more recording that means more were called in. What about the ones who were already here on Earth? Are they able to do these things? (She means light workers) they are shimmering here as I carry Do you mean they've all forgot? I think it's more me. I think I've forgotten. I would've hoped not, but yes, it's definitely me, because there are many others I can see now; many others doing their work. Many have forgotten. Many have not. I'm one of them and I feel I haven't come up to scratch. I haven't succeeded. In the woman goes on to say how she feels like she's failed and she has sorrow for not doing her job. She had forgotten, and this was causing pain in her body. I talk to it about returning the body to complete balance and harmony so she could do her job. Dolores worked with her to heal her leukemia and to get underneath the emotional reasons. The shimmering was not shimmering. Do you get what I mean? Yes she is actually here. And when she remembers the shimmerings. I think she will want to be here the physical problems have come from not wanting to be here anymore. This work is so important. And to have the intent of the shimmering to bring heaven to earth. And how beautiful to know that when you get into bed at night with your work, you brought some of the shimmering… Heaven to earth. We ask you double quotes what better job satisfaction could there be? For every person you heal the earth lightens. We thank you for your work. We send the shimmers to you. We thank you. We honor you. ___________________________________________________________________________________ This is the end of the account from The Three Waves of Volunteers and to Earth New Earth. This passage near the beginning of the book has really touched me space deeply. I think so many Star seeds of light workers can relate to remember a that they come from somewhere else. In fact, this and many other accounts from Dolores Cannon, illustrate that we come from someplace that is not Earth. For me, sometimes I hear things read things or am in the company of somebody who activates me. Being activated is like feeling a vibration inside that says quotes truth. I felt it emotionally and strongly when this person spoke of the shimmering of the oneness from whence she came and felt the same longing for that oneness. It made the idea of oneness merging feeling compared to Earth 3D separated feeling so clear, and also it simplified spirituality. It took me beyond the need for spiritual masters or levels. There is the oneness and there is where we are and we want to go back to the garden, to bring the garden here to Earth- very simple! Another person describes this feeling as "%hat is the same feeling of being encompassed like it's all around me. Yet I'm free. I can get up and go anytime. I can be part of anything I don't feel rejected. It's excepting me, supporting or cradling me. I'm just part of it it sounds like you can just choose any form you want to be at experience it. (Yes) that's interesting. Do you feel you learn anything when you become these different objects? I feel just part of one, and that's a comfort to me that I am just accepted and loved and part of it. No digression between the two. No separation. Not a separateness, but it's distinctive difference in the feeling of being encompassed. When I am part of something, I learned to feel one with it in stead of separate." These accounts strongly brought me (Luminance River) back to that feeling of oneness love, of merging, of being in a collective and being totally loved and supported and in the company of your other selves that the stark contrast that I feel on Earth was apparent in the moment. I got something if you feel this you will understand that you may have come from a higher dimension a place where there is simply oneness that Earth. Earth is a harsh place first Star seeds and light workers. Got our work cut out for us. The irony is, that we are here to bring through the feeling of the oneness, the unconditional love, the place from where we came from. We to that, even though we may not want to be here. We may find life on earth really difficult and you could see why if you tap into this feeling of what is possible and that is why we are here. We are here to bring the shimmering the higher frequency the oneness love the merging as a collective the union to this place. We are here to end struggle within and without. We are here to help every person on earth feel love and worthy. Somehow this makes it worthwhile. I in with the words that were in the book and I'm saying them to you in gratitude for your presence. For every person you heal the earth lightens. We thank you for your work. We send the shimmers to you. We thank you. We honor you. -Shannon Luminance River