In opening to our intuitive skills we are given many gifts that enhance our lives. I support and encourage the development of these skills in order to experience the benefits to our lives. Let me share how cultivating intuitive skills can change your life! 1.It opens the heart. This is important in that in opening up our intuition, we move from the duality of the mind. The mind sees in contrast while the heart sees in wholeness. Being in the heart allows us to integrate opposites. It soothes mixed energy and releases inner discord. It helps us to tap into compassion for ourselves and others. It helps us to deepen the feeling of love within. It is easier to move through the world from the heart rather than moving through the world only through figuring things out, using strategy and analyzing. We can have our minds and hearts work together. We can rest more in a resonant heart field that is in unity with all that is outside of us instead of feeling separate or at odds with the world. Through opening up our ways of connection to our guides, to spirit, we feel the continuous connection of source. We love ourselves more. We shine more, and we radiate our joy. We are more able to be authentic in the presence of others. We have greater peace and less conflict inside, and therefore less conflict with others. We feel the love of divine, and the divine that we are, as we cultivate this connection which begins by opening up in meditation. We can channel aspects of ourselves as our guides along with other divine beings through the space of our hearts. We feel and experience ourselves in a more expansive way. They offer us perspective, upliftment, love and support within ourselves. 2.It helps us always be in the flow of, and connected to, the universe. In practicing skills that allow communications with the universe, and opening our psychic skills to visions, we feel our connection to other consciousnesses. We can, if we choose, to feel our connection to Mother Earth and how she supports us always and offers us love and grounding. We feel the support of the universe more. We see a sign from the universe, such as synchronicity, and we feel in the flow of and in the support of the universe from via the cosmic winks that we get throughout the day. Did you ever have a song come on about what you were thinking? Did a person call you just as you thought of them? Have you seen numbers that you knew were a message from source? We are given confirmation of our path being right when it is. Conversely, we are given roadblocks or an inner feeling to change direction when that is needed. We start to notice the communication that was always there, and to interpret it and then integrate it with everyday life, as if it were always the case like a part of us. This is every person’s divine inheritance, to receive messages from divinity. Not only are we in connection with the universe, we can be in communication with aspects of the universe. There is a give and take with other parts of the universe which in the Inca tradition of Peru is called Ayni, meaning “Sacred Reciprocity.” Because the universe is made of and held together by love, everything and everyone wants to send and receive love. Intuition allows us to feel the flow within the greater universe and participate in this Sacred Reciprocity of love between beings. One of my favorite quotes is “In every moment the Great Spirit communicates to all creatures everything they need to know. Through ten thousand billion agents – angel, elemental, animal, vegetable and mineral- through the vast and subtle network of living design beyond the weather, before the wind, the truth is ever being transmitted into this world of form.” ~ Ken Carey from Return of the Bird Tribes 3.It helps us realize our highest potential. Through meeting aspects of ourselves in meditation, or our guides, or connecting directly with Source/God/Goddess/Great Spirit ( please use your favorite word for the divine), we get direction toward what possibilities are there for us. We feel into, see, and know who we could be on certain timelines that we can choose. Also, we can access talents that we did not have via psychic skills such as quantum jumping, a simple meditation technique. An example could be learning to paint, writing books, or feeling more confident in something such as speaking in public. Our higher self always has our best interests in mind and wants to assist us becoming our highest potential. Our highest potential self, and we have many potentials, is living the most joyful, juicy, fulfilled, abundant, love filled and creative life possible. 4.It helps us shift our mood when we are down or upset. Knowing how to access help when we feel bad is really useful so that we can feel better using our inner mastery. We know that emotions are guidance to help us know our direction, and we can also use our inner alchemy to change how we feel. Intuitive skill practice on a daily basis with an ongoing connection to spirit gives us the tools to drop into easily at times when we don't feel so great, whether that be emotional or physical. We can change how we feel about something going on in our lives with quantum jumping or other ways of tuning in. Source wants to help us feel better. Our guides and angels want us to live in the highest joy at any given time. Emotional well-being and balance is there for the asking from our hearts. 