If you want to know more about you, here you go. I hope to be including blogs about Human Design as well as spirituality, Akashic Record Reading, and quantum jumping. As a Level 3 Human Design Guide, I am thinking a lot about circuitry and channels. I am thinking about how to bring it all together when I read a chart. I am thinking about the importance of explaining type and strategy in every reading so that people can apply this wisdom to their lives and experiment with it. An important part of Human Design is to understand the Not-self centers that are open (white colored in the chart.) In this chart, the centers are colored in but it says what the theme of each center is about. In a chart with white/open centers there is more possibility of conditioning. That means, in a simple description, that you are open to experiencing how others experience the world. You think or feel like the person you are with and you amplify that. It can be a confusing experience to have open centers and in the process of maturity as a human, you discover how to deal with it. Knowing our open centers, and what problems arise from them can really help you, though. I leave you with this resource. It talks about the undefined centers (open/white color on the chart). If you have mostly white centers in your chart, you are more of an "energy receiver." This with mostly colored centers (also called defined centers) are "energy senders" in that others feel the energy you are sending, and you have a defined way of operating in that energy center. There are nine energy centers in Human Design. But what I encourage you to look at for the sake of simplicity is to notice what is said about the different types. It tells you the most important things you should know for each type, and there are 5 Human Design Types. Go to Jovian Archive for your chart by putting in your birth data. Let me know if you would like to book a reading. Here is the resource I am pointing to today with thanks to the Human Design Community website. It is a Powerpoint Presentation. See page 26 for the important points about each type starting with the Manifestor. I am a 1/3 Projector, a guide. I have a lot of open centers so I know what it is about to deal with them. As a 1/3 projector, I am an investigator/experimenter. The investigator aspect, the one in my 1/3 profile makes me find lots of information and present it such as this so bear with me with the thoroughness of this document and take only what feels relevant to your desire to know about Human Design. Thanks so much, Shivrael Luminance River
Recently, I spent a month of solo travel on an adventure in Guatemala. Guatemala called me, and I started off by visiting a dear friend, yoga teacher and shamanic facilitator and sacred space holder Sri at the Mystical Yoga Farm on Lake Atitlan. The lake is a vortex energy site and feels really good to be at, with some paranormal and magical activity happening too. There is a temple at the bottom of the lake, for example. Lots of spiritual seekers show up at this lake, particularly San Marcos. It is in a volcano crater surrounded by three volcanos which are triangles framing the lake. There is a tradition of indigenous Mayans who live here, along with shamanism and also the Mayan Calendar. While traveling, I read the book "Secrets of the Talking Jaguar: Memoirs from the Living Heart of a Mayan Village" By Martin Prechtel, an account from the next town over from the yoga farm, that of Santiago. I arrived at the Mystical Yoga Farm dock, surrounded by tropical greenery, coffee trees, the beautiful lake and volcanos. It is a Mayan land and this is a sanctuary for progressive leading edge spiritual yogis and yoginis to hone their craft and transform themselves. I caught a ride on their transformation as my own, arriving in perfect divine timing on the final five days of a 300-hour yoga and shamanic training. I was a retreat guest but was blessed by the opportunity to attend some of the classes such as kirtan, a music class, and shamanic ceremonies each night. We had a gratitude ceremony, a water blessing ceremony, a releasing ceremony, sweat lodges in the Temazcal which is like a womb of the earth mother structure. It is used in Central America for purification as a sauna. We had lots of singing, kirtan, mantras, drums, rattles, group unification, symbols, blessings and prayers from a place of simplicity, heart, and authenticity. The ten people in this group plus the facilitators and staff became instant family. The ceremonies and experiences were truly transformative. I love how everyone shared there gifts with one another, and everyone was showing up and treated as equals in a way that is empowering for all. Sacred space was held by one another and in this a supportive environment for mutual healing was created. And it was fun to be together! What a wonderful place to land and also to begin a life changing journey! I love how my spiritual beliefs got a reboot and expansion. I love how I got out of the box of my belief systems in a way that I cannot be put back into the box. So much expansiveness and shift...thank you Guatemala and friends that I met there. I loved participating and being a part of all of this with some amazing high vibing beings who think and live in shamanic ways. The Medicine Wheel I learned about and lived the cycle of the Q'uero (Peruvian) Medicine Wheel. Each day or two was assigned a different place on the medicine wheel which has four directions with animals to represent certain energies.The animals are the serpent, the jaguar, the eagle and the hummingbird. There is a different flavor to each kind of day according to direction. Starting with the serpent, there is a healing of the body and a releasing and shedding. On a jaguar day, the mind is figuring the emotions out, and there can be a lot of processing going on.The hummingbird day is when we move to tasting the sweetness of life, feeling joy and flitting from flower to flower in our bliss. We step out of time into sacred time beyond time. The eagle day gives the wider perspective, a bird's eye view and we are more an observer and detached to the ground level drama of our human experience. In the visionary place, we create the world with our seeing.Going round the medicine wheel, we feel differently. From the serpent we are feeling our physical body and a ground level denser experience. We then travel to the eagle on another day and feel the expansive spirit view, which is more of our spirit body or etheric perspective, to where we are merged with everything and also see from the higher place, even observing ourselves. How do I work with this? The way I have been working with it since the visit to the Mystical Yoga Farm is this: I tune in in meditation in the morning and connect with my spirit guides. I also get into a space of peace and neutrality. Feeling happy in my heart, going into the void, and being there. Then I am settled in meditation and can receive guidance. I ask, what kind of day is it? I go through the four directions getting a yes on one of the four and a no on the other three. Then I have a sense of what the theme of this day has. I can communicate with the energy of the animal spirit and see what wisdom it has to share with me about my life and from their perspective. Let me add that I have learned that you can shift perspectives instantly to that of another direction if desired. You can move from eagle to hummingbird, for example. It is a way to work with the wheel and transform. Another thing to do is to spend a few days in each direction, assigned, for a month, to feel it out. I have not done this yet but look forward to discovering what happens, and also to learn more about the medicine wheel. In meditation, there is connecting to my higher self and guides and hearing and feeling, and also seeing what wants to be shared. I can ask questions, discover what is a good direction for my energies of doing for the day, and recieve solutions to in the solution field. I have also learned, on this journey to Guatemala, how to do quantum jumping which is the one of the best tools ever for raising my vibration virtually instantly. It is super simple. I include this in meditation too. Meditation is something I use for guidance, for raising my vibration, for finding answers but mostly for feeling good and getting high. Back to the journey to Guatemala: The first six days were spent being welcomed into the beautiful heart of The Mystical Yoga Farm family. It was a jump start for transformation and so good to be around so many other people who were also working on their transformation in a deep way. What a gift to experience the learning. the love, and the nurturance of this beautiful place! I am so grateful! Thank you Mother Earth, Grandfather Rock, Grandmother Tree, the sacred Lake, and all the life that is there, especially the people! I hold you all in my heart in gratitude! ~Warm regards and blessings on your journey! Shivrael Luminance River Below is a slideshow from the Mystical Yoga Farm experience! Enjoy! |