Finally the long awaited month of December is here. The Fae'rea are excited to express the color of energy for December. You have the triple portal date of 12-12-12. You have the new moon on the next day, 12/13, then the most auspicious day in more than 26,000 years, the 21st of December.
Then on the 22nd, the Return of the Divine Feminine Energy that has been less present for a long time, is coming back. Nourishing life, one another, shifting toward positive energy and light is the new theme. This is the dawn of a new era. The Mayans predicted this, and the Fae'rea have some insights. First they say that we must expect the most joyous outcome. We must expect a shift within us first, and without, in the world we inhabit. We must have our expectation for noticing the subtle positive signs of the shift and celebrating them. It is time to raise our voices together in celebration and awe at how we are witnessing the dawning of a new way of being on earth. Shed tears of joy and delight. It is upon us.Finally This November Lunar Eclipse washes us with light and we remember we are light. We share and spresd this in unity with our human soul family and those other living beings join us and the earth does in increasing our light quotient. It isn't holding light, it is spreading it and anchoring it and flowing with it, no it is flowing the light. Anchor and flow and seep yourself in light. We are divine conduits. Feel this in your body and don't resist, but completely allow the entrance of your true essence coming in. You may feel yourself not acting like a human so much any more. You are light, you are love, you are the grid, and you are the earth and each other. What else do the Fae'rea want to share? We share our delight, our appreciation for you. the whole multiverse salutes and honors you. You are greatly loved. Love is what you are made of, and what you express more of as this shift occurs. The whole month of December is this shift, where January is completion. January is coming out of the dark, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes and wondering what happens and where are you and who are you now. December is something to savor and to celebrate. But it might be intense, as the energies have been intense lately. Oh they have! They will be intense for some and easy and joyful for others. Surrender and non-resistance to the light is all that is called for. Take time out of everyday life. You might want to do fewer of the things you traditionally do in December if you celebrate holidays as many do. This is a season out of seasons and a time out of time. Cut yourself slack and carve time to simply "be." Notice how so many things are happening all at once. Within this, is a spacious now expansive moment. Look for that in your life. Look for the space between and reside within it. All is well. You are doing great. You are greatly loved and supported and those who support you are your galactic future selves, your angels and guides from other realms. You are deeply supported. Rest and dwell in gratitude. Release responsibilities, and at the same time please relax and enjoy. This special time is going fast and you will want to savor it, every moment. You can do that if you make the space and feel the spaciousness within time. So the big day of 12-12-12 is coming, the triple portal day? It is a completion of a journey. It will feel like other special portal days have felt and like the final touch of your creation is done now. A big relief and release. Nobody needs to fear and should entertain any fear whatsoever. All is well and getting better. Let your eyes see what has changed and is changing. Let your body feel what has shifted. No more struggle, getting there, worrying. No more trying just doing and being in the flow. Your angels and archangels are already celebrating and lifing a glass. It is done. We did it. Together, and now we get to start to taste the fruits of our laboring, and give birth to the new earth that is being created in each moment. What about the big day of 12-21? I hear a callling over the mountains, a woo hooooo, with a celebration of angels, of sparkly energy and light. I see how hearts open and this is the beginning of the end of turning away from what we don't have the compassion to acknowledge. It is the taking in of one another into each other's heart. You can live in a new way now that wasn't possible before. It is all perspective. It is also subtle perception of the difference, and with that it snowballs and crystalizes into really showing you the new dawn. You see we mentioned that you chose the most joyous possibility. You do this by expecting a wonderful outcome, a wonderful ride as it is an every expanding thing don't you agree? Perhaps you have heard of timelines? You have heard this person say this will happen, with great authority. And many declare the truth about what will happen. Well the truth is nobody really knows, and that is because it is being created by YOU!It isn't created yet. It is the field of pure possibility. Call the timelines you hear about "storylines" or maybe even story tales. Some people have put thought into what they believe