The akashic energy update for March 21- April 20 is to share what the energy for the collective is at this time. With this cycle, we welcome rays of hope with strong winds of change with a feeling of strong momentum in the energy. The energy we have been in (and continue to be in) is that of purging. It might feel like a strong spin cycle on a washing machine which is turbulent yet also cleansing. We arrive at this time after some inner purification. The akashic records speak in images that have meaning. The first image is of a trash can being dumped out and various objects falling out. The akashic records is showing, via metaphor, that we are in a purging mode of our past patterns; pouring them out of the trash and re-examining them. It is like a forensic exploration of anything we have pushed down and not looked at before, which could be emotional. As we purge, we feel the discomfort of releasing, and then the relief of the purge. Clearing and Purging After the first week of this cycle when we get into April, the momentum of Aries makes it easier to just dump it all out and let it go. Purging will become faster and easier. When we can speak about what we are feeling, it helps us process emotions. We will be more forthright in our communications thanks to the Aries energy. The “garbage can that is dumped out” can mean sorting through the past to understand it and to move on. We may not have time for that -we can just take out the trash, not going through every item. That is because there is so much energy and momentum with complexity. It may be all we can do to stay in the present moment. Being in the moment with full presence will help us greatly. What are you clearing and purging? We will be dealing with the unexpected with new situations to digest and process all the time. The could also be new truths revealed about the world that may be uncomfortable. The overall message is to keep emptying ourselves of anything we are holding onto, including resentment and grudges, all the time. Be the Light The next image is of many lanterns across the earth, held by individuals who are “lit up.” The lanterns are being turned on. Now is the time of new beginnings, a new year, and coming out of hibernation mode. When we come out of the cave, we get used to the outer world gradually after being in our inner world. All the inner work is allowing our lights to shine. The lanterns of each being lit up are a metaphor for collective unity and support of others. It happens as you shine your light and be yourself fully at the moment. With this, there is an electrical feeling within and also reflected in the outer world. The grid of light connects through all of the points of light from those holding it. Our energy circuits are receiving a greater current from all the solar flares. Our bodies are adjusting to the greater current. Source energy is restoring reciprocity as the natural energy of the universe giving back to itself. The current is a metaphor for currency/ current moving from one person to another, which is reciprocity. The real currency is our human potential to create a greater world based on love. Higher energy with momentum could mean that greater things are now possible. That could change we have been hoping for for a very long time. In an environment of change and uncertainty, we can hold a space of prayer and positive expectations and intentions for everyone. We are saving no one, but shining the light of the truth that we are, for all. Laying the Groundwork Another theme for this month is to lay the groundwork for our new lives. I see foundation stones being placed to pre-pave for the future. We are excavating and leveling the ground for the new. It is a time of preparation and getting ready. Fertilizing the earth with what will nourish our lives in the next phase. This phase carries intensity, a crescendo of energy at the end of the cycle with a solar eclipse on April 20th, the next new moon. After that will be a slowing down of energy in which we can digest the changes of this month. Internal personal change and external change in the collective will arise and become obvious. New Beginnings This New Moon, the day after the equinox, was a day of coming out of hibernation. Hope is returning with widely scattered light with grace. Everything is converging all at once with a new intensity. It is a time of wiping away the slate of the past and starting anew. Walking on a Tightrope Equinox, which was on March 20th, is about balance. The balance is to move forward trusting the steps even if we cannot see ahead. We are called to have faith moving sheer instinct from the heart's knowing. The invitation is to keep going and not hesitate. At the same time, be present and mindful along the way with each step. Once again, this moon cycle is a time of the unknown happening and great change. In our personal journey, we can choose love over fear in every moment and keep walking forward. Luminous blessings Shivrael