Welcome the Akashic Energy Update from November 8 to 23rd. The full moon with an eclipse is happening bringing us in a new phase on the 8th. The sun is in Scorpio with an moon in Taurus. The eclipse portal began on October 25th with a new moon and eclipse. I was traveling and unable to make an energy update previously.
The time between the first and second eclipse has had intense energy, and has been a cauldron of internal change. Even if it is the time of moving into darkness (in the month of November, at least in the Northern Hemisphere) there is a great amount of light as if a new sun is rising. An eclipse sheds light on what is hidden and that is what is coming in, quickly and in a big way, starting on the 8th. Maybe you will have your own secrets revealed to you or to others. Certainly larger secrets the collective does not know yet will be revealed. The people, seeing new truths come to light that impact everyone is coming together to choose a new direction. I see them working together, doing the hard work, as if they were digging a trench. The trench is a completely new pathway for light to flow that humanity has not chosen before. Likewise, you might choose a new direction in your life that you have not considered post-eclipse. As for the time between eclipses in the portal from October 25 to November 8, you may have been planting seeds for what is now coming into fruition. Lots of seeds are sprouting. It is a time of manifestation when what you put out was aligned with the heart and the highest good. Expect projects and opportunities to show up in a positive way and surprise you! Right after the eclipse feels chaotic, like lots is happening at once. It feels full of change and new perspectives. Later in the month feels like there is unification and coming together for the new. Just after the 8th, expect emotional and mental processing which will eventually birth clarity and unity with others who are in alignment. This is all to birth a new direction for humanity because the past has been shown and many don't want to repeat it. Some of You are Anchors of Light Those of you who has been through dark nights of the soul, who already see the big picture are the calm presence for others. Your vibration will be felt and people will come to you for information that helps them put pieces together. You are also able to convey the energy of emotional stability and solace. You don't necessarily have to do anything, but be the emotional stability through this time of change. Things need to get messy first and when that happens, celebrate. It means the shift is upon us! After that, a greater clarity will emerge and movement forward will happen. There will be letting go, and then there will be the new starting to appear with the new moon on November 23. Trust the process, trust the unfolding of the divine plan. What have you been planting? As you read this, take note of what seeds and intentions you have planted in your life. See what is manifesting. This is a very powerful time, and what seeds you have sewn along with your vibrational frequency will impact what takes root and flowers in your life. As we move toward the new moon on November 23rd and beyond, notice who you can co-create with. Many hands make light work. Additionally, the image of the digging a trench together is another metaphor. It is a metaphor for "being in the trenches" together. Who is in your life? Who is there that can you lash your canoe together with? The Hopi Prophecy speaks of this... for the greater good and for your and our survival as a species. We need to help one another through this time. We are not here to just survive but the thrive! An Important Ingredient to Add to Your Experience Posititive expectation, hope, faith, trust in the divine plan will bring us to the highest timeline, and highest potential outcome. Post- Eclipse Update Summary Ride the waves of change and find who is in resonance. Enjoy what manifests in your reality. Expect to have new persepectives as more is revealed. We've got this. It is the time we have been waiting for... and we are the ones we have been waiting for. Blessings of Luminous Light, Shivrael akashicintuitive