Asking and Receiving on the Subject of Karma A Download and Vision for the World To all Consciousness Ambassadors I offer you a download and vision received in meditation in answer to the questions about karma. It begins in a question answer format in order to bring through information from beyond my own mind, from a higher source and perspective. It led to a fascinating vision for the world. Do you wish to share about karma? Being in the stream of love releases the karma. Individuals, can see where they need to clear karma, on a personal level. What is that, what is karma? n the third dimensional regular world, Karma is the law of cause and effect in that your reap what you sow in life depending on your actions. We speak of the energy that karma is, in a form of multidimensionality, beyond linear definition as you have in the 3D world. We gift you a higher perspective from our stream of seeing. Pathways and Spirals: Love for the Self and Love for Other as a Metaphor An image to explain - we see pathways as a spiral going inward and also going outward. To clear karma is to unblock of energy with others between forces that are polarized, between one and one, or many. What clears karma is to do good works, to serve and to love others as yourself. You can clear the pathways between yourself and others. The process is an internal thing, a shift in one's consciousness in which to see "the other" as a child of God, a part of God and having a right to exist. The "other" is your beloved who appears in your mirror and yourself in a different way of seeing. All charges of emotion from polarization that arises from conflict, all potentialities based on remembrance collapse into nothing then to a higher octave that is the result of this clearing. It is like energy can take on a new form and unlocks from the old form. We show you the golden key which is unconditional love. Love them unconditionally from the heart and love the self. We show you pathways to the self that need cleared. Imagine a spiral walkway and on this walk clear shame, clear guilt, open to self-love portal to the core within, the walkway imitates the galaxy of stars. We are ever circling. Remember that the seeds of conflict are in the self and when we see conflict in the world it may be mirroring the conflict within our own self. Self-inquiry can dissolve the conflict within so that is why our practices for inner peace are so important. That is why we are encouraged to be in environments which cultivate our inner peace and allow our mind to only receive what amplifies our inner peace. This could mean refraining from the influence of television, news, and radio, not to mention politics as the focus on these things can seed fear and discord within. The universe, our world in which we inhabit is the reflection of what we hold inside vibrationally. Love is what holds the universe together. There is divine order in all, and you exist because of and in concert with this divine order. We acknowledge and higher power and work in collaboration with that which is helping bring earth to a higher level of love. The spiral of love is you. Erase the of karma on your pathway.You are in your luminous galactic brightness, and you are in your dance of ecstasy like the Sufi dervishes drunk on the ecstasy of divine love! Both the inward spiral to you, your inner self, self-love and the outward spiral spin with love extending to others, forgiveness to those on your path; in the past, present, and future. It is the internal knowing of them, all those others we are connected to, in dimensions and lifetimes. Our work can be to clear the stories that hold any energy charge. An energy charge keeps us locked in, and locked out of love and potential for miracles! We show you an uplifting image of a spiral dance to music, your soul family through eternal space and time, offering a kiss or hug or eye gazing lovingly bestowed on each, given and received, to every being mirroring you as you pass in the dance. It is a greater metaphor to being the love we are, dancing the dance of life. It is a literal metaphor if extending love and forgiveness and connection to all as all are your soul family, the soul family of planet earth. Imagine and feel this - that love, a pure etheric substance, can be poured by you on these situations inside of yourself.Pour love on those places that are unhealed inside you, and those places in with others that are unhealed. When you speak of your drama and problems to another, you are pointing to this unhealed place in you that needs love. End to all Drama Remember the dramas you took part in when you engaged with others? Now there is only peace. There can be completions, like the play or drama ends its run. The final chapter has been played out on the individual stages of your lives.Let them also be played out on the grand stages. As you no longer have charges with those characters, or identify as the character you once played. The cycle is over, the patterns collapse, the theatre ends its run. Go to the cast party and share love with your fellow actors with a bow and high fives, saying "well met" knowing none of it was ever real. We hold the pearl of wisdom from it all. The learning is there and we