The Energy Update is from January 15 through February 13, from just after the New Moon to next New Moon.
This update is for the ascending collective of humans, as to what we collectively and as individuals might experience in the coming days. Let’s tune into what is to come! First we start off with the energy update from where we have come from to now. On December 21st, the solstice, we turned to having days of more light at least in the Northern Hemisphere. In the Southern Hemisphere, in Australia on that day, there was a special event and many around the globe supported through mass meditation in their own time and space. The Ancient Ulhuru Prophecy has told what elders were to do in Australia at Ulhuru. At this sacred site and monolith, the elders and keepers of lore “turned on” a magic box from the Pleaides to shift consciousness on Earth. A more knowledgeable person than I describes the Magic Box like this: “This device, which the Elders refer to as a Magic Box is beyond the comprehension of mere mortals, but there is one drawback in this gift from the stars. If unassisted by humans, it will do nothing beyond await instructions. Even when the ‘switch’ is sung and turned on, the best it can independently do is get ready. Aliens of good intentions are banned from directly influencing human affairs, they can hint, suggest and wave a big white flag, but never initiate or supplement. This Magic Box will feed off of pure positive human energy." “The planet itself is aware of this oncoming acceleration where its resonance will ascend.” ~from Ancient ULURU Prophecy – Today! Pleiadean Magic Box! by Lois Wetzel What is the energy we are experiencing now? Since the 21st, we have felt an increase in the Schumann Resonance of Earth. It feels like there is greater optimism, yet there is also greater uncertainty. We may have symptoms ranging from insomnia, headaches and tiredness that could relate to rising Schumann Resonance Frequencies of the planet. It feels like the tipping point was reached in this mass collective meditation and the magic box was activated! The energy now includes a feeling of optimism is from the shift in energies to the planet and us. Before the 21st, we may have felt more anxiety and fear about the future. Now the future looks more uncertain but those in this collective feel a sense of calm. The uncertainty is here as we are in deep change. The way we see how reality operates is really different and many are sensing that it is not what it seems. The feeling of uncertainty that we have now helps us to learn to trust in the moment, and to improvise and respond in life in a way that is on a higher level of trust and surrender than ever before. We are called to let go of preconceptions about anything. It is a time where nothing is sure or solid while reality becomes more fluid and mutable. This is a good thing because we are able to shape and mold the reality we prefer more easily. The energy we might be experiencing now is that we are navigating the unexpected and not sure what is coming. We sense something big is coming that will be world changing and it may cause moments of fear. Remember that F.E.A.R. is the same as False Evidence Appearing Real. We can bring some self-compassion in when we feel uncertainty about the future. Do we feel that for ourselves or for the collective? Sometimes it helps to put words on what it is that we might fear so that we can move past it. We can also breathe and notice the moment we are in. Things are not as they seem, so “expect surprises” is a theme in this moon cycle. Hold the Light Hold the light means to allow yourself to imagine the most positive perspective. Trust that all is well and will turn out fine. Carry that optimism as much as you can. The most important part of this message is about who we are, and what our role might be if you resonate with this concept. Let me explain. As the aware part of the collective, we are holding the light. The energy sensitive people who have been feeling these shifts are the ones who can relate. In meditation, I heard the words “frequency bridgers.” It took some days to really figure out what that means. If you see others who are doing work that you think you should do too, because the world needs it, but their way is not feeling right, it might leave you in a quandary. I have felt this feeling of wanting to do something and not knowing quite what. What I am seeing is that so many of you are “frequency bridgers” in that you are here to hold a certain unique frequency and also hold peace and calm as we go further into the this moon cycle and the ones after it. By holding a frequency, you send out ripples to the world and those around you. You are bridging the old world to the new with frequency. You are anchoring light. This will be especially important at the end of January and the beginning of February. People will need your calm and peace and greater understanding which ripples out like a cosmic chill pill. Self-care and Balance As a frequency bridger, it means that self-care, self-nourishment, and self-love is important right now. The energy shifts and also the world changing around