5.It if fun and playful. So much joy can come from a dialogue via automatic writing with a guide that we meet in the space of our heart. The feeling or the vision of this guide can uplift and inspire us. Our guides are tailored to who we are and speak to our consciousness through us. What they share can be simple yet profound. They/we definitely have an amazing sense of humor. We can have a great time in the realms of our own imagination and meditation. Sharing back and forth with another can be even more fun. 6.It allows us to solve problems. All of us have been conditioned toward logic being the only way to come up with answers. All of us actually use intuition, and tapping into intuition and the heart allows the solution field to be accessed. This is the unified field. Einstein told us, problems cannot be solved from the same level of consciousness that they were created. We can use imagination and intuition to access solutions. Meditation takes us to a different level of consciousness in which we transcend the problem field to limitlessness. I heard a story how Einstein became light in his imagination as a sort of daydream or meditation, and solved a great quantum physics problem that led to the foundation of what is understood now. In your life, intuitive skill building and practice can drop you into the solution field and give you answers you didn't know were possible. It can be practical to use intuitive connection skills to receive ideas and understandings, which are called downloads. Solutions as downloads can help when you are writing a book or creating something in the world. 7.We can become more secure. Because we can "read" the energy of people and places around us, we have greater information to interpret. We can sort through the signals we are picking up in our world and know about what is happening underneath surface appearances. We can tune into whether something is correct for us to be a part of or whether a person is correct for us to be involved with in any way. We can leave place that our guidance tells us to leave. We can go toward what we sense is most harmonious, supportive and beneficial to us. 8.We can discern truth. Through reading energy, we can more easily discern truth from falsehood. We know when people (or the media) are lying . We can know whether what we read or hear is lying. Allowing intuitive knowing to be discovered subverts the dominant paradigm . It is an act of taking charge of your life and your energy as your own intuitive inner guidance takes us to a greater connection with source and we feel love and support in all that we are and all that we do. It helps us feel more trust and less fear. As we feel trust in our world, we lessen our anxiety and feel safer and better about who we are. We blossom in the environment that we are planted. We settle into our true authentic and relaxed selves. 9.It helps with creativity. Indeed, intuition allows those strokes of to come through. It allows us each to be a genius in our own sphere. Intuition can bring downloads experienced as sudden blocks of knowing or insight. Have you experienced downloads before? How did that influence you? I would love to hear your story and insights. Intuitive guidance allows us to express ourselves creatively yet as our divinity, our highest divine selves. We can channel spirit through art, writing, poetry, our communication to others, how we dance, and our everyday lives in so many ways. We become more creative when we consciously connect with the flow of source and when we ask for inspiration to come! Being creative allows us to express and live our highest potential selves. It births innovation through our words and actions that benefit others beyond what we as individuals can think up without that connection, though in truth we are always connected and inspired by source whether we realize it or not. Attunement with inner focus and practice amplifies our receiving and understanding of what is coming through us. 10.It brings miracles into our lives. Accessing intuition with messages, downloads, meditation, synchronicity, knowing or feeling is the key to healing ourselves. We can call forth through prayer or deep communion with source as a feeling, and in that welcome miracles and healing for our lives. We can commune with the miracle field of ourselves. When in alignment with our guidance, we can assist others through our prayers and intentions. Together, we can ask for planetary miracles and extend the miracle field to others and places on earth that need them. I am so grateful and excited that the miracle of the paradigm shift is happening through people's hearts and through their awakening as psychic skills for millions, whether suddenly or gradually. Your connection to source is innate. Everyone has this potential and everyone is intuitive and a genius in their own special way. If you are reading this, you are a part of that miracle toward oneness and a new paradigm based on the heart and Ayni, or Sacred Reciprocity. Thank you so much for being you, knowing what you know through your heart, and bridging paradigms for the benefit of all. You can see that intuitive connection building is about way more than just decision making! It is about enhancing your life to live full