Sabrina and I, River, will appear on Everyday Connection on January 12 at 8pm EST. Listen on Blog Talk Radio . We will talk about the Akashic Records and DNA Recoding. We have been through an intensely transformational period, so I haven't updated this website lately. Please listen at 8pm EST on Thurs, or after the show when it will be archived.
After a year of consistent exploring in this Multidimensional Realm, Sabrina and River wanted to share with others how to do this as it seems to accelerate learning and evolving. Currently they are involved in clearing emotional triggering with the help of their star teams, plus DNA recoding and reconnection which happens during dreamtime. In their processes, their current mission seems to be creating templates to make ascension easy, without all the hard work and struggle that was previously thought necessary by others. Play, imagination, fun, are their way of expansion and discovery Today, River and Sabrina are helping others discover their unique divine blueprint and to connect with their star families. Star Team Journeys will help accelerate your awakening. You will meet your galactic brothers and sisters. You will learn how to bridge their 3D self with their multidimensional self. Each one of us, has a inner portal to access our memories, wisdom and multidimensional abilities. Star Team Journeys empowers you to access your own portals and multidimensional self.