rise to a higher octave of wisdom and consciousness which we bring to life and learn the path of non-harming and the importance of serving. Charges that we have with others are like energetic strands of negativity. As strands of attachment, they are like hooks that prickle your aura and hold you enslaved in density and stop you from embodying the love you are , or receiving the flow of love you are. We tell you that the flow of love that you are is your higher self. The flow of love wants to move through you and move through everyone. Speak to us of Collective Karma... I wish to understand this concept? When your group such as a country attaches you to the group and the group represented as your country harms others, you have the negative strands. Therefore, out of the love you are , you can choose to clear the strands of energetic charge, and bring the energy of love to your enemies and end the drama. It is the same group to group, as it is one-on-one. "Witnessing" is the Healing of Karma It is witnessing the individual harm your group has caused and being compassionate. This transmutation with choice for witnessing and compassion is an inner choice, yet it is also an awareness of Ahimsa. Ahimsa is a Sanskrit word that means non-harming, as the spiritual principle of nonviolence toward all living things. It is a choice to not participate that which takes lives and takes liberties away from others. It is to put the well-being of others before the well-being of entities such as corporations and governments that are willing to do harm. It is taking responsibility for how those that represent us can do harm in our names, and to take that power back. Ahimsa includes doing no injury to one's mind, body, and spirit as well. It is a beginning of the spirit of Ahimsa (non-harming) to everyone else. Prayer for the World Let this be a prayer for the clearing of karma, for the restoration of love, for peace, for non-harming as Ahimsa, and for compassion for all beings, including ourselves. Let us invite awareness and inner transformation so that we embody the space of love. May everyone here change the world through compassion, love, forgiveness, clearing karma, awareness, and however they are called to do so. May we be aware of what is harmful to us and the planet and find solutions that are safe and peaceful for all, with reconciliation and restoration of justice. May this become a heart centered world with a shift in consciousness so that we may solve the world's problems from the higher perspective- together. May the nations of the world be at peace. May the planet raise to a higher level of light, love and compassion and self-awareness within every individual. May we all rise to a higher octave of wisdom and consciousness. May all beings love themselves and express the love they are in the world. A'ho and so it is! Shivrael
Sacred vortex sites exist all over the world. These places have a special kind of energy. Just like our bodies have chakra points, the Mother Earth has chakras too. Mt.Shasta, where I live, is a site that has an energy that feels electric and it is a vortex and chakra point for the earth. Many say it is the Root Chakra of the planet, yet I have heard it called the Crown and High Heart Chakra. Ley lines and many vortex points and energetic places exist in the geography of Mother Earth. These are high energy spots on the planet. Visiting these sites means that one can tune into the energy there and possibly have experiences that are paranormal. More starships show up at these interdimensional and high energy places. Sedona, Arizona and Lake Titicaca in Bolivia are examples. Pyramids are on many of these special points as the ancients knew about harnessing vortex energy. It is a place where the veils are thinner. It is a place where star beings may come and go and UFOs are sighted. We feel more of our divine selves when we meditate and connect in these places. We may be shown visions or have sightings of orbs. We may experience healing. It is like a crack between the worlds - the ancients knew this. You can feel it in places like Machu Picchu where there are doorways in temple spaces that are open. You can see these doorways as openings to the other worlds. They are good permission slips to access the bigger part of us, our connection with source and our connection with the ancestors and the wisdom there. Many have gone before us seeking knowledge. When we go to sacred sites, we walk our etheric footprints of past lives we connect to. It activates us to our potential and our memories. We can be awakened with dreams that are powerful in these places. We can have high expectations and not feel much of anything, too. Living in Mt.Shasta, I notice how the energy feels when I return and come back to the mountain. It is like she is calling me home when I have been away for awhile. I feel her love being sent out from the mountain. The photo is of cloudships in Mt.Shasta and there are many of these sighted. They are lenticular clouds, a rare cloud formation. Nobody can conclusively explain them, though scientists have some opinions and sacred site lovers have others. Visiting Lake Atitlan in Guatemala is to experience a powerful vortex site. It