out, bringing more possibilities to yourself. It is about living in collaboration with the universe, in a state of joy and delight and flow. It is about seeing beyond the surface appearance of the world to the unseen realms that truly govern our existence. It is about being an alchemist in your reality to create it with the support and love of divine always present and flowing. It is to help you shine your light in full radiance. Wishing all of this for you and all beings! It is my work and passion to share about activating psychic skills. As an Akashic Reader, it feels empowering to share the tools that I practice so that other can get their guidance directly for themselves. If you wish to open up more to you Inner Guidance, I invite you to come to a free call on September 1 at 5:30 Pacific Time. In other areas of the world, this is the time conversion. Sign up for the free call. The Enhancing Inner Guidance Course will be experiential, interactive through sharing together as will start September 22 for which is for 6 weeks and is online or on the phone As a gift, the discount code in registration is the word ‘guide’, Many blessings and support on your journey, Shivrael Luminance River
In the Beginning was Light and Sound When we came into existence for non-existence, we were like stars being birthed, in that we arose from the void birthed as light and sound coming arranged in beautiful divine order, harmony; before form existed. Then the light and sound that we are became physical. Subtle Body and the Physical Body We are made of subtle (unseen energy) which is an expression of this core essence, our tone. This core essence exists as our divine blueprint, our unique tone, or you could say our soul. Each person is a tone and connected to the stars. We are made of light and sound as a unique configuration of subtle energy that has materialized to the human being as a tone. Tone is the swirling of light and sound as expressions of energy. Tone sound and light and waveforms sourced from star energy is streamed into the physicality of this existence, this incarnation for ourselves. Multidimensionality Yet we exist in many places and times simultaneously. It is said that time does not exist and all is happening simultaneously. This is the nature of multidimensionality. We have eternally express a unique tone and this is what the world needs, the gift of who we are that lies underneath the body, the personality, and the roles and jobs we fullfill, what we do. Who we are unveiled, our core self, our true soul tone wants to be in harmony with our environment. This is how we live in harmony with the outer world and in the bliss of our being. Follow our Bliss We need to do what harmonizes us. We are called to truly follow our bliss and be in environments that create more bliss, and do activities we love that bring more bliss. It is beyond a temporal experience, but a lifestlye of creating harmony for our mind with our thoughts and beyond, such as our spirit.Our spirit wishes to be nourished, perhaps with meditation or being in nature or some other ways that are unique to us. We want harmony for our body by loving it and feeding it with that which makes it healthy doing what makes it strong and feeling good. Our body is a consciousness that hears what we think so we need to communicate with it, ourselves, in a loving way. All of this allows us to live in bliss as our true authentic selves. Love is the Tone Our tone has to do with the frequency of love and its variations. Perhaps you came to express the energy of freedom, of peace, of creativity, of stillness, of movement. Some of us are here with responsibility and integrity as our highest expression. Some are here to give birth to the new and others may be here to allow endings of cycles. There are many aspects to tone and ways of expressing the frequency that you are, and came to be. Ultimately, our service to others is the same as expressing who we are, and allowing divine to express through our being as pure bliss of being. Together, each tone has a purpose in the greater whole of humanity and life on earth. We are truly here to serve one another and lift each other up. To come into balance with who we are is the inner work. The work is to express the tone we are through our beingness, from every cell in all that we are.The tone arises from the beginning and this tone that we are that links us to the streams of stars we come from. We each have a unique way of being and seeing and way of vibrating our essence into expression. May all that we do express this core essence of who we are. May we honor other's unique ways of being themselves. May we create a culture of supporting our individuality and expression yet feeling the underlying oneness and how it supports the whole. We are each a unique blueprint of waveforms born from the One, expressing as many. What helps us to vibrate as our original true tone or to live our authenticity? One way is to take some time to rest in the stillness of self. We are called to sit upon the Earth, a living being, as we are and connect to her, and to remember who we are and from where we came. We are called to remember our vastness, our expansiveness, that we have come from distant places yet those places live inside us too. We are seeded from stars, and our multidimensional DNA lights