and see and yes for them it is likely to happen that way because they are invested in their truth. Be invested only in the parts of their realities that make your heart sing. What do you really want? What reality would you prefer? We are supposed to be creator gods now. Do creator gods look to authorities to tell them what is going to happen in their reality? No. They create and co-create what they want. And so it is. YOU make up the storyline. The storyline to believe in is the one you make up for yourself, from your highest joy and excitement. Fae'rea, some people are going through an emotional time, like a roller coaster, and having difficulties. We give you the idea of what may be happening. The left brain and the right brain are pulsing off and on before they integrate. There is a pulsing between the polarities of the egoic self wanting what it wants, and the expanded awakened self enjoying the ride, and experiencing joy and bliss and downloads. The cosmos is pulsing light into the crowns of your heads and it is encoded with information. You share this light with the earth. You are receiving and you are senders of light to other beings and to the earth. If you are feeling some moments, more enlightened and other moments as if life were challenging beyond belief, that is normal at this time. But hang in there dear ones! We are almost at the cosmic tipping point. All is in divine order, you just may not see it yet. It is there. We are almost there. The galactics are holding your hands. It is going to be easier soon. The whole multiverse is watching and cheering YOU on so keep breathing and putting one foot in front of the other, and asking for help when you need it and smile and know that you are on the home stretch. Connect to source "vertically" and not to the drama and people around you. It is all going to be okay.Let what comes up from somebody just roll off your back. Do not engage. Do not take it personally. We are being zapped by intense solar flares and photonic energy and neutrinos for our transformation. We all react or respond differently in different moments. Your calm stillness within assists everyone, and you and the Mother Earth. How about some TLC for you with some pampering? Take it easy, slow down, notice the magic. Notice the synchronicity. Be in the flow of surprises the universe has to offer up for you. Let things happen more and let planning take the back about spontaneous improvizing of life? What is the shift to the Divine Feminine about? It is already happening- do you feel it? It is about living from the heart in the space of unconditional love. It is about respecting and honoring all life. It is seeing all as interconnected and all as alive and with consciousness. WE are coming to see the world in a new way, from an intuition. We are moving into flow and away from time and structure. Welcome synchronicity with open arms. Welcome the letting go of the old ways. You wayshowers have the seeds of the new way flowering in your hearts and this shift is an opportunity to live fully in the new way as your true authentic multidimensional self. What is my multidimensional self? A simple way would be to say you are multitasking as different beings all at once while you have a higher self guiding all the "yous" that you are.Streams that are aspects of you come in in dream time and in meditation and in odd moments where you remember. You may look at a map of the Pleaidian star system and suddenly know which one is your star. Or you read a word and it comes to you that it is connected to you, like a past life. It is like the streams of you become more vivid on the map and show up in your regular life. Look for hints of your multidimensional self showing up now. See the map of you get filled in, and better yet, see the multidimensional map of you line up with the maps of others who are your soul family. You feeling yourself into being beyond the human and body and personality you have known. Good things are in store for us! Dip yourself into the river of flow! It is time for celebration, whether you do it with others or inside yourself. The 21st is a time for allowing the light to come into you and shift you and to anchor it into the earth. She is ascending. She has emotions and is doing emotional cleansing. That is why we see the volcanoes and earthquakes and storms and tsunamis. She is expressing her emotions in the moment as we are. What we do, she is also doing. We are holding space for her and us and all living beings. Something remarkable is happening. We go through this incredible transition predicted by the ancients. It is consciousness shifting and the potential is huge. Ride the wave of possibility and be in your heart while you dream of what you would like for all beings and the planet. Dream of the new planet and offer your gratitude for these moments. Be in the heart and be in gratitude. Savor it all. This is the shift of the ages in case you haven't heard. ~The Fae'rea are a collective of guides that have come through from the archangelic realm. It feels like they are a frequency of compassion, divine feminine creator energy, the light at the center of the galaxy, a fairy energy, and they appear as pink light particles and all divine rays from the ONE, a blending. I call on them for guidance, assistance, and communion. They may be related to the new chakra of the high heart that is formed. Most of all, The Fae'rea are here to help us embody unconditional love. Thanks for reading! Blessing and love and wishes for a wonderful 12/21. Shannon Luminance River Look for a new post from the Fae'rea at the end of December or Early January! Thank you.