is considered by Shamans and many Mayan People to be "the umbilicus of the earth," which is this beautiful lake nestled among volcanoes. I feel it has a mother energy, a goddess energy and is very nurturing. Author Martin Prechtel speaks of the magic of Lake Atilan as “the umbilicus of the earth” in his books that chronicle his shamanic training. I love how Guatemala and also the Yucatan is the home of the ancient Mayan Calendar of cycles within cycles. Each day is a different sign that reflects the flavor of the sign. Nature, in the trees here, the stones here, the plants here, and the wildlife such as birds feels special and sacred. Being in a sacred site reminds us to honor and respect all of creation and Mother Earth herself, to give thanks for life and the abundance she brings. And also say prayers for all life and for feeding all people who are hungry and in need. Seeing those who are in need of sustenance and abundance is something seen in Guatemala and it breaks open the heart to wonder how to effect change and be of service to those who are in need. Even though we may visit these sacred sites in order to have spiritual experiences, we do not need to do that. We have spiritual experiences all the time. We are each points of light on the earth. Our presence holds a connected grid of light on the planet which many are aware of as gridkeepers. The Hologram: As Above, So Below Here is how creation works, as I see it. All that is outside of us emanates from the inside. Whatever experience you have inside is reflected outside of you with what you experience in your world, your hologram. The inner vibration creates the outer. The hologram of the world, a miniture, is also within us. We have the chakras of the earth within us. The chakras of us are within the earth as well. We mirror each others energetic anatomy. Every interaction we have with another is a sacred spiritual experience. Relationships are learning and spiritual experiences to help us grow. We are all getting it and progressing in our evolution. Meanwhile the entire earth is being taken through the Photon Belt in this cycle of shift. It is part of a grander cycle of 26,000 years and the shift time is now. The earth's vibration is shifting. Life on earth is changing quickly. In the meantime we see chaos happening. It is all that more important to have meditation practices so we create a peaceful world within us. That will be reflected on the outside of us creating a peaceful world. Everywhere is Sacred Everywhere on the planet is sacred, and you especially, as a multidimensional human being are sacred. Multidimensional means you do not exist only as your body. The personality, the uniqueness that is you, exists in other worlds at the same time. That uniqueness is experiencing many dimensions and aspects at once. That uniqueness is connected to other forms of life and works in symbiosis with all life. Only Part of Reality is Visible to the Eye We know that we see a small part of the electromagnetic spectrum of what exists that is visible to the human eye, so we see of small part of what is, and interpret that as all that exists. So much exists beyond what we can see. How do we have magical experiences without going to sacred sites, at home? How do we turn on our connection to what is beyond the veil? Like I said, traveling to a sacred site is a permission slip, but we don't really need that to tap into our divine selves or our higher selves. We don't need that to start to experience magic. The biggest thing that can help us is a meditation practice on a regular basis. With that, we can call our guides to show up and start to communicate with us. This gets into the realm of clairsentience and receiving of intuitive information. Practicing alone or with a friend can develop these gifts and open us up to communication. Quantum Jumping Quantum Jumping is a subset of meditation or visualization techniques that is my new favorite way of accessing my multidimensional self. What is Quantum Jumping? It can change your state of being to a higher vibration really quickly. A more advanced version, after you get into the zone of relaxed meditative consciousness, that has been called the Theta state, you can Quantum Jump to parallel twin selves. A self that you go to visit may have solved problems you are having in your life here. You may learn new talents from your self or get advice for your life. You entrain to a new frequency, a new rhythm, and hear words in a message or see visions that are from this aspect of you. Let me tell you about a session I had in which we did Quantum Jumping. She is a talented healer who uses Matrix Energetics, energy work, and massage for her clients. She wanted to bring in her multidimensional aspect in - that knows healing. She asked, before we started, to meet an aspect that lives in other dimensions or somewhere else in the galaxy and knows how to heal people. Opening the Fifth Dimensional Corridor of Light First we started with the radiance meditation that got a smile in our hearts and each cell filled with light. We experimented from here by calling down a Fifth Dimensional Corridor of Light to raise our vibration through our open crown chakras, into our heart.. From