IMPORTANT THEMES: Out with the Old. Letting Go. Rebooting and restarting. Renewal. New directions. Laughter. The unexpected. Optimism and hope. New beginnings. Simplify life. Rest. Dreaming. Being.
Update for Solstice to January 22. Let's see what the akashic records have to share about this moon cycle, for the collective and the heart tribe. The solstice is am important point in time. For those in the Northern Hemisphere, you have just gone through the darkest time of year and the light has returned. You have gone deep into your inner void, the dark, where you have felt what lies hidden inside. The light of hope has been rekindled. What have you learned in the past moon cycle leading to the solstice? What has brought you joy? Take a moment to consider that. In the akashic records, I see myself flipping through a book with pages of records represented by records of music on vinyl. They are encased in paper sleeves. It is the old paradigm, encoded as a a representation for history. Yet the ability to play those records is coming to an end as fewer people have record players anymore. Of course, this is all a metaphor. I am sifting through pages of these records. I get a feeling of looking back at the year and years with some nostalgia, yet a letting go, too. We, as a collective, are moving forward with new systems of memory that are modern. It is more like a need to know, instant access, always ready system. The system is our new way of being is which is showing up in the moment. This ability to be in the now is really anchoring in as the year of 2022 turns to 2023. Another thing is that the old records, which are our stories are not even something we want to play. We are losing the ability to recall them, except in the broadest and most neutral sense. The old records are being thrown out and are fading away within us. This allows us to be in a higher vibration because our inner wiring doesn't give us access to all the thoughts and stories that derail us. It is a very good thing. I hear that the theme: “Out with the Old.” It applies to records as memories and stories, stuff we have held onto, grudges and hurts. It is like all of that is being purged within which may expand to our outer lives too. Maybe you will find yourself letting go, decluttering, or detoxing in surprising ways. How are you letting go? Before the year ends there might be some moments of looking back and then letting go of the past year or longer. At the new moon on December 23, the akashic records shows a vision of life, for each person who is choosing to do so, move from complexity to simplicity. This spiritual season brings new awareness of into our hearts. It helps us to focus on what is important which is love and one another. We realize that many of the things we worry about are not relevant. Paring down to taking care of our needs, ourselves and one another becomes important. We get down to appreciation for the basics and for human connection. It is a reminder to reach out to another person and offer kindness. It helps us feel better and it helps them feel better. Love and caring with reciprocity is the basis of overcoming problems in our world. I see how each random act of kindness you do is a lifesaver for others. The Universe is a Mirror to the Love that You Are When you smile and send love- guess what comes back? The Universe is a mirror to what you put out. Energy comes back in the flavor (which is the same as frequency) that you send out. That is why you may be called to simplify your life and focus on what is essential. Life has gotten too complex. Peace comes from letting go of some of what we are trying to do. The new year brings an evaluation of what is important. Instead of adding things to our list of goals and outer accomplishments, we can cross things off that don't matter to our soul's journey. We can create love as a frequency inside, and we send it out, and that is what comes back to us. The solstice today on December 21st, 2022 feels like so much hope and optimism pouring in from Source. It is a time in which to find rest, and while resting, gestate your dreams. It is a good time to let go of linear time. Find more flow which would be to move when you are inspired and stop and rest when you need to. Self-caring is listening to your inner rhythms, your inner guidance. What if you moved through life as if you had all the time in the world? What if you pretended that were the case? In the flow, following your intuition, you find those moments of joyous synchronicity in which you find yourself at the right place and time. Opportunities show up as a reflections of allowance and also your vibration. What are you doing that makes you feel happy? Inner reflection is going within, being in stillness, cultivating your awareness of self. What I am seeing is that the Solstice and just after is a nexxus point. The dates of the 20th through 25th are circled on the calendar. Lots of timelines radiate out of them like the sun. So in that zero point of time, you are in a place of choosing your timeline. Being conscious and intentional, being mindful and present in the moment, and being “out of time” and in flow are allies. They help you choose the highest vibrational timeline for you as you move forward into the new year. I hear laughter now as the akashic records is reminding us that the idea of “time” and a “year” are actually made up constructs. We don't have to agree to them. Or we can notice them, but not take them as seriously. Laughter is the best medicine. Laughter brings us to a high vibration. Sometimes the company of another can help us to laugh. Children are great examples as they laugh often. We can lighten up and smile and find things that feel funny to our unique sense of humor. Can we take everything in each day a little less seriously? As we move into January, the akashic records is showing a silver rain coming down. The message is that blessings will be raining down on us. Sometimes you feel unlucky when it is grey and rainy. When events happen that feel unlucky, they actually might be blessings raining down upon you. If you are neutral to whatever is showing up for you, you will see the silver lining. You will see the ways in which whatever happens is trying to bless you. The collective is being blessed in January especially as we move toward January 22, which is the next new moon. Recap: Remember that your state of being, how you feel inside, is everything. What is happening or appears to be is not to be taken so seriously. Do what makes you feel light. Remember to laugh. Expect the unexpected. Be open to blessings. Be open to your life turning around in a positive way. A formula of trust and faith plus your intention and vibration make it so. Luminous blissings, Shivrael akashicintuitive