Attribution: Kristin Miller Quilts The Fae'rea want to speak. They see you as colors, who are spreading your unique colors, which are frequencies from the heart. I see a spiral a dance of the energies coming from the heart. I see this touching people all over the world as we are a world community, all connected. I see hands touching the hands of others. We do this for one another. We make love expand from one another, heart to heart , like lines of telepathy. Telepathy is movement of frequencial energy that touches one another. On these waves, the messages are carried from heart to heart and read by a heart. It is an aspect of our new operating system to interpret vibration, though your upbringing is to ignore the information coming in. It is there and it is possible to send and receive from one another. You do this always. The Fae'rea say to be in receiving mode like an antenna downloading from one another. We are one big family, and that includes the seen and unseen ones. All that you see and interact with want to connect with you. Those in the world that inhabit want to show you synchronicity and guide you. They are from the animal and plant realms, the angelic kingdom, the galactic family of light, the devas and elemental kingdom, and of course, the Fairy realms and the light orb world on your earth and beyond. All things are here communicating with you, and you with them, through your frequency band. The Fae'rae say to be on the wavelength of joy. Nothing is more important than this and in this as your enhanced superpowers come in. Do what makes you smile and makes you laugh and have a good time. How about enjoying dance. music, reading, enjoying a good conversation? Being in the sun? How about not working except for what excites you and gets you in the flow. Be in meditation- let it be about enjoying silence. We see you slacking, resting dreaming and imagining. We see you going to the seashore. You are going to the forest or going to a cafe, walking through town, or looking at stars. Life wants to greet you and meet you and guide you. Life wants to laugh through you. Your soul wants to experience the joy of physicality through you, human. You are light. You are not a human only, and especially not limited to being a human in a body. You are much more. Human is your expression of the soul star collective energy you are from. The soul group you come from has a special essence that you brought here to earth. You share that light in your smile and in your tears, and in your expression here on earth and it is changing the earth into something that is light. Earth is becoming something that is a living, vibrant being moving into a new expression like you are as well. You are magnetic and crystalline. You communicate with your blood which has a frequency emitted from your whole body. You receive from the stars, into your blood's crystals and translate that into who you are on this planet. When you feel joy most, when you feel resonance of the blood, a bodily sensation, that is a clue. That sensation is in resonance with the stars from whence you came. You are here to shine, to be the light. You are here to have peace in your heart and reflect the light of your soul while you are in a body. You are love. You are love's expression. You are love expressing. We are you and we are forever connected to you and here to raise you up. In doing so, we raise everyone and everything up, and in this, we all enjoy being raised up. Nothing is outside of the one that we are. Thank you. Fae'rea, can you speak to us of telepathy? We hear your question- how can I have this in a modern world? You experience telepathy just by tuning in. The information is there, all around you. All things and beings wanting to communicate with you. It is available on the nonphysical wavelength and you have the capacity to read this. In your reality, you have been untrained in listening, yet this skill is innate in all beings, human and beyond humans. Your friend the dog, a bird, and a flower know how to do this. A baby does until you train him to selectively tune it out, to tune out the other information and pay attention only to the physically tangible ones in which you are accustomed.. Month of Change At this time, you are in the midst of change and the change is your greater perception of your universe, the wholeness. You are able to see your connection to all. Polarities are collapsing, duality is collapsing and the outer world looks confusing and harsh in this process. Yes- it is what we have waited for -the blurring of lines, the melting of forms. It is now chaos becoming more chaotic until it falls into a new fractal order of