here, we were feeling like pillars of light and connected to the earth as well as the heavens, and to source and our galactic places of origin. I call this the vertical connection, becoming a pillar of light from heaven to earth. The Hallway and to Rooms of Healing Author David K. Miller has meditations and explanations of calling in a multidimensional corridor of light in his books about the Arcturians who are healers. Then we imagined going up into this corridor and seeing some doorways. Maybe it looks like a hallway or maybe it looks like a wormhole. From here we saw rooms that had different things that they do, with different energies. The first one we went in was a room of total well-being. In this room was green light for the heart chakra and yellow light for the solar chakra and our power. The green light reminded me of a frequency used in Matrix Energetics that is of Mother Earth, very healing and nurturing, and the color of moss. She said that it is Frequency number #11 so we imagined turning that on at our imaginary control panels. We used Quantum Jumping as a meditation technique to turn up that frequency as a feeling. We then felt a releasing of what no longer serves in our lives, of burdens being lifted, cords cut. We felt cords cut to people and things we do that are no longer a match. We felt really good in this place and clearly our vibration and feeling of well-being was rising. There was a feeling of freedom from the letting go. This was a co-creative adventure for both of us to experience. Next we visited a place that I discovered call "Reiki Love Blanket." It is more a feeling place than a physical location. Here we were enveloped in a blanket of security being placed around us. My friend saw red light here representing the Root Chakra, representing a deep feeling of security and having everything she needs. She felt healing within this chakra. She was feeling even better, and this point, I asked her if she saw any doors. She saw a door with a golden egg on it and we went there and it felt like we were being deluged with golden light. Meeting the Galactic Healer Twin Self We used our breath to guide us through these doors and we felt the energies in each place. We were then in the zone, the Theta state of consciousness, in which we could travel to meet her twin self via quantum jumping. Remember the desire she had to meet the healer from somewhere in the galaxy that she wanted to meet? She wants to enhance her own healing techniques or to be in touch with her star family as part of her mission. We did not know what would happen, but let me tell you what we experienced. I was doing this at the same time, guiding the process, yet it was open and each of us were getting clues and experiencing it together. We went through the doorway into a room where we met her twin self. She held hands with her twin self as an energetic connection and transfer of energy. This feels important anytime you meet a twin self, to receive their energy. I saw a stained glass window with lots of shapes, kind of abstract and lots of colors. This refers to color light therapy that this being does, and also to all the frequencies of her twin self who is really an aspect of herself. So she was able to absorb those frequencies represented as colors of light, different ones. You are Light As you can see we received different colors of light in this journey, and light represents different frequencies. Remember that you are light appearing as a body, a hologram of 99% space. It is always good to remember that we can heal and we can shift our body which is essentially made of light even though it feels solid. Also, you exist beyond your physical body in the subtle realm of existence also known as the unseen. The vibratory effect on the subtle realm shapes it into a divine order that changes your physical body. All exists in the unseen realm before it becomes seen. Keep in mind that myself and my friend are using our multidimensional senses to see and experience this Quantum Jumping Meeting with her twin self. You too can experience this and many other ways of connecting with your inner guidance, twin aspects of self, higher self, and great spirit. It is a feeling of communion, it is through messages and visions, it is a feeling thing, or perhaps it is a knowing. Everyone is different. On the Potential of Quantum Jumping: Parallel Worlds You see, there are many parallel worlds with selves that made different choices than you did. They may be pretty similar or different and may have different lives and skills than you. You can meet these aspects of you and learn from them! One man, Burt Goldman got to be an expert painter and expert photographer from knowing next to nothing about these things and now has his work shown in galleries. He also is a best selling author thanks to this technique and was over 80 years old when he discovered the technique and took up these things! In sessions that I experience with others, meeting the twin self is very multidimensional and interactive making use of psychic messages that come through vision, hearing, feeling, and sensing. Yet it can be very practical to assist your everyday life and bring something into form; perhaps better