What it presence? It is a state of awareness with what is happening, or not, holding space of awakeness and attention with omnipresence. Omnipresence is seeing the larger picture of what is happening and receiving it but not being attached to the comings and goings, the rising and falling of consciousness. It is being the “all is” as Shiva eternally sits in stillness and watches. Presence can be a feeling, a feeling of being connected and witnessing the all but not of any one thing and transcending the all yet being a part of the all. Nothing is separate from the all, and all is Shiva, all is consciousness whatever word you might choose to call it. Shiva is the all encompassing limitless one and as our human form starts to slip into that presence more and more, we taste the limitlessness possible, becoming more expanded to the greater creator view of the all.
Bring in the quality of silence to this mix. What if our vibration spoke instead of our words, or maybe louder than our words? That might be the change that is wished for, as vibration speaks and changes all that experience it. What if the words follow (are led from) the vibration of heart coherence, from feeling the high heart space. There is much value in being silent or refraining from so much speaking can be a practice to bring through more presence and the feeling of being consciousness, the limitless one. Spiritual practices are experiments to bring us to a higher level of awareness and a greater connection and embodiment of source. This takes us to union with divine, and divine expressing through us. Something can be learned from this and many other practices that are possible. Through presence and oneness, the quality of unity and oneness is felt on all levels. From this, the frequency of compassion is given birth to within, as one is the watcher of all rising and falling. All sad things and happy things, coming and going of within consciousness. The watcher in presence sees it all and feels compassion for all living beings going through the cycles of rising and falling. Bringing in witnessing, presence, silence, and compassion. Compassion springs from the heart. It is a by product of pure awareness and presence with the quality of emptiness which sees but does not attach. There is love, love for the all, and the desire to be of service. There is the desire to set all beings free from their suffering. There is a calling to step out of the little self to limitlessness. There is more resolve to persevere in one's own suffering and put it aside so that others may be free. It is becoming the all, becoming the everything and everyone. A feeling of being in a web of creation, connected to all forms of life, loving and protecting them. Within the heart is the connection to all living beings with our human embodiment as one being, yet we feel our vastness as all beings. What is shared is a personal experience, or explanation from one of many perspectives of experiencing consciousness. All perspectives are honored by creator source who feels everyone's perspective at once. We too can start to embody the perspectives of one another and other life forms, and also collective life forms such as trees. Then Shiva consciousness brings in the omnipresence, the awareness of the all at once. Unification happens first within, then it can happen with others.... Knowing oneself as all of creation helps this bring this unity among beings here to earth. May this be so, and may all beings be relieved of suffering, and may we find home. The path lies within our heart to remembering the light we are and that from which we arise from the ONE.
Yesterday's blog post was about dream weavers that we are, creating the new earth. It feels like that was about cultivating my own creative and creator essence within, building a relationship with that aspect of self (and each other) in order to strengthen it. As we edge closer to the Equinox, I feel an inner shift in that it suddenly feels more simple in that many of the spiritual things that I have believed don't feel as true or important anymore. For example, clearing, perfecting, releasing what no longer serves doesn't feel as relevant to me as it once did. It doesn't feel like I am seeking anything, having to do something but more just being in myself and seeking clarity within. What if we already were perfection? What if we already are consciousness and divine? There is not a necessity bringing in light and divinity from outside us, but merely tapping inward? That is how I am feeling today. I am feeling like it is not about seeking, but resting in being who I am and in this, I allow my true authentic self to shine.This is my own journey and I am not saying it is true for anyone else. I do say everyone is equally divine as me, though, and I hope for a mass realization. I share in case there may be pieces of it resonate for others. Likewise, people and the universe give me pieces for my own understanding all the time and I am grateful for this. The synchronicity and messages are lined up to show me something, as if there was this magic script and curriculum for me. I witness and connect the dots in what I am supposed to be figuring out. Even figuring out something feels off as it is more like witnessing patterns in the world that are constantly changing and seeing the threads and connections. Questions I am asking: What if our higher self is merged with us already? What if the time of working hard was over, and the time of being in lightness, bliss and joy is here? What if there is no getting anywhere; we were already there in the first place? What if the only things are to love and that the answers lie within? I am seeing some wayshowers start to be leaders and starting to shine in being themselves. For me, seeing others shine like this really makes me light up, in that it is the frequency they are embodying more and more and also expressing through their art, their words, and mostly their presence