up and activates when we remember and acknowledge the orgin of our being. We are connected to stars and to angels, to the divine order of the cosmos, that made the great mystery miracles that we are and the planets and the stars. To remember and express our true tone which is our original authentic self that always was, always has been, is and and always shall be is this: it is to live in awe and wonder. Awe, Wonder and Gratitude Let us live in wonder and awe like children just discovering what it is to live. Let us find the flow in the universe, how we can dance with the greater whole. Let us feel our connection with the stars we come from, with all life here on earth. Let us feel our symbiosis, our dependency on nature for sustaining us. Let us thank the elements, the living trees that give us our breath. Let us give thanks to the rain, the earth herself, the soil and the stones. Let us give thanks to living waters that make up our bodies. Let us pray for all that sustains us in life and that it may be pure and vibrant and that we may be too. Let us receive instructions from the universe as to how we may be of service. Let us open the gift we are, the uniqueness that we carry so we can leave a legacy of positivity on the planet. We are a part of the greater whole and the greater whole depends on our wholeness. The ancients (such as the Dogon people of Africa for example) knew that we came from many places, that we are happening in many dimensions and locations as many beings. When we awaken, awaken out DNA that holds threads to these selves that we are, concurrently and now. We then discover that there are lines of light drawn between our selves connecting us as a greater whole which are like stars in a constellation connected like dot to dot drawings. The greater whole we are is who we are, beyond this physical body and the subtle bodies to other selves. Each self we are is sending messages to itself, and is in divine communication, divine communication to the greater whole. Discovering who and what we are is an unfolding process of awe, of magnificence. Each of us is made of magnificence and here as a special aspect of divinity dancing in form. As we dance the dance of authenticity in grace, we are also mirrors of magnificence to others. We have the opportunity show them through mirroring their core essence - which is love. It is to see beyond the individual to the depth of their and our eternalness and connection to life. Expanding out into the vastness of being, to that perspective, we don't want to leave behind the individual's experiences, but we want to marry our human experience with something greater and know we are that. This opens up to forgiveness and self-love in that we know we are here for experience and learning. There is no hurry in being eternal! We never get it done, we keep moving and expanding. In expansion, we open up to empowerment in knowing we are bigger and more vast and more connected to source than we knew, expressing as human in this lifetime. We have so much support. We are here to shine and to find the ease and the flow in life. We can have fun with it. We can find the joy in it, in being us. We can step into the mystery. Remember that we are eternal and connected to all and in service to all, yet all is in service to us to assist us on the path. Remember that Support and love is always there for the recieving upon asking. Please feel into what it means to be you, to be your unique self. Feel into your connection to the all and the love that is there for you. Feel how you are the love and it is what you are made of. Let this feeling and knowing lift you up into adoring yourself and your uniqueness in all the universe. Let it dissolve any thoughts of less than, of heirarchy. Let it give you comfort and inner allowance for embracing all of you. You are special and you are loved. If you wish to go more deeply meditation and discovering your inner guidance, the Enhancing Inner Guidance Course is coming up soon. A free call on "What is Inner Guidance?" happens on September 1, and the course begins on September 22, the Fall Equinox. Find out more at Akashic Intuitive where you see a special code, the word “guide” to register and find out about the free call as well as sign up. Thank you so much, Shivrael Luminance River It is said that form or manifestation arises from a point, called a bindu in ancient India, and from the unified field there is an outpouring of diamond light and sound (called OM light and OM sound) which then moves from the subtle and unseen vibratory level into becoming structures as vibration. The process, the blueprint of creation, of all matter forming is based on mathematics and sacred geometry. I was introduced to these ideas which mesh with other innerstandings of how the universe is created from the subtle (unseen world) to the seen which is the manifested form that appears as matter. Yet we know that matter is not solid as atoms are mostly empty space. This is a formula to creation from the ancient rishis sharing the divine blueprint of how all things are made and it involves the formation within the shape of an 8 x 8 square making a cube, interspersed with the five elements, spinning and creating waveforms which turn into our manifested reality, that which we see with our eyes.