health, a business, or creative expression in making art or writing. You do not have to believe in star beings or galactic healers! Messages and Images from the Galactic Healer Back to the previous story, with meeting the Galactic Healer Twin Self. I saw my friend receive a message on paper that had burnt edges. I saw it as having some golden glyphs and an x with dots on it. She saw a word. She read it and it said "trust" which spoke to her. She felt her third eye open wide as if this twin was actually doing energetic work on her to help her be a better healer. I saw a chalice filled with golden liquid but I said nothing about it to her as we were experiencing so many other things. She then saw the being as a chalice of liquid, a fluted glass. She felt like she was being filled up with something like liquid herself. It was an example of when two or more are gathered, when they meditate together and share what they see, many get versions of the same message which is so exciting. I saw here hands have a sun of gold lines radiating from them, and first energy was going into them from the twin self, but then it was going into her and out of her hands as if it were an activation to allow her more of bridging between her multidimensional healer self, and all star selves to her human self and allowing the energy to flow out of her hands and do hands on healing. She said, yes this is what I am doing. She was then given an image of Tibetan Tanka scrolls with different Bodhisattvas and how they are connected in lines. It is like she is the human avatar with these others connected to her and all connected and helping one another as a unified being. As a human we think we are separate but that is not really the case, she says. We are all like this she said. It felt good to have that support and to be connected! Next we do what I often do in Quantum Jumping sessions, which is to go back to the feeling of the self before we started the meditation. We get a sense of the difference and how we have changed. It is not a problem to go back as we don't get stuck. This is important as we realize how changed we are just from a short session of this practice. When I go back and feel where I was before, I often feel dense and heavy. I discover how powerful Quantum Jumping is in changing my vibration to lightness. Anyone can do this as well. We can actually easily Quantum Jump beyond where we were before we went back to feel how we felt. By that I mean the energetic space and vibration of meeting the twin self. We did this from her twin self experience with the stained glass and multidimensional frequencies represented by colors shining in as color therapy, and the feeling of the gold radiating squiggles coming out of and going into the hands and outward. Noticing Fear, Releasing and Letting Go, Support from the Dolphins She went back to the vibration before we began the meditation. She said it felt metallic and rigid, like a bar or something inside. It was her personality or ego, something like that, and relates to fear. She did not know she carried this around with her and had not noticed it before yet it was not there in the more fluid environment with her starry twin self. I told her she could ask to have it removed if she wanted. She spoke that out loud and it was taken out surgically. I felt it as if it were a bar or pole in the center lifting up. Meanwhile, I started feeling really giggly and she said it was the dolphins and whales frequency coming in. I laughed and said that the frequency, called Frequency #16 in Matrix Energetics, of the whales and dolphins was what they, the star beings such as her twin self used for anesthesia. We both laughed at how silly that was and felt something lighter come into us! Upgraded The end experience had us being energetically upgraded to feel ourselves as these beings connected to other beings like in the Tibetan Tanka scroll image, lines of light going to higher aspects of self, benevolent and radiant beings of light. It had us feeling like we truly were beings of light radiating rays of light as healers. I saw her doing a martial art practice with healing rays of light coming out of her hands. I asked that all that everything we experienced be integrated, and that we continue to receive messages and healing abilities and knowledge and be healed ourselves at the completion of the session. I saw that her metal bar that had been removed had been transformed into a sword like Archangel Micheal's, and she drew a circle of protection around her. This circle would set energetic boundaries between her and others. We basked in the golden light in this sphere of protection at the very end of this profound experience. The Power of Two: Anchoring in a New Frequency Using the meditation and the visualization, the power of two coming together and sharing, inviting our higher selves and guides and angels to be present invited this experience. There is something amazing and transcendent about connecting with another that helps us both experience something special and opens us both up multidimensionally. Bringing openess to the experience and a sense of play also allowed it. And in doing this work, or play; it really anchors in a new frequency, new