beauty. Trust in the becoming. Do not judge the work of art that you are in the midst of painting. Your are living is the art creation that is constantly transforming inside of you and the outside of you. Perhaps you feel the intensity. You feel the changes. You are no longer putting up with some things you did a month ago. You are setting boundaries. You are walking away from what no longer serves you and the highest good. The highest good, divine will and your own will are becoming one. You are congruent with your divine purpose but it may feel like a gradual surrendering and letting go of identity. You are also walking toward your new life, the new crystalline order. You are leaving the form and walking into formless. You are being reshaped. You are brave and honored for your service. We are seeing change, beloveds. We are with you. We are praying for the transformation and it is happening in front of our eyes and yours. The quantumness is in the observation of seeing change, by seeing positive change because you expect it and look for it. Change is created in the quantumness of your reality as you know it is there. It is prophesied. it is what you have felt and known was coming and is here. Welcome to the Aquarian Age. What should we expect this month, Fae'rea? Expect the unexpected. Expect quantum melting of your realities. Expect a hallucinogenic multicolor multidimensional meltdown of reality. It is being reformed. Timelines are being melted like liquid plastic in many colors and wrapping around one amother. Time is turning in on itself. The now just got wider and expanded to include more. Each time you fall into the moment, you have a quantum effect. You melt time in the space of now. You open possibilities. You create wormholes for others to pass through as you are the leaders of the quantum pack, the time travelers, the magicians, the multidimensional travelers and merry band of lightworkers. You change and shift reality by being in presence and joy and acceptance as you loose your moorings temporarily. This month is free fall through space. It is sometimes scary. It is sometimes taking you to say “no” to realities you accepted previously. Anyone moving out of jobs or relationships? What was acceptable before the recent Aries full moon on September 29th, may no longer be. Expanding into Freedom Each time you step toward your own authentic self, you break the box of your containment and expand into freedom. You notice that you can be brave in moments, have all sorts of emotions pass through, and that there is extreme satisfaction and delight available when you just "are." Notice more moments of bliss and lots of change. Take a picture of who you think you are in this moment and refer back to that picture at the end of the month. We think you may not believe how different you will become, and are becoming each moment. The outer world is reflecting it too. What can we do to cope this month, with all the change going on, Fae'rea? Breathe. Intentionally breathe. Intentionally be. Be the I AM that you are. Do what is self nurturing and fun. Allow those who you relate to, to be the ones who show up and are on your wavelength. You might have to discern who is uplifting, and not conform to them, but let them come to you and rise to your wavelength. Invite those who uplift you into your realm when you discern they are a match. And in the meantime, love everyone even if from a distance. Surf synchronistic invitations of the universe. Be drawn what nurtures you and feeds your soul. Hear your own inner voice. Be in the place of stillness while everything swirls around you. Massive time acceleration feels like it is happening but in the center is your own place of stillness. Be the still center and you are a beacon for others. Be one who marches to the happy beat of your own inner drum, your heart, and you are fine. Know your connection with everyone and everything in the singularity and feel it. Play with communication beyond words. Be in receiving mode - for information, for guidance, and for abundance and of course, love. We are senders and receivers of love and it is what you are. Trust your heart, your intuition but do not trust your mind to make decisions solely. We are beyond logic and rationality. It exists as a tool among many other tools of perception and decision making. We are changing so that these other intuitions are coming to the fore. Your awareness expansion is the gift, and the expansion of you in to a new way of being. Many blessings and infinite love from the Fae'rea. Who are the Fae'rea? ~The Fae'rea are a playful collective of guides that have come through. It feels like they are a frequency of compassion, divine feminine creator energy, the light at the center of the galaxy if you have seen that photo, a fairy energy, and they appear as pink light particles in my vision and are with me always. I call on them for guidance, assistance, and communion. I have been told they are a blending of all soul group rays in the spectrum of colors, thought they appear as pink. They may be related to the new chakra of the high heart that is formed. Most of all, The Fae'rea are here