If you want to know more about you, here you go. I hope to be including blogs about Human Design as well as spirituality, Akashic Record Reading, and quantum jumping. As a Level 3 Human Design Guide, I am thinking a lot about circuitry and channels. I am thinking about how to bring it all together when I read a chart. I am thinking about the importance of explaining type and strategy in every reading so that people can apply this wisdom to their lives and experiment with it. An important part of Human Design is to understand the Not-self centers that are open (white colored in the chart.) In this chart, the centers are colored in but it says what the theme of each center is about. In a chart with white/open centers there is more possibility of conditioning. That means, in a simple description, that you are open to experiencing how others experience the world. You think or feel like the person you are with and you amplify that. It can be a confusing experience to have open centers and in the process of maturity as a human, you discover how to deal with it. Knowing our open centers, and what problems arise from them can really help you, though. I leave you with this resource. It talks about the undefined centers (open/white color on the chart). If you have mostly white centers in your chart, you are more of an "energy receiver." This with mostly colored centers (also called defined centers) are "energy senders" in that others feel the energy you are sending, and you have a defined way of operating in that energy center. There are nine energy centers in Human Design. But what I encourage you to look at for the sake of simplicity is to notice what is said about the different types. It tells you the most important things you should know for each type, and there are 5 Human Design Types. Go to Jovian Archive for your chart by putting in your birth data. Let me know if you would like to book a reading. Here is the resource I am pointing to today with thanks to the Human Design Community website. It is a Powerpoint Presentation. See page 26 for the important points about each type starting with the Manifestor. I am a 1/3 Projector, a guide. I have a lot of open centers so I know what it is about to deal with them. As a 1/3 projector, I am an investigator/experimenter. The investigator aspect, the one in my 1/3 profile makes me find lots of information and present it such as this so bear with me with the thoroughness of this document and take only what feels relevant to your desire to know about Human Design. Thanks so much, Shivrael Luminance River
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