reminds me of who I am. All our mulitidimensional aspects lie within our bodies, in our DNA, and are flowing in us as the wholeness we are. The shift that I notice today is about feeling it inside, not looking outside for who I am and the divinity I AM, and likewise for you and everyone else. I love being with those who are bringing through their multidimensional self, mentioning words that remind me of aspects of me, like from where we came from. A person embodying their truth and frequency helps me embody my own to a higher degree. Those who are soul family, that I have memories of being with before, really make me feel this. It is a celebration, a celebration of our awakening together on earth in this incarnation. Mother Earth feels like a part of me, and to feel her is to go within. Heavenly celestial energies are right there inside as well. As above, so below. I have a knowing that all that exists in the me exists in the universe too. The outer is a reflection of the inner. Now I am called even more to discover and create within my inner world (which would be body and energy field) as a divine universe, which I expect to be reflected in the outer universe. We really don't have to go anywhere. We are (each) a sacred site. I AM a universe, I AM creator. It is my current belief that the divine spark of the creator lies within each of our hearts and this spark is aligned with God and God is us. Each person is God. Each person has dream weaver aspects, the creator aspects that hear the voice of divine direct their creations with their own unique talents and flavors. We are each creator Gods. I also see our hearts as suns, aligned with the heart of God and in fact it is all the same thing! This is why I believe that you change your world by changing yourself. And it should all be fun, fun to play in this new reality. Playing is creating! There is not judgment in this new world. The reality is the shifting universe within us as we realize more and more who we are and integrate aspects of self, loving them all, being wholeness. Let us see ourselves as already being wholeness, not becoming wholeness. We don't really have to do something to become it, but to recognize we already are it and to live it. Maybe this is what being your I AM presence really is about. Presence and being, I AM, existence. That is all there is. When you strip all of the other stuff away what is left is I AM presence and the love that we are expressing itself. With love and gratitude for everyone and honoring their divine essence, Shannon Luminance River Akashic Intuitive PS: As synchronicity would have it, I just received a message from a good friend on these things. She says: One is: "I /we are creators art." She also shares "When we reach a certain dimensional frequency set we. O longer wish to be a part of hierarchies. It is clear through r feelings what resonates or not. What does not better clarifies what will work for us. But this is a never ending spiral upgrade of evolution." Thank you Stephanie! I have heard about connecting with our higher self, and it feels like the higher self is a part of us not something separate and away from us, at least not anymore. The question I have is “How can the higher self be there as a separate aspect from our human self?” “Are we not coming to a time of wholeness and integration, where our higher self merges with us?” “How can there be this part and that part when we are one being, and one being connected with all that is? “ I see the higher self and the human self flowing one another and merging. I brought this question into meditation to see if I would discover more clarity and I saw imagery to explain how our higher self is us, and we are the embodiment of both as one. First, I heard the word conduit. The higher self is a conduit from and of source as that which brings information to us, in the form of light colors and frequencies. The fantastic spontaneous meditation that I fell into immediately had me experiencing “The Crown of Creation” on my head, as if it were a crown on my crown chakra. This allows all these strands of color connected to the celestial realm coming into my body into my crown. They are like threads of colored light. It was as if, in meditation, I was being flooded with colors of light through these filaments which were anchored into my head from various angles above my head. I was told that I was being given frequencies that I needed. In this light, information was sent. It was kind of an infusion, like a medicine of what my body/mind/spirit here in the earth realm currently requires. I could see the weaving of the strands in my body into rainbow DNA double helix formations and feel that being “knitted” into my crown and descending. My guides were showing me that the light being received by me was upgrading my DNA and of course I can ask for this whenever I desire, and best when in sacred space of the Self in meditation when I commune with my higher self. In this moment, I am getting “that which wants to assist you and uplift you to your full potential” is your higher self. The feeling got stronger and I felt my whole crown receive light instead of just threads. It was a reminder that I am always connected, yet cultivating and making space to feel that connection is what allows the flow to happen and the information and dialogue and communion, to come in. Communion is this merging of human self with higher self. Coming into union, which is coming into oneness. The next part that I saw was about seeds. We have seeds within us that hold the possibility of becoming flowers and blooming. Your higher self allows the seeds of potential to become flowers. I saw the flowers as us in our full glory, our beauty, our true selves sharing the fragrance of this with all. It is fully blooming into who we truly are. The seeds are already there. The flowering is from our fertile soil within, which only becomes fertile with the right mix of water and sunshine