From the Akashic Records for April 11-May 11 I notice the master number 11, from 11 to 11. Today is a great day to plant seeds of intentions or actual seeds on this New Moon. Eleven means seer, intuitive, sensitive, and a deep sense of awareness for things we cannot see. This is so appropriate as this month is about seeing under the surface of things. The Energy We Are Now In The first image to describe this from the akashic records is that of polarized pictures seen in old-fashioned camera film negatives. All that is dark appears light in the negatives as you hold them to the light. The interpretation is that there is polarization which we spoke of previously, having been called a bifurcation with two pathways for humanity which come down to fear and love. It is a recognition that people have split apart and are not understanding each other at this time. Polarization is heightened. The film strip analogy also shows a calendar underneath and several recent days, like the past 5-7, which have had solar storm intensity. This impacts the physical bodies of sensitive people. In the last couple of days, the light codes we received have been integrating. This allows more spaciousness and feeling better. The film strip negatives are a metaphor showing how so much of what we see is backward. The world does not make sense anymore. We see the glitches and it is confusing, and also on some level reality is a movie. What film frame are you looking through? What perspective are you adopting at any moment? If we start noticing something that is upsetting to us, we start noticing more and more of it. One option is to change the channel and watch a different stream of the movie. Now I am seeing a multi-plex that plays an infinite number of movies and streams to observe. This makes me smile. What can we pay attention to that feels good? The possibility of changing the channel or going to another movie is something to remember whenever we are caught up in polarization in our point of view. What nourishes us? ______________ Danielle Stotijn shared this reflection on 3D and 5D consciousness.
You might say the polarization is being more focused on your opinion. You may feel a need to pull back into yourself as things are moving fast and are stimulating. Go back to simplicity, to nature, to grounding on the earth. Go back to being with yourself. The old ways are not working. The old way of ignoring our inspiration and just making ourselves do something when we were not up for it. We are called from inside to follow the flow of energy of the universe. We are called to be in the flow of our energy and emotional state. Doing this allows us to land in the perfect place at the perfect time. It is a new way of being. We will see synchronicity along our path and it will confirm that we are indeed in that flow and the universe and Source supports us. Inner listening and receptivity let us ride our inspiration in a moment and be productive then. That change we have been waiting for is still coming. It is like there is a thin layer of cloudiness over everything, and it will be ripped off at some time. The time in which the veil gets ripped off seems to be related to how many people are seeing and sensing what is underneath and call it out. Sunflowers I see a giant field of sunflowers who are representing human beings, and they are blooming and opening to the sun now. We are waiting for open yellow flowers for the majority and then the shift goes quantum and a bigger change takes place. Where we are going in this moon cycle: Expect more waves of solar storms are coming in with intensity and then rest, and then starting up again. It makes us focus on ourselves which is a relief, in a way. Self-care is crucial. Feeling our connection to animals helps us feel our hearts open up. Finding beauty in simple things and looking at them in a new way brings a sense of awe. Can we intentionally find things to be in awe about? Image from the Akash for this Month This month is showing a person hanging on a vine in the jungle. He is swinging from one tree to another, across a deep divide. The division is our old way of seeing to the new. It even looks like the centerline crevasse between our brain hemispheres. As he does that, he moves into his intuitive knowledge that he might have been pushing away. He is moving from the left linear brain to the right intuitive brain. He explores the territory and he likes how it feels. He finds awe, and he appreciates the beauty. He is resting in his knowing and integrating it with his old way of understanding. It represents both sides of the brain working together in harmony. It represents the feminine in balance with the masculine. Our society has been linear left-brain dominant, masculine dominant, and active doing versus receptive being dominant. To balance it out, it is likely that most people are learning about this as consciousness shifts. Now is a Transitional Time Another image is of turbulent waves as we are all together on a boat ride. It has some scary moments in which the water comes into the ship, but mostly we are fine. We then go to more tranquil waters in May. Mirror Pond For later in this cycle in May, I see a woman's partial face with her eye looking into a mirror, and the mirror is alsa a completely placid pond. It is the calm, the feminine in her peaceful place, her power of seeing from her heart. We feel safe and life is reflecting something calm and clear at this time. The mirror used to be fragmented as the collective is fragmented. It is represented with the image of many little jagged mirrors that are points of view. Now there is clear seeing and even oneness as the mirrors have joined together. The image of a woman and the pond/mirror represents one's personal experience of gnosis which is ever unfolding. It shows her ability to see under the surface of things, especially when things are cloudy and confusing. We are all going through this journey of inner seeing and then the outer becomes clear and peaceful. May all beings be at peace. Luminous blessings, Shivrael Akashic IntuitiveWebsite readings, blog, and Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis