Jump into possibilities and potentials as we take the next big leap in evolution by Returning To Your Divine Blueprint. We have reached a major turning point in the shift of consciousness and are now taking our first steps into the higher octaves of Light. We will be facilitating some new activations that will assist and align with the new energies as we move forward in the ascension process. We have a full line up of wonderful activities/offerings for this special event which will take place on July 29th and this also marks the Star of David planetary alignment so this will make for a very special event. The activities for this webinar will include Guided Meditation, Heart Opening, Diamond Light Body Activation, Full Energy Clearing and Recalibration, DNA Light Code Activations, Light Language Activation and to complete this magnificent event we will be launching a exciting experiment in honor of the new energies now available so join us for a magical Experience as we reclaim our Divine Essence. You are invited to an exciting co-creative experience on Monday, July 29th at 7:30 pm EST. That would be 6:30 Central Time, 4:30 pm PT. For those in the UK, it would be 12:30 am after midnight in the London. EDT is -4 GMT to figure it out in your time zone. Please go to this link and register: http://www.angeliclightcodes.com/workshops.html From the Presenters: Greetings dear family of Light, I am Au Ri-An and I would like to share what I will be offering for this special event. I will be doing a complete energy clearing and recalibration of the auric field by removing etheric implants, seals and regulators, disincarnates, identity disincarnates, etheric cords, karmic contracts, agreements, vows and promises. I will then move on with the Heart Opening and Lightbody Activation followed up with DNA Light Code and Light Language Activation. All of this is accomplished by working with your higher self along with your permission and intention allowing you to unlock and awaken your Divine Blueprint. This is a very powerful transformative experience and will have profound effect on how you view and interact with the world in and around you, many blessings to you all on your journeys of greatness......... What I, Shannon Brophy, bring to the experience, is multidimensional journeying with groups in co-creative meditations. I am known as Luminance River and am a channeler, writer, vibrational energy healer, and akashic reader. May this event bring us all into a greater expansion and alignment for the highest good of all........ In Lak'esh (I am another yourself) Namaste (I honor the light within you) Thank you for joining us for this on this day of plantary alignment! We are so honored and excited! The time is Tuesday, July 29 at 7:30 pm EST. That would be 4:30 PT, and 12:30 am in London,on the 29th. To sign up, say yes and we will send you what you need to log into the webinar from your computer. Thank you so much for participating, and sharing the light and love that you are! Shannon Luminance River and Au Ri-An
We all of us have multidimensional aspects of self that are happening in other realities. We have past lives, guides, and aspects, and they can be tapped into. We are an integration of all of them, and knowing them, making contact of self with self and embodying that brings us closer to wholeness. The intention is to go inside and begin to reveal the depth of who we are, and this lives within our DNA. It is like streams of self from other realities come in and flow with the streams of this reality, which makes life more vivid. It is an ongoing process discovering and communing with these aspects as what shows up relates to what you are experiencing here and now. What may open up through participation? -clearer connection with your higher self and inner guidance -ability to tap into intuitive information -begin to write and speak inspiring words from your guides and access from the source field, for your own benefit or the benefit of the collective -know more about what your mission is and how to get moving -meditation techniques that work opening you up to higher dimensional information -more confidence in clairvoyance, clairaudience, and clairsentience -artistic and writing inspiration could open up -feel guided by your soul instead of your mind, and thus make better decisions for your divine purpose and life path -cultivate heart based intuitive knowing and expressing You are invited to an exciting co-creative experience on Tuesday, July 16 at 7:30 pm EST. That would be 4:30 pm PT, and for those in the UK, it would be 12:30 am after midnight in the London. EDT is -4 GMT to figure it out in your time zone. The webinar is especially for those who have started to tap into their multidimensional, or are about to, and want to know how. The number of people is limited, so please only register if you intend to come. This is so we can have a more intimate experience. Please go here to register and you will get what you need to log on on the say of the webinar. Thank you so much for joining. -Shannon Brophy/ Luminance River This is different from the Heart Activation/DNA Activation Webinar that was cancelled, and will happen later this month. |