to help us embody unconditional love. Thanks for reading! - Shannon Luminance River On the left is a photo of fairies that I took earlier this week. What say you fairy beings about the month of July? we are speaking of the light body. you have seen our bodies that are made of light. You too have this potential and are heading toward having a light body, actually being a light body. You are the light within the vessel of the body. To become a lightbody, allow your spin to become faster. We show an image of dolphins swimming in a circle one way and then the other a counter rotation. The dolphin brothers and sisters mimic a merkaba which each cell and each atom also resemble, and your energy field and the planet and the solar system and galaxy and universe are doing this rotation, this spin. As above, so below. What makes it all spin? It is based on love and joy is the juice that spins the whole microcosm and macrocosm. What is my mission each of you ask? You know you are supposed to do some work here. You know you came with a job description. Everyone has a common aspects (as well as unique individual aspects) to their job description if they are awake now in this time and place, ascending earth 2012. Your mission is joy. The irony is that your work is to play. It makes all particles spin and it turns everything to wave form to manifest in any possibilities. We remind you of your heart, how being in an opinion free state of being that depolarizes reality. It makes quantum reality which is your reality more fluid and flexible. Being in the heart is the liberator from 3D. It liberates us from the emotional roller coaster that is 3d. The practice of being in the heart takes us to a new compassion, toward a new kind of love that is unconditional. This can be called angelic detachment. You are witnessing the drama on earth, well maybe, but you don't have too. You are not of it but watching and loving and caring and sending energy to those in the midst of it. You have transcended. Being in the heart transcends you and you are spending more time there, in 5D and your heart, all the time. Joy creates the spin, and increases the frequency of all matter. Love holds the universe and every smaller interconnected divine thing to each other. All is connected and related, and this love is dynamic. The spin creates attraction between among all things so that everything can influence anything. Me: I get the picture of how you see things now..can you tell us what will change this month? A flooding of light which you will take into your crown chakras. You will be open to new light codes of bliss and then opening these packets, unfolding the multidimensional information with high frequency light encoded gifts. Your body processes them, clearing out all that is not of the highest good, all you no longer need to carry. July offers some presents, and I see them offered on a silver platter, like an old fashioned tea set. More joy, greater light capacity, and more bliss are predicted for July. This will alleviate ascension symptoms. Fear will be let go of to a larger degree for everyone as the new light comes in and more joy results with the greater spin. Feel yourself connected to your higher aspects, taking in light coming down into your crown and also into your eyes. There is a clear and open channel to the angelic realm from the top of your head. See and feel it there. Allow bliss encodings to come through you. Allow the angelic realm to clear your energy field. Allow your angels to guide you, and they are a part of you, a part of the oneness we all are. Allowing the angelic realm to work through is through intention for the clear channel to be there, and for you to feel connected. Then it can become a passive thing of receiving to be lived through them. Ask for help in all your do. Ask for pictures of what to do next, of helping you understand what you are supposed to do or be, and for how to deal with stuff that is challenging for you. This month will bring epiphanies and realizations relating to oneness. More will realize that their natural state is enlightenment, that this, being awake and enlightened, is who and what they are. Aspects of the One, you reading this, will feel that oneness with their loved ones. they will download new understandings of love itself. Lots of what you know will be discovered to be what you were trained to believe and you will be deleting programs. Allow this to be an effortless process bringing you to more joy even if it means that what you thought you knew turns upside down. Be willing to erase your belief set this month and go into the I AM presence that is beyond personality, role, appearance, and identity. I see a giant pencil eraser erasing somebody's name on a piece of paper and they are showing me that emptiness if fullness, that somehow being erased takes you to divinity. Yes, that divinity was always there. We just didn't see it so clearly before. Ask for help from your guides and keep the connection to the highest realms through your crown. Connect with a stream of light. Drink in the sun. Drink in what inspires you and is fun and playful. We see you snuggling, smiling, laughing, and touching one another in loving ways. We see you turning off and ignoring anything that you would pay attention to that is not of joy. News reports, low vibrating food, being involved in dramas, people who trigger you repeatedly and drain you. Remember the angelic detachment. We are getting our energy from source now and not from each other. There is so much to look forward to, there is ease and play. There is inner guidance that was always there but more accessible. We will be going inside and see how we create the outside by what we feel. We are evolving. We are taking quantum leaps this month. I see an image of the video game Super Mario who takes big leaps over chasms but he does so effortlessly. I see the Keep on Truckin' drawing by Robert Crumb of a big foot stepping forward. That is us-- keep on truckin' through 3D and take leaps into 5D. We are there and it is all a game so let's play. Who are the Fae'rea? ~the Fae'rea are a new collective of guides that have come through from the archangelic realm and an aspect of me and also of us speaking to us. It feels like they are a frequency of compassion, divine feminine creator energy, the light at the center of the galaxy if you have seen that photo, a fairy energy, and they appear as pink light particles in my vision and are with me always. I call on them for guidance, assistance, and communion. I have been told they are a blending of all soul group rays in the spectrum of colors, thought they appear as pink. They may be related to the new chakra of the high heart that is formed. Most of all, The Fae'rea are here to help us embody unconditional love. Recently, on June 21st, the day after the Solstice, I started taking photos of light orbs and fairies. This is one of the fairies. I have been having healing ceremonies by myself, calling light beings and star friends of the highest intent to heal the earth, dissolve the veil, and uplift the people of of Earth, and Mother Earth to a higher frequency. The light beings show up and they want to help us. All we need do is to ask. I will be posting light being and fairy photos and stories here. See Akashic Intuitive Readings offerings page and you can see my July Full Reading special Please say hi if you are a fairy person who knows about them or feels a connection to them. I want to learn more and feel like it has just sort of happened that they have shown up in my life as they have. I sense the Fae'rea message is from a broad collective of higher beings of light lending their support to uplift us. Thanks for stopping by my blog and for your support! Shannon Luminance River
This came through a few days ago from my guides, the fae'rae. Stay tuned for more from these loving beings! Hello Fae'rae I would like information on February. I see you as magenta pink light particles from source, and that is perfect. The Fae'rea: We feel something new and big coming in for the month. It will cease to be a month, that construct is dying as is all time. It happens in the brain you will see, reality is created within. And your hyperspace happens by traveling within your own mind through your myriad of perceptions. I am being shown a bunch of doors, like trap doors that open to different parts of the brain. I see a line, like a cord or a rope, traveling between the doors like a three dimensional maze, a cord through different doors, a timeline maze. Follow your own timeline. Create what feels resonant with the depth of your soul, not even positive as that implies negative. Go with the deep feeling of being within yourself and go deeper still to deep stillness. I see the pond with ripples outward, you are the center of the circles traveling outward. What of this month coming and the big thing being birthed? It is your inwardness. The core of you expresses through the body, to the outside world. This is being birthed in a profound way. How will this look? Imagine light sparkles on the water in sunlight. Little bursts of sun sparkles. It will feel like consuming these sparkles as food. If feels joyful and magical and childlike, like a tinkling of bells. It will be a new dimension a new way of being that you have not yet tasted, ever. You (the scribe and perceiver of us) are starting to feel it, just a few hours ago you were disconcerted at your lack of attention and didn't know where to focus in the flow. Now you see that you can trust the flow of your attention and where you choose places it in the center of you and it creates from there. You choose your focus. You are the core. You are the focus. You are the withinness. Okay, I hear you. I feel it in my heart and my heart wants to grow and expand into more space. You have room for all these possibilities you are surfing them. It is like an ocean lives in you and you can swim where you like. You are amazed at the beauty of this new world you are looking up at the sun and feeling sun's rays down below. You are guided toward the light so let that be your own light. Dance in the light of yourself and your truth. Each little door holds a room of experience. You taste the experience and move on to where you are flowing. You can stay as long or