Our manifested reality is a hologram, called the Moolam as the ancient Rishis explain. It is a play of light though it has the illusion of solidity of form. We and all of matter is made of waveforms. As we move through time, the waveforms of matter (form) are created, then they are destroyed in the creation cycle. All that arises, falls away. Another axiom that is applicable in this discussion is that all that is in the macro is also in the micro, which is the Hermetic principle in many traditions. It is the basis of holographic reality as what is in the smallest particle is mirrored and contained in the largest galaxy in similarity. As in Micro, so in Macro. The whole exists within the minutest particle and the minutest particle contains the whole. The atom contains the universe and the universe contains the atom, and neither exists without the other. Creator exists within creation, even as creation exists within creator. – Brahmarishi Mayan, circa 10,500 BC An example of the torus field, a spinning donut shaped field of energy, is planet earth. Our world has meridian lines which are the grid. They derive from and mirror this 8 x 8 cube of sacred geometrical creation in expanded form, and also the torus field that is the earth is seen every atom and cell and human and larger body. It is the blueprint of creation that the ancients share in Vastu science. Vastu is a way to create environments and do activities in alignment with the way creation occurs (poetry, sculpture, architecture, music, and dance). Measurements that are exact are used in divine architecture that is all over India based on this rishi knowledge from more than 12,000 years ago. Harmonic environments are architected with Vastu science. From the bindu, or point of creation emerging out of the density of matter expands waves of light and sound, or frequency from the unified field and a planet is born. Stars have this and a loop that is a figure 8 containing a black hole where the energy circulates in and out just as our energy field and the smallest and largest bodies do. We are all essentially energy fields appearing as matter, yet all people and the manifested universe are actually blinking in and out of existence all the time. Back to the idea of our bodies being energy fields and a torus. A torus is a donut shape containing the figure 8 infinity loop. It arises from the 8 x 8 cube that is visible and expands beyond the 8 as a circle, which is the torus shape. Our physical body is the manifested into form part of us yet we have subtle bodies around us, the unseen yet felt fields of energy around us. Everyone has a Unique Tone Our heart is the center of the torus, our energy fields where the hologram, or manifested visible part of us gives birth through a bindu of the manifested world and the world around us. Each of us are unique waveforms. We are unique tones impacted by the moment of our birth from the stars and alignments of the planets. If this is hard to accept, think about how powerful the moon is on the tides of the oceans of the earth. In fact, space is impacting creation with subtle waveforms creating the universe in the invisible realm. Vastu is the science of creating harmonic environments so we can live in bliss and we can live in harmony with expressing our unique tone, our original divine blueprint of creation, or our waveform frequency that we were born with and which we came here to experience and create from as a sovereign being within a sovereign energy field. The way to impact our realm with our waveform is through our own frequency, and our frequency being harmonic with ourselves and with others. The inner spin, the inner waveforms impact the outer world we experience around us. We know that in meditation we go into the unified field. We have experienced moments of oneness with the universe. When I heard the information being shared about the science of Vastu and creation, I received an important download that is relevant to the creation of the New Earth. New earth represents a shift to a new paradigm, a way of life for humanity in harmony with life on earth and also with one another. Our Human Design blueprint, astrology (western or Vedic, Mayan signs, and other systems are expressions of our blueprints and our tone. Some are more a frequency of peace and others a frequency of love, of joy, of intensity like fire, and other subtle qualities in relation to the tone that they are and came here to be, or their vibrational spin. As unique beings with our unique blueprints, we are aspects or fractals of the One creation experiencing itself in different forms and with different experiences. How New Earth Happens: A Possibility It goes back to remembering how to tap into the unified field and express that harmony in our everyday lives. I had thought of the New Earth as something we each have seeds for and the seeds lie in our hearts. We have a knowing that a new paradigm based on love can exist and how to have it exist. Our unique blueprints, living as our harmonic selves, expressing our true tone in the world, is the the way that we bring the seeds we have to grow the new Garden of Eden here on the planet. I used to think it is what we do that is the seed and contribution, but now I see it as who we are, being our true tone and harmonic within ourselves and the universe as the important thing