The Eclipse Impact The eclipse on August 21 brought in a new octave of consciousness and a new experience in which things have been shaken up and extreme, especially the weather with floods and fires and earthquakes and solar storms which continue. The eclipse was a nexus point and a harbinger change, a coming into seeing the shadows. After that, there was a time of inner quiet and processing, of going within until in which Mercury was retrograde and then started moving forward on September 5. Retrograde- in astrology means that is a time to revisit, review from the within. I found myself feeling intense emotions and moving through them with forgiveness work, of self and others which rippled out from the quantum inner level and was reflected in friendships with others pretty quickly. We have so much power to change our inner world, to more calm and peace and see it reflected outside of us. That being said, it may be a time of great challenge to be the calm within the outer storms. It is a matter of not getting hooked on what is happening and to keep going inside, or so I am learning as an eternal student. Communication was not working so much with others (in the Retrograde period before September 5th,) but I found others accessible on the inner planes and so much was worked out in that realm. Then once Mercury, the planet of communication, moved direct on September 5, I was able to have direct conversations in a new way. I had the energy to reach other to others. Meanwhile we were hit by fires in the Northwest, by Hurricanes in the south, and by earthquakes around the world, particularly in my beloved country of Guatemala and also Mexico. Floods have happened all over the world in this time. There was an X class solar flare, one of the strongest in a decade and it sent photonic particles that effected earth landing to September 8. As of September 14, there are more solar flares and another big one about to arrive to earth. The Axim “As Above, so Below” is evident as truth. The storm happened in the solar atmosphere, and was sent to earth and reflected in the earth, a smaller body than the sun with storms intensifying. We are the bodies that reflect the earth and the sun. If you are feeling stuff then maybe it is you being a reflection of these greater bodies of energy. We collectively have the power to change the earth and everyone’s experience. We can make more peace on earth with our intentions. Back to Solar Flares: They trigger earthquakes, they make hurricanes stronger, and who knows about the wildfires. Meanwhile there are whispers of weather modification being possibly to blame as spoken by acclaimed scientist Michio Kaku . This is part of the story that includes the metaphor of "shadows being exposed" through the event which was the Full Lunar Eclipse that happened on August 21. So many viewed it online and in person it became a focal point of collective consciousness. Many things are coming to light. An interesting soup of weather modification, the solar flares effecting human consciousness, and human collective consciousness itself sending prayers and focus toward lessening the events to the hurricanes and fires. Storms are about transformation and purification. Rain came in the Northwest as an answer to collective prayers of those effected, or so it seemed to in my own experience here in the Northwest. It is clearly a time of change. The storms are a representation of the change, from hurricanes and floods to wildfires and devastation to earthquakes. Mother Earth is rumbling. Some are supporting all life as a part of her and there are those that want to manipulate what is happening on her surface and actually seed that which may destroy life and nature and homes. It seems the mother supports those who support her and life on her and wants to shake off that which opposes this. In her view, she may be cleansing and rebalancing. Yet, as a human on the planet, is an intense time to be witnessing all of this. It can also be seen an opportunity. The opportunity is to discover the shadows and the truth behind them and what may be happening behind the obvious and the surface. Let’s go deeper into exploring the greater patterns and let’s go deeper into our own self-awareness and what is unconscious. Awakening is allowing that with is unconscious to become conscious. It takes courage and discernment. There is a mass awakening triggered by the eclipse. It will expose personal truths, how we have been out of integrity to the greater whole, and how powers that be have been out of integrity. We are able to clean up our own act, make it a more congruent expression, the expression of who we are. Maybe this means apologizing, telling the truth more, being able to put the others before us, to consider everybody's well-being and perspective beyond our own. In short, we are called to live the Golden Rule of "Do unto others as ourselves" in a deeper way. Truth is being brought forward to explore and discover what we think about it. Eye of the Storm We have a choice to be in the winds of the hurricane, feeling the full force storm. We can be in the edges feeling the drama of it but not as effected yet still tossed around. Or we can be in the calm center, the eye of the storm. In our lives, we can keep returning to that eye of the storm, the calm center of ourselves. Nature presents the perfect metaphor for the world we can choose to inhabit. That is a personal analogy for our inner selves in the midst of whatever outer chaos. Meanwhile, the truth is these situations are affecting real people, the