short as you like but there is a flow as frequency and it stems from your instinct, your intuition and your inner guidance which is deeply listening to your soul and has put aside worldly pursuits. You are the flow, and in this flow, interact with the world and accomplish your souls mission. Trust this this is a new way of being. Dear ones, there is no struggle is involved, no trying. Aren't you happy you have left struggle behind for a feeling of floating to your destination? Trust your are headed in the right direction because of the feeling in your heart. We says to simply expand into all the places you are led to and your soul wants to go. We are the Fae'rea. What of this week? This week is getting used to the new energies, that of Neptune in Pisces then comes the full moon on Monday. We bring a new change we are the messengers of change. As messengers of change, you can say that we are a breeze. You can see us as a white horse with wings. With wings named Quicksilver. Invite this into your being, this mythic creature of transformation. Have a relationship with changing ground that is completely in flux. Get ready for the structures of the old world being uprooted and flowing down a river, yet it seems like a magical river of quicksilver taking with it cracked cement piling represent everything worn out and no longer needed. See it float out to see as we stand collectively at the shore in hopefulness. We are at the beginning of a new way of being. We live inside you in the mythic realm we are the connector, the portal, the stargate, to that realm. Next there is a period of getting your feet wet, finding your balance in this new realm. We see you on the shore stepping in deeper despite the surf coming in. You are getting comfortable and you toddle sometimes even fall and feel clueless. You have moments of unsureness, but you are finding your way. You are holding your hand to your heart and tuning in. What does this moment ask of me? The fifteenth of February is a huge turning point, no let call it a tipping point to good, to more positive universe personal and collective. It is like the feeling 11/11/11. Get excited! Feel your inner anticipation. Expect change. You are comfortable in flow and now we call you to let yourself be go with it. Surrender to change and the dismantling of what you thought was your life. You are always supported as you flow and float. Do not fight the current of this reshuffling, this reorganizing of who and what you are individually and collective. All are being called to the perfect next place for them to launch off from and dive in deep to who they really are. Trust, surrender, letting yourself go with the tide are the lessons this month.Those who cling to the shore and the old ways of being are going to have difficulty. You will be called to jump in and go under and get yourself wet to find the new way of being. We see you walk in one door on a carousel and come out another on the other side. It is like a stage that rotates. You are a new character and ready for the momentous shift after the fifteenth in the latter half of the month. Let us take a look at week four. It feels expansive and mind blowing and lots of light patterns and fireworks and celebration and a feeling of “finally,” what you have been waiting for, and a feeling of truth coming out, all of which is a huge relief. You were not crazy after all, but others may be having their heads spin who didn't see anything coming consciously. You giggle inside at vindication. The 29th is a day out of time, it is a rare day as it happens once every four years, to have the twenty ninth of February. But in truth, it happens once ever in history. You are in a new world, a new paradigm. Life has exploded and gotten very different, vividly colorful and surreal. Week four is something big. I see a letting go, a completion, a release. That releasing maybe it is our new selves and the releasing is our hold on reality as it shifts so completely this coming month. February 2012 will fly by and it will have a remarkable energy to it that is transformational. Synchronicity is at an all time high. Keep surfing the flow and trust yourself to follow the breadcrumbs left by your soul. Doing so, following hunches, will really pay off. Early March is new ground. It is something I can't even talk about as it feels so different yet so good. It isn't boring, we assure you. Good news. You will feel relief from having traversed a thousand miles but having been carried the whole way. ~the Fae'rea are a new collective of guides that have come through from the archangelic realm. It feels like they are a frequency of compassion, divine feminine creator energy, the light at the center of the galaxy if you have seen that photo, a fairy energy, and they appear as pink light particles in my vision and are with me always. I call on them for guidance, assistance, and communion. I have been told they are a blending of all soul group rays in the spectrum of colors, thought they appear as pink. They may be related to the new chakra of the high heart that is formed. Most of all, The Fae'rea are here to help us embody unconditional love. |