that we do. How cool is that – being who we are is the contribution that we are! I had made it, the creation of New Earth, more complicated in my mind but the download showed me that it is truly really simple to create heaven on earth and it is all about harmonics generated within. The simplicity is that more and more people are accessing the unified field through their hearts. From Ganesh, author of the blog Known is a drop, Unknown is an Ocean: In the center of the castle of Brahman (our own body) there is a small shrine in the form of a lotus flower (appearance of fully blossomed microabode as you look down from above), and within can be found a small space. We should find who dwells there, and we should want to know him. And if anyone asks – “Who is he who dwells in the small shrine in the form of a lotus flower in the center of the castle of Brahman?” We can answer – “The little space within the heart is as great as this universe. The heavens and the earth are there; the sun, the moon, the stars; fire and lightning and winds… For the whole universe is in him and he dwells within our heart.” More persons are awakening, more are meditating and accessing this field, through the heart. This is the biggest key to ascension and to the New Earth arising - to manifestation of a society based on divine order. Songs, poems, stories and sacred books have mentioned how in the blink of an eye a shift can occur and a brand new world occur. It is sometimes based on sound or sounding like the walls come tumbling down, when one world falls away and another arises. A dimensional shift? Since the world is based on sound and light as these manifest waveforms, or matter; it makes sense to me that sound and light shifting as frequency can change the world from the inside out. Meanwhile, we impact all that we interact with with our frequency. When we are in the unified field with our hearts, we transmit divine order. When we are in chaos, we create more chaos. That is why our practices are so important, the ones that bring us inner peace. We create our outer world that we personally and also collectively experience through our inner world of frequency and vibration. Staying in the heart broadcasting the unified field through the heartspace, our bindu of creation brings divine order to waveforms around us. Mass worldwide meditations for peace,Dr. Emoto's water experiments and The HeartMath Institute’s coherent field work show the effect of meditation, intention, and the coherent heart field. It is so simple and the Rishis of ancient times knew the path to meditation which they offer in their writings though passed down verbally in ancient times. Heart resonance and the unified field can be a transmission received from one heart to another that awakens the continuous presence and awareness of the unified field. There are countless ways to access the heart field, the unified field that I speak of and it is a practiced and felt thing. Everyone has felt it at one time or another; like when we have felt love, witnessed great beauty, or stroked a pet that we love. The idea and hope is that a tipping point, a mass shift happens when a group of people as the collective on earth are broadcasting from the unified heart field. When we all become so harmonic that resonance completely shifts matter and the fields around us, we will have New Earth. The seeds of New Earth lie in our hearts and it is through harmonic resonance that we transmit by tapping into the unified field that will bring us to a harmonic, loving, sharing, expansive, co-creative, peaceful, and awake society. We birth a New Earth that we cannot even imagine fully, stars and planets through our hearts. I love how ancient spiritual wisdom, science and quantum physics intersect. Nassim Haramein speaks from some knowledge of Vastu as he offers scientific theory to the world. Quantum physics shows us how everything is interrelated and connected. The true reality is this interconnectedness, and also how the hologram of the micro is in the macro. The seeds are the universes within us, as the inner is the outer. We are merely tuning our radio frequency dial to a new station, a new frequency, and a new resonance. Note: I offer all of this as a person who has touched on the surface Vastu and Quantum Physics with great humility. I connect the ideas of heart resonance, spirituality and the New Earth’s creation as inspiration and food for thought. To those of you who are in resonance with what I am sharing; and interested in meditation and inner guidance may want to know about the Enhancing Inner Guidance Course. We will be practicing and learning together. A free call on "What is Inner Guidance?" happens on September 1, and the course begins on September 22, the Fall Equinox. Find out more at Akashic Intuitive where you see a special code, the word “guide” to register and find out about the free call. Let us create the New Earth together and share, from our true selves and harmonic tones. Thank you so much for allowing me to share, Shivrael Luminance River PS If you want to learn more about Vastu theories, begin by seeing the works of Jessie J. Mercay, Dr. Ganupati Sthapati, and the original ancient rishi Mamuni Mayan. Nassim Haramein has quantum scientific theories that relate to the 64 tetrahedron which arises from the 8 x 8 grid. |