possibilities and most tangibly, a new feeling inside the self. I ask, in awe, "What else is possible?" I sincerely wish to explore this structure one-on-one with others and see what happens. And back to the original premise of the article, which was questioning whether one needed to go to a sacred site for a magical experience. The answer is that it is all inside us. We don't need to go anywhere. We create the magic we experience from within. Developing a meditation and visualization practice while being receptive to nature and messages from spirit and synchronicity, put us in the zone of that magic and it is within and is all around. The Enhancing Inner Guidance Course is about to begin on 9/22 where we will learn Quantum Jumping. It is a 6 week teleseminar. Find out more and listen to a free call here. I hope you can join us on this journey ! On 9/23 at 3pm Mountain Time, I will be on Lauren Galey's Quantum Conversations speaking about becoming a vibrational match to New Earth. There is a great guided meditation, Quantum Dreaming Ceremony at the end. See to listen. Many blessings to you! Thank you so much for reading, Shivrael Luminance River and 1. Inner Guidance Course Begins! This week I have three events! The Enhancing Inner Guidance Course begins on 9/22, Thursday at 5:30 pm Pacific time. Conversion to where you are here. Read more about the course, a 6 week interactive teleseminar that I am teaching. You can save $20 if you use the code "guide" when you register so it is $129 instead of $149. Sign up is here for a few more days until 9/22 at 5:30. Our goal for this Six Week journey is to channel and express as your authentic self, bring through guidance that is to your everyday life, making it more aligned with spirit in all that you do. If you missed the call about What is Inner Guidance? It can be found here. 2. Mt. Shasta Workshop on the Akashic Records If you are in the Mt.Shasta, California area, I am doing a 2 hour workshop in reading your Akashic Records. Come to the Silk Road Chai Shop from 7:30-9:30 and Intro to the Akashic Records is offered by love donation. Just show up if you wish participate. 3. Another exciting thing is that I will be with Lauren Galey on her online Quantum Conversations Show She interviews many spiritual speakers like Matt Kahn. I am so honored to be speaking on her show for the first time. The date is Friday, September 23 at 2pm Pacific Time (3pm Mountain Time). On that day, the link will be under the tab Healing Conversations as today's show, and then it will be archived. The title isDreaming New Earth into Being where we will talk about how we can become a vibrational match to New Earth and our 5D life. We talk about awakening, ascension, Mt.Shasta mysteries and Lemuria. The best part is a Quantum Dreaming Ceremony at the end which is a guided meditation. I hope you will join me for these events! Thank you for helping bring New Earth into creation. Read the newsletter that tells more about these events, and sign up to receive future newsletters. Shivrael It is my sense that we are all in service to one another. The service is the support that you give to others, that can be through action or through presence. There is a special function that you were created for just through being yourself. You see, you are here to follow your a unique divinely guided plan, and with it is the path of living your joy and releasing. On Release What is releasing in this context? Releasing could be a surrender to the divine within you. Release is hearing and heeding the voice that speaks through your heart and lifts you up and lets you transcend the everyday experience. Release for transcendence is to the addiction to drama, the up and down cycles of emotions so you stabilize emotionality as you transform. It is letting go, letting yourself float into a space of "not knowing who you" are while in full surrender to who you are becoming. As this happens, life can get messy and then it comes to a higher level of divine order and also greater joy. It is the chaos and then the leveling up which we, going through an awakening may experience. In this transition time, chaos in the world may be coming to an end as we collectively "level up." We awaken as individuals and we awaken as a world. It is the ultimate test of finding order within and mastery of the outer not looking like the world we wish it to be but having faith that it is all coming to a better place. Release is the release of what others think outside of you, and also your release of your need for approval. It is a release of control of others and a mastery of control of Self in surrender to the greatness that lies within, the hearts sweet communication of divinity. Release is of responsibility for others and also the blaming of others, and now taking full responsibility for the self. Suppport, help, and divine guidance are there is the experience of communion and oneness that comes with through your own spiritual and centering practices such as prayer and meditation. We are Here to Rise to a Higher Level of Love It is my sense that everyone is here on this planet to learn, to share our love with one another, to rise to a higher level of love within ourselves, and to transform on the journey. See this as a "transformation invitation" turn your life into something wonderful. It can lessen the pain of your human experience so that you feel more joy. It is to be more at peace. We do it for ourselves, and we wish more joy and peace for everyone else. You are also here on Earth to receive the support of the creator and the universe. You are here to love yourself more and be kind to yourself. You are here to follow your joy and passion. You are here to be the uniqueness that you are express that in what you do. Your special function is you being you. It is you letting yourself be, and to be in union with source receiving instructions through your frequent communion with source that the divine guidance is there and the transformation happens. It is through the prayer in your heart that you are guided which opens up energetic space of opportunity to show itself in your life. Around you, people and opportunities that light you up start to appear. Those who really help your light to shine inhabit your field. About a spiritual life and a practical life as a human on earth, there is a blending of the two. There is no separation from spirituality and source, and your life. They are one. This is what we are meant for, to create heaven on earth now. Source calls you toward authenticity of being. Source inspires you to speak your truth and live your truth. Source whispers in your ear the potential of you living as your highest self and how to get there. Source beckons you on the path to do your work in the world. Source lifts up your bootstraps and your confidence while instilling courage that comes from the heart. Source is guiding you to live with full on enthusiasm and believing in yourself. Let these words touch you and feel them as a message from another you to yourself. Live with Enthusiasm!!! We are here to love ourselves and also not let ourselves be stopped from expressing who we are. In other words, the divine plan is to love others yet set boundaries with step away from that which engages us in drama. Love others yet don't dim your light to make another feel better. Live with enthusiasm which means follow those things that arouse feelings of intense and eager enjoyment. The derivation of "enthusiasm" is from the Latin enthous meaning: God, inspired. Following that which lights us up is can match up to our higher purpose, our divinity. Dreaming of New Earth Let me share a vision with you! I dream of a world based on love, and based on sharing. I see all people in the world having safety and security, and having enough to eat and what they need to exist. I sense most people in the world love and want this for others too. Those who do not are suffering from past trauma that holds them back from the love that they are fully expressing. I see a world in which emotional healing has taken place, within us and within all. I dream of heart healing, and I dream of a peaceful world. I dream of peace within individuals, peace in families, peace between nations with a recognition of one another's humanity and that we don't want to hurt one another anymore. In our sharing of who we are and resources, we live as our true authentic selves speaking truth, living in harmony. I see us as sharing what we love to do that is also a contribution to others and their lives. In writing, I wish to do that now and I wish to do what is creative and fun and uniquely me. I would love everyone else to live their passions and share them. I would love those who do work they don't enjoy to be released from that paradigm of money and labor. What can we imagine and co-create that would be more wonderful than the world we experience now? How can we level up so that we have more time off, and we do what we love in the world? What can we do to shift the whole system we live in to make more freedom and more joy in our work life? What a Resource based economies are being suggested by others at with various descriptions of how it could play out. What is a resourced based economy? Wikipedia explains in simple terms that a Resource Based Economy was originated by Jacque Fresco. It is a whole factor socio-economic system in which all goods and services are available without the use of money, credits, barter or any other system of debt or servitude. We need a tipping point of people feeling into the possibility of that to make it more solid and breathe life form into it. I love that it is a collective dream, not just my own. Emerging New Earth- How Do We Get There? How do we get there? It is my sense that there is some inner work for the individuals on this path, and it is already happening naturally to each of us. Our frequency shifting toward living the life we love, loving ourselves, from this place of enthusiasm with divine connection is what takes each of us and all of us in the direction of the new paradigm. It is all about frequency and feeling the frequency of way of life within us, even before we start to live it in the world. The frequency within shifts how we experience life and how we each live it. Imagine how empowering it would feel to be among a group of many people who all were feeling the frequency of self-love, love for others, in service to others, totally being themselves? Imagine the co-creation of coming together from this place. That is the basis of the world that I envision. It could be called living the highest good you are for the highest good of all. What else happens when we start living a life like I describe is that it absolutely becomes easier with more flow, and more wonderful for us. Add the practice of forgiveness to the mix of spiritual practice such as meditation. Forgiveness takes us down the spiritual evolution path quickly. Forgiveness can also include letting go of drama and partners in drama. Gifts will we offered when we generate love, positivity, and support for others. We clear karma through service or doing good acts of kindness. Karma is a means of taking on negative effects as a repercussion for what we have done before that has been unconscious and caused harm to others. Karma is experiencing what we put others through. As we transform on the spiritual path, we learn to love ourselves better. In loving ourselves, we treat others better naturally. In going through a forgiveness process with others, we become aware of our taking on unconsciousness. In forgiveness, there is also self-forgiveness as all acts are to learn and therefore we don't need to be guilty. The forgiveness of self happens when we realize that it is all learning, that with our unconsciousness we missed the mark, and we shall be more aware and change in our interactions in the future. The word "sin" means to miss the mark. We are invited to embrace love and understanding with awareness and move forward with responsibility. Responsibility is to know we are each other, like the Mayan greeting "In Lak'esh" which means I am another you. In being another you, we each look at one another as ourselves and practice the Golden Rule toward others. Not only being aware but moving toward living in fullness of who we are, in support of others takes us out of the karma and rebalances the cosmic scales of ourselves. We are doing this for the lightness we feel inside us. I am seeing the Egyptian scales in which the heart is weighed, and when our our heart is as light as a feather we ascend or rise up in consciousness. Is a Sudden Shift a Possibility? Many believe that we are at the nexus point between cycles of time of 26,000 years in which this shift of consciousness becomes possible. Our planet is moving through a physical cloud that is an energetic wave. According to David Wilcock in his new book The Ascension Mysteries, the Sun could release an energetic flash that activates a mass spiritual evolution in humanity. Many religious texts share this potential. Let this be a reminder to be ready. In the meantime, it is of value to live our lives as if this shift were about to happen, and make it happen organically within us, right now. We can cultivate higher dimensional frequencies. In every now we can choose the feeling of the higher dimensions, of love, of oneness and of peace. We emanate this peace to the world. It is an inside game to play which echoes out on the outside, transforming our life experience. It also helps others to remember and evolve. Empowerment, self-love, living from your highest excitement is contagious. Living in support is contagious to others. It is not about being martyrs of service and putting up with, but about being powerful beings who live our dreams now. It is walking our talk, taking risks in full vulnerability. It is supporting one another to shine our brightest light. More about Personal Transformation, the New Earth and Tapping into your Inner Guidance In mid to late September, date to be announced, is a radio show on Lauren Galey's Quantum Conversations I will be the guest, interviewed by Lauren on the topic of "Dreaming New Earth into Being." We will be talking about how the frequency of the new earth and this inner transformation that I speak of here. I hope you will join me when it airs. On September 22, begins a 6 week teleseminar Enhancing Inner Guidance Course. It is an opportunity to come together and learn in support of one another's spiritual opening. (A special code "guide" can by used to register.) Listen to free call on What is Inner Guidance. Thanks for being a part of love rising on the planet, Shivrael Luminance River Interested in Inner Guidance? Here is a link to listen to our recent teleconference! What we discussed: First, we created sacred space, went into our hearts, and set a personal intention for this New Moon. Shivrael shared about inner guidance and the ways it comes through. She shared tips on how to be able to receive guidance more easily, and then offered 11 benefits of turning up your inner guidance. We had some sharing from a participant about telepathy and also the co-created love field of the group which brought us into feeling within our bodies. An invitation to the Enhancing Inner Guidance Course was given, and then Shivrael answered questions that came in through registering for this call on connecting with the ancestors, creativity and business, and getting unstuck in your life. At the end, Shivrael showed how to get a yes or a no answer to any question by using the feeling of energy in your body. Listen on the Player in your browser |