Taking a peek at possibilities the timelines of 2016, I tap into the akashic records for a new year. My higher self gives me imagery to decode, understand and explain.
Each of us in our own happiness bubble. It is being shown like honeycomb, like we have a cell of sweetness that we are tasting and creating and existing within. We are in our creation, our universe. This is representative of our chosen timeline. The experience of the nectar that is turning to honey is different. Some of us taste so much sweetness as we translate this honey as liquid love light. Our happiness bubble is basking in liquid love. Every person can choose this, the highest form of mastery. And if we fall out of the sweetnesss, we can choose it again. When we fall out of alignment, we may be focusing on how the honey is not done yet. There is a lack feeling. Yet others may be tasting the sweetness as if the honey were finished, like a wine that is at its peak. Those of you who can live in imagination, basking in sweetness of your YOU-niverse before the honey is there are the ones who are choosing the highest timeline for you. Do you see there is more basking and imagining required to manifest the life of your dreams than you thought possible? This is a year of collective experience and co-creation. It is a year of bringing the sweetness of the higher dimensional experience into form. Yet each is nursing there own little cell within the honeycomb of the collective. We are all one hive. We are to come together for the good of the whole. This is the sweetness, the true sweetness of the New Earth. You are beloved. You are a part. You are the whole. You are the one and you are a fractal of the one. You are in service to the greater whole and in service to yourself. You are here for joy and pleasure, to love and be loved. You are here to share who you are, support and be supported in your dreams becoming real. This is a year of flying free as bees do, of living your dreams when they mesh with the greatest good of the whole. We wish for all life to grow, expand and proliferate. What is possible with many hands working together on the same thing? What is possible when we resonate with our hive, finding the same vibrational essence as one another? What if are there to raise the resonance of the whole hive which includes all life on earth? What is possible if we do our happy dance, basking in the sweetness, celebrating the harvest of the delicious liquid love light honey of our groups creation? It is about flying free and tasting the nectar of the flowers of the universe. It is a year of being true to yourself and your own vibration. It is about doing your own happy dance in your own universe. Yet we see our intersection with all others and their universe and by being in our happiness bubble, we uplift them, and we uplift all. It is a year of coming together, in a synchronized dance, that magnetizes us in resonance and desiring co-creation. It cannot be organized or thought out, but is spontaneous. It is allowing a meeting, with a blank slate of pure possibility, and then manifestation of something much bigger than ourselves. We are taking it into the physical. We are creating beauty, divine expression of the love we are, in service and in delight for the sake of the fun of it. Let this year be a year of manifestation for the higher good, for the benefit of the greater whole. Let us create beauty, express who we are, coming together in smaller groups of resonance. It is the year of going home. Home lies within us and we shall make it reflect in our world, making all that we touch reflect the essence of home. You are certain magnetism. Trust that soul family is there feeling the beacon of your presence across time and space. You are deeply loved and supported. It is there, even if the honey is not ready for eating. It is time for you to feel the sweetness of life that already exists even if you cannot physically taste it yet. It is the time of feeling into being what exists within, this new paradigm and how it shall be already is inside. That on the inside is reflected on the outside. So it shall be and so it is. With many blessing for a most joyous year, Shivrael Luminance River http://www.akashicintuitive.com http://www.diamondlightnetworks.com