For you on the leading edge of the shift, this is a time of transcendence and observation. It is a time of merging and floating within the greater consciousness. You know your truth, and you emanate and are anchored in the Truth, the greater Truth. The truth and love that you are rings like a celestial tone across the land. The tone is resonant and harmonic. It is heart medicine that ripples out in waves from every awakened soul. You simply cannot participate in what is not authentic to you. You are highly attuned to the feeling of this and letting yourself rise up. It is a kin to an eagle seeing everything and gliding effortlessly on invisible currents. The higher perspective is seen and you are merged with it. Let this writing be a description of the space that many of you may find yourself in as a part of the transition time we are in. Let this be a snapshot in a moment in time for those who resonate. Perhaps you can relate? As you witness the happenings of 3D, of those around you; there is a feeling that you see them and yet you are not of them, the others going about their lives. You are untouchable, sort of detached from the goings on of the world, yet you operate within it but not of it. You may find yourself being kicked out of some people’s reality and they are not seeing yours. You may feel misunderstood or even invisible. Instead of engaging in drama, you cannot. You are beyond it now. This leads to less suffering but also a feeling of juice that you get from drama can feel like emptiness. The feeling of being connected to the divine, to unconditional love, to the vastness of creation even merging with it replaces the feeling of the juice you got from being in drama or watching it. You can observe in this reality and hold your truth in a strong way. Your truth is the vibration of love for all. The world needs you to stay in your tone, your unique tone that is the harmonic of truth right now. You are ringing that tone for the world and it is rippling out from your heart. What is Not Real is Falling Away In the meantime, The Matrix is showing its real colors and its true discordant tone. It is holding many captive yet many are finding their way out through awakening to the existence of the Matrix. What is not true is becoming apparent in our world. You will see more and more of what has been going on behind the scenes in ways that have harmed people and harmed our beloved Mother Earth. You will see the curtain being pulled back and falling away, kind of like the Wizard of Oz. The revered people in power are revealing the cracks in their facades and the darks side. It will cause cognitive dissonance and confusion in many. The process may not be pretty yet their will be relief as revealing happens. Have you, as an empath felt like the reality and words told were not congruent with the real story? As a person who reads energy, and we all do, you notice what is said and what is felt being different. This is a time to listen to your heart and how you feel. Intuition is your new blossoming superpower. It will help you in these times. As a forerunner, the strategy for this unveiling of truths is simple: be in you heart. Observe and float with your beautiful heart open and feel the love of source putting everything in divine order through this process. The Tone of Truth In each person, what is not true is becoming more apparent and when people live and believe untruth or live with a lack of integrity, a sour note rings within them. They feel the misalignment and that it did not feel right. Right now, the ringing vibration of truth is being felt. It is attuning everyone and bringing everyone up to a higher level. It is also bringing us more into unity. Each time somebody feels this discordance within, and then becomes aware of it; they learn and attune and everyone else feels the benefit. We are vibrational beings and as vibrational beings we influence the whole of us. We are all lifting each other up in this evolutionary shift of the ages. For you on the leading edge, you forerunners; you may feel a floating and merging and being supported in a cosmic way. You feel that love of source with you all the time. You choose love over anything going on the ground here on the planet. You transcend. You go in your heart and feel the love. You hold the new frequency effortlessly. There is no trying, there is only being. You are here in this floaty place, even when you are not meditating or trying. Vibrational Sorting To you on the leading edge, do not be upset if there are disappearances, or the feeling of being left behind by those who are still Matrix bound. It is not personal. It is just that you are no longer a vibrational match to them. The "truth tone" of your being is a threat to their status quo that they are not ready to leave. They may find excuses to go away from you. It is like they feel more uncomfortable being out of integrity and alignment in your presence so they have to disappear from your reality if they don't want to change just yet. It is a matter of loving and honoring where people are and know that they are evolving too on their own awakening time schedule. In addition, what contributes to these phenomena of people separating from each other is that from a higher self is guiding you and you may be directed to be away from those anchored in the Matrix and the old paradigm so you can float, transcend, and be in mastery. The mastery is being in the heart and witnessing from a higher place. You can be in a higher vibration if you detach from being in the drama of 3D. Trust the divine design. New wonderful people in greater resonance are showing up soon, so take heart. Celebrate this space you are in now. Your response to this is a new way, which is very exciting. The old way in which you chose to be hurt by what another does will disappear. You will have the capacity to witness, allow and feel good. You have the ability to allow others to make their choices. You have the superpower of calm; of transcendence as you witness with compassion. You have the perspective of being one with everything therefore you take nothing personally. How can you if you feel merged with the all? And you who has taken that personally and felt rejected in the past will now have the ability to love and be in the love of your heart, your own love truth field of consciousness, and take nothing personally. You are called to be impeccable, to have integrity on a new level beyond the human level to which you have been accustomed. You are ready for this! This could be described as the level aligned with love for everyone's good. Gone is scarcity and lack as an internal program. We are the masters and we are making up a game in which we can win and everyone can win. Everyone can be abundant. The truth that rings in our heart is that we live on a planet of abundance and everything is provided. We are not upset or angry at the Matrix or those who made it. We are masters and we are transcending it. We are building the New Earth in our hearts. We are taking our power quietly and calmly and deciding to be masters in this reality. There was a different game, and we choose to change the game to what we want. Gone is effort and trying. Gone is manipulation for a certain outcome because we thought that wasthe only way to get what we want. We discover that being in the heart allows us to get everything that we desire. We discover that what we desire is at a level beyond material yet we trust and allow our material needs to manifest. Entering Mastery of the Self You realize that you are the master, and that you choose to be a master of money, of love, of well-being, of good in the world. You choose how you play the game. The choice is to resonate at the frequency of love and ring the bell of truth from who you are and how you live. This is also from what you feel and what you think. You are so supported. You have come so far. Enjoy this transcendence space. Enjoy observing yourself and everyone. See what has shifted. See how you are showing up in a new way with a new level of mastery. A new way of being is going viral. The human race is lifting up to a new place of impeccability, to high expectations of caring for one another. The human race is at the greater tipping point of light. The energy is such that you are floating in your greater cosmic Self connected to source and your heart guides you fully. You cannot get it wrong, multidimensional being! There is nothing to know except following the feeling that you are on the right path. You are at the perfect place and time and you feel it deeply within your being. Let this rightness permeate who you are. By Shivrael, BQH practitioner, Thai Bodyworker and Akashic Reader in Mt.Shasta, CA. See . Permission is granted to republish this blog with all content included. Posted on November 30, 2018