and nutrients if we go inward to help them bloom, which is helping us to bloom into who we already are. It felt like a metamorphosis, as caterpillars becoming butterflies when a person becomes a flower. The blooming into who we are emits a fragrance of freedom to others who them can be inspired to help their own unique seeds blossom. We are indeed here to water one another's gardens with love, and to celebrate the colors we embody and the fullness of becoming. The DNA allows us to be more and more receiving light and information so our seeds crack open and bloom. The higher self is the process of cracking open and sprouting seeds and maturing into beauty. I was shown how the human habits of only paying attention to worldy things and ignoring our seed potential within meant that nothing happens to our seeds, planted by our souls when we first came to earth. Our potential as our most full, resplendent, glorious selves is not attained. Instead we are looking outside for happiness we believe that something outside us can provide. In missing these special frequencies of light, we don't have the information from divine to be the person we came to be and do what we came to do. The message was delivered in gentleness and love without any judgment about us, even if my translation is not coming out that way. There is a feeling of being in the heart and knowing that communication comes through feelings and emotions from this conduit. It is like a conduit to our true selves that is now blooming on earth. I get that the way to feel the higher self within is to commune in meditation. Using imagination with receptivity in inner quiet, we can feel ourselves as our higher self. We can connect to all of this, perhaps appearing as strands of light but likely something unique to each person in the moment. Or maybe nothing, but a feeling of peace comes in through the practice of connecting. It is all for the joy of it, and for the unfolding of who we are. It is for setting the tone for a beautiful day in which we feel the light of our higher self within in all that we do. Or you could call it connection with divine or our inner being with inner guidance. May we all 'find the guide inside' as Nahko Bear of Medicine for the People sings and reminds us. Affirmation: “I AM my higher self.” Thank you for reading and let me know what you experience your higher self seems to be. So much love! ~ Shannon Luminance River We create with our beliefs, as in what you put out energetically and vibrationally is what you get back. For many, this time is giving us the opportunity to master how the inner creates the outer. It is fascinating how this works and to experience things show up fast, sometimes miscreations which are reminders to keep tweaking what thoughts and visions and feelings we are having. When you are in the heart's resonance, you create from love and without polarity (the good/bad dichotomy.) It is going beyond thoughts and words to feeling. The hologram of reality expands from you and your heart, electromagnetically creating what you experience. As we move more into our hearts, we have our minds work with them in harmony. It is like the mind and thought and all your plans and agendas are following in wake of your higher self/consciousness/ heart space instead of leading. We are attuned to the flow of the universe and co-creating energetically with the universe. The more you tune into the heart, the more what you see reflected back to you in your reality will be that which you prefer. In 3D we work hard, create with our minds, in a polarized world. In 5D, we create from our hearts resonance, from our thought in sync with that, and with sound too. Sound can speak or tone in sync with what we are creating yet creation springs from the now and from our state of being. Using inner vision, we see and this creates inner to the outer with the third eye chakra. And our crown is receiving a stream of energy connected to the universe that flows through as the field which we tap into and now express through our being. It is all about getting into a feeling and state of being, the state of being of unconditional love. Yesterday I spoke of how The Heart Math Institute teaches about how to have heart coherence (link). A simple way to start is by thinking of somebody that you love, or an animal you love. I saw something to bring this even further in my own meditation. What if you extend that love and caring that to all living beings? Extend that caring and love to all oceans, forests, plants and animals and humans on earth and the earth herself. What I am seeing is this interconnected web of light, the fabric of creation extending from us. We co-create connected to this energy and this energy is ourselves and what reflects the love we are back to us by providing everything we need as it does for animals and plants. In short, create in 5D by see it, sound it, and feel it. The seeing is in your inner vision, and the sounding is speaking or toning. The most important part is feeling it in your heart, and the "it" would be the state of being, that you would prefer, being in the state of unconditional love, and from there all things you want experience and heaven on earth come to exist springing forth from your energy stream. Let's make it millions who do this starting with us right here, right now; in this moment as that is all there is. Thanks and hat tip to Bill Ballard, for his excellent videos, which explain how we create in 5D versus 3D and what we are mastering by bringing our hearts in sync with our minds. I especially love this video which I shared the other day, but only posted the first paragraph of this blog and the video at the end, which I am reposting today but with the missing content in the middle. Thank you for visiting my blog and reading! ~Shannon Luminance River We create with our beliefs, as in what you put out energetically and vibrationally is what you get back. For many, this time is giving us