earth and animals and they need our love and support and prayers. After all, they are us, as part of the one soul. Let us remember oneness and feel oneness, others as ourselves. If you are able to be calm in the midst of the storms around you, you are benefiting yourself and the planet. The other thing that the eclipse triggered personally is a download from the moment just after totality that I experienced. This was from the moment of darkness, a black circle of the moon's shadow over the sun to a sliver of sunlight pouring out in brightness. A thought I had was "The sun is breaking open and seeding the people with remembrance of their soul, and of the One Soul that is everyone." So indeed the golden rule is that all others are ourselves and we are here for all life which is one life. It is a triggering of the awakening of consciousness, that eclipse and subsequent Solar Flares and world events. It is all to bring us to our hearts and our heart's knowing. Are you having new thoughts bringing you to a more expansive understanding and a higher level of love? Have you been experiencing new downloads? Are you showing up in the world with a new perspective? There may be thoughts we are having that were not accessible to us recently. Maybe we are changing how we look at the world. It is all good. Eclipse Download from the Path of Totality, A Wilderness Area in Oregon Based on true events and communication from the animal kingdom There is a feeling the eclipse may wipe out the hard drive of who I thought I was/and AM. It may bring forth a new octave of experience. I am new We are new I am love We are love Prayers that this may benefit all beings for the highest good that the eclipse brings Awakening, love Joy, and happiness, co-operation, unity to humanity that the dark is revealed within and without that we bring the light of awareness to it 2 Golden Eagles spiraling up to the sun Shine on us, Golden one Day of shift Day eclipsing Ride the light paved rays, road of the ancient ones We are eternal rays, glimmering of starshine shimmering beaming upon all life Memories of mystic origins lie in the light written in stars carried to our blood, our DNA Let us open the cycles Let's explode and decode source creation’s messages and rescramble it for inner illumination. Hawk calls and wakes us up wake up humanity Earth calls for you so answer Horses stampede and wake us up Time to clean this mess up Humans wake up and treat your Mother right because all living things have to get by. Wake up humans and clean up your mess! Time to turn the tide Toward love and what is right In the flow of creation time to turn the tide into pure illumination Hawk feather falls, a message from above Signs all around Messages from above Aligned with love Thank you Great Spirit Thank you The sun became complete again Circle of life is whole again We see our connection to life streams everywhere We see the point where we began and where we are going back to Source is calling Source is calling Source is calling us home And the circle of life goes round again. ~Shivrael Luminance River
we are born to these bodies
we are born to this life we are dancing with the living we have hope, and we have strife we are the making of a new world we are the living out the old. we are imagining the future following the path of stories told we are the prophecy of creation restoring itself to life we are the prophecy of renewal remembering the promises of what can truly be we are the light in the world we are the seeds that we have sown we are breaking open, germinating dreams untold and unknown new reality bursting open, new creations coming to life we are the new world coming forward let us rain our love let us sing our sunlight upon these seeds of change let us do this for the new ones for seven generations forward restore earth to majesty a living planet for the love of all life we are eternal beings dancing through the ages we are eternal beings remembering why we came we are eternal beings singing songs of love we are eternal beings flying the wings of the dove peace on the planet peace in our hearts peace for all as One memories of how it could be collectively restored we are born, we live, we die and the circle of life goes 'round we are born , we live, we die impacting another round through our love through our love we wear these bodies from birth until old age we wear these identies 'til we drop them and return to source we never leave the oneness though we may forget our orgins we never leave the oneness, the stars remind us from where we've come we are that light we are essence beyond form we are eternal beings dancing in the light fantastic we are eternal waveforms rocking this life to tip the balance of the planet we are eternal beings who remember where we came from we are eternal beings collectively holding visions we are eternal beings come back 'round again we are the mystics, the indigenous people medicine people living close to the land we are the healers and the helpers the lovers of the land we are those who speak to animals who know stones as sentient beings and can talk to plants we are cosmic, we are earthly we are flowing water in form we are light forms spinning our patterns so a new reality is born we are beginnings and endings we are the circle of life that goes round give your love to all creation open your hands as an offering to all that is alive let's share a new beginning one world, one heart, one imagining picture painted from all our paintbrushes on the canvas of divine. ~Shivrael Luminance River |