you can pull you off center so come back into balance again and again. I am seeing that as a frequency bridger, you open the doorway to a new world for all those who will walk through. It is something huge just for you to be you. The highest frequency is Love and Love will pave the way forward. What other images want to appear from the Akashic Records? A Handwoven Basket with large holes is the first image. What does this mean? A basket represents energy weaving through co-creation with other as equals. I have a feeling that more community and gathering will happen again this moon cycle, and we will deeply appreciate each other after the lockdowns. A basket represents abundance, holding a harvest of food for everyone. It is handmade and beautiful in its simplicity. In our gatherings, we may do hands on things and handmade entertainment which is sharing ourselves with one another instead of looking outside to entertainment provided for us. The basket has large holes in it and it is not rigid. Connection with one another is not rigid, but in the moment. An important aspect is that the basket is also a sieve in that it can filter out what we don’t need. That can be beliefs. We will go through sorting and releasing of beliefs that we don’t resonate with anymore. An attitude of openness is a called for this moon cycle. We may be sorting and releasing possessions, objects and clutter, jobs, people, or even body fat or toxins this month. It is a time of discernment or sorting and updating of beliefs. The basket has been turned upside down representing dumping every belief and being neutral and letting only what feels right in our heart in our belief system. Another thing to clear is your own energy field. This can be done with imagination and intention. When we clear our own energy fields when things are unclear (such as confusing), we are able to create clarity within. An image of a washcloth wringing out water indicates the cleansing theme in another way. Our world is being cleansed and we ourselves need to pay attention to what we need to clean out in our lives, our bodies, our homes that no longer serve us. We are called to think in new ways that are out of the (magic) box, or the basket, as the case may be. The momentum right now is moving forward since the 21st of December. We may be taking actions on what matters to us. Then, toward the end of January, we go on a pause to revisit and review the action we have taken. We are also reflecting on the new way we see the world. This will take us to our core of what we know. What we know will be more felt as true as ever before as our intuitive senses are becoming stronger. It is a good time, in early February, to dream about what we want to create. Another theme this moon cycle is to be in your own vortex; be the center of your own universe. Keep your eyes on your own lane and stay in your lane. You impact others in a positive way more by being your true self, aligned in joy, than by influencing another’s choices. I am seeing a very tall ladder climbing to a peak for now through the end of January. It reminds me of a roller coaster. Yes this moon cycle might feel like you are on a roller coaster ride! January 31 is the peak, and from there you see the higher perspective, the 30,000 foot view of everything and there you take a huge breath, and sigh in relief. You will be spellbound by this new viewpoint, and from here on out it will be downhill ride and easier. Those who are called to hold the highest frequency from the 30,000 foot view though others will be doing mental and emotional processing to a large degree, and it may take them on a roller coaster that is rather intense. Some of you already know it is a ride and to have fun with it because you know where it is taking us, and that it will be wonderful. After that, the pieces you have left in your basket, what you understand, will start to be put together in a big picture. A time of reflection and review happens in early to mid-February. You could see it like the 3D puzzle of reality fell apart, like pixels that exploded and you have only bits of the story. Now there is a new higher dimensional story and the new puzzle is being built. The 5D reality is being built now by your trust in the future, by your love, by your inner knowing, by your intuition, hope and faith. The 5D puzzle is beginning to be seen. See it in your heart, right now, by imagining the world and your life as you wish it to be. Abundance for all, peace for all beings, pure delight and joy- bring it on! This coming moon cycle is a step toward dissolution of the old and reforming of the new. Bring your pure positive energy to the party and we will co-create New Earth together. This is the beginning of something that will gradually become more visible as 2021 progresses. Stay tuned for more energy updates on or around the New Moon of each month. Luminous blessings of love with gratitude, Shivrael, Akashic Intuitive Beyond Quantum Healing, Akashic Readings, and Human Design Author of Wake Up and Be Happy: Expand Your Multidimensional Awareness to be released
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