What if we notice the contact we are having with our galactic family, our guides, our higher self, our angels; whatever you call them? What if we started communicating to them as if they were there and are there all the time? I attended a remote transmission of an activation and healing energy which I could feel (from humans I know), and I imagined that my higher self team was right there helping me and I am sure they were. What if we started to see them a little bit? How would that feel? Or if we could feel them like wind on our skin, or hear them speak to us? It is becoming the next logical step to be in touch with the non-physical world, those who assist us all the time. I am excited about the possibility, personally. I know some people aren't ready for that. The most important thing is the feel the presence of your higher self, and to feel the guidance too which comes through in feeling all the time. Notice that! Those who are benevolent will attract those beings who are benevolent to them. And it seems to me that who you connect with or channel is part of you, that we are actually accessing parts of ourselves when we connect. As a psychic reader, I have been trained to read from the field and see what I see on behalf of another with what is relevant to them.
On the subject of our guides- we can ask them to help us. We can call in our team when we are upset about something to help deal with it. Hand it over to divine, let go and let god as they say. We are always connected and in times of upset it is harder to remember to try and more difficult to access. Our frequency needs to be in a higher place to commune with higher vibrational beings like our angels. That is why meditation or doing something that makes our heart sing, and our vibration raise, will make them more accessible to our noticing them. I have a pet peeve that I want to share about spiritual webinars. I notice there are some webinars that are experiential, meaning we create sacred space and go to a higher place and it becomes higher vibrational. I like those type. Other spiritual webinars don't go to that higher place but are of the old energy, and I don't like them very much. They spend a lot of time talking about 5D but not actually accessing it. Keep in mind, that 5D is always accessible with our intention. It is inside of us. Sometimes we need to take ourselves to places where it is easier to experience, and also make it happen through our practices and intentions and perspective. Perspective from the heart and gratitude is what turns one to seeing life in 5D. I have some co-creator friends who are going to join me for some exciting events that we have planned. I am offering some webinars, which I will be announcing soon. I promise that we will collectively create sacred space together, and much more. Let me know if you are interested in knowing more. It is a time of co-creation in which everyone has something to share and their need not be a hierarchy or looking outside of ourselves for answers. We can create sacred space for one another, support one another an share what we have learned, and go deep into another world together in which we experience concurrently. Let the magic happen.. indeed we are the ones we have been waiting for. -Shannon Luminance River
From my guides: We are here in the solar flares, the light coming into humans and all earth. We salute you and celebrate you as you open yourselves to healing and enlightenment and alignment and upgrades in DNA. We are with you. Please bask and savor these days. See them as positive and transformative. Let your heart be open to allow the heart based consciousness to feel itself, to activate, to receive. These are receiving times not “doing” times. It is time to be in the flow of what is, acceptance. Divine plan unfolds in you like spiral energies. Feel them connected with the greater whole, the greater plan that is laid out for you, and is categorically non-linear. Angel's hands are your hands typing. Notice your angelic human hybrid self but do not attach to the label of it, but instead to the feeling of it. It may feel like purple light. A new wavelength of light is dancing through you. We are your guides. We are nature. Nature speaks, Mother Earth, and the life force in all of life. We are one and we dance in and with you. Let the light dance flow in you. Self-illlumination, bring it on. We see you sitting in your own resplendence. Dance the light fantastic. This is a magical time for taking on more light. You do it for all and you share it with all. It is not a burden, but period of lightening of all burdens. Give them up with your beliefs and identifications. Examine what is solid, a rock for example, taking in light and it effects us as we shift and become new. A solid rock can change.. are not your cells more malleable? Change is constant.. bring it on yourself, for the highest good, with your inner invocations. Ask for help through this, we are here, the invisible allies. We are light dancing within and without you. We are guardians, old guardians of life on earth. Reaching into you. Reaching through the veil and lending a hand and healing your heart through those difficult moments that are only there to shift you and awaken you. Flow with the shift and others will flow too. Do not judge how well you flow, simply place down the burdens. There is the burden of “not knowing what is happening to you” and release into the arms of trust of your angels. Forgive, and release the heaviness. This is a time of subtraction of what you have not let go of yet. It is a time of flowing courageously into the core of your authentic true self. It is a time of handing that which no longer serves over to source for cosmic recycling in the Hunab Ku, the Galactic Center. The heart of the galaxy is also in you, a heart space that can heal and transform old energy into light. Galactic Butterfly, you are this, being reborn in each moment. It is at time of humility and receiving. Notice what is showing up. Take note of the shifting. Take space for yourself. Let the body vehicle recalibrate again and again and take gentle care of this precious body. We suggest that you engage in gentle exercise, in being outdoors, and taking in simple fresh food and drink. Fresh from the vine, or the garden, or a stream, the life force that you take in nourishes you in its unprocessed form. Bless and have gratitude for what you eat and drink. Breathe consciously. You are a consumer of light and an emitter of light. We leave you with this. Do what makes you shine. Be inward, and be joyful. Release and know it is all coming to a better place and you are pillar of light as well as a portal and opening for higher energy to enter earth. You are a catalyst for change for in your very beingness. We celebrate and honor you for being of service and for simply being..that is all that is asked so hold firm and lift one another up, be kind, and ride the wave of your unfoldment. We send our love and honor you for your very existence. -Shannon Luminance River P.S. My inner guides also told me this today, about the intense X-class solar flares that earth is receiving: Suggestions are prayer, do your clearing, be in joy, be inspired and be of service. "Watch everything that is speeding up and everything that seems to be collapsing, everything that has been revved up, arising and metamorphosing from the mental through the physical, from the higher through the lower, and as these changes are occurring through your life-stream, as you are playing with these beautiful unfoldings, welcome forth all of you to show you the overview, the larger view and the clear unfoldments of what is happening, to assist you to love and be the love, divinity and light-beingness that you are, to assist you to be the brilliance that you are and steer you and journey you."
Namaste' by William Linville 4/21/13 The whole universe is spiraling to more light and each cell of the one is spiraling to more light. Some egos, lower selves, want to spiral into darkness but they have to work hard at it against the flow of creation which is much more powerful. The is light in everyone and it wants more light.
______________________________________________________________________________________________ Lightworkers are of soul family, sent here to be cells that embody LOTS of light quotient, spread out, and through the grid, connect and the rest of the cells start vibrating faster and taking on light. YES I see the ones you mean, you call them “dark ones” but just let them be. See the larger picture, how the collective is mostly taking on more light. Don't let the dark cells cut you off from source. Know ultimately that their higher selves want them to be led to the light. In fact they are assisting you and others in taking on more light for all. Don't get emotional or upset by them and their choice in this free will universe. Creation and light win. Already won. In you heart is the truth that creation and light have already won... and all of the collective is becoming light. Yes the fifth world awaits. See a Light Bright Board (kid's art toy from yesteryear) and some bulbs are strong and have a good connection and some want to be broken. Just a few..like your Christmas tree. Do not despair the few bulbs that want to put out the whole string but turn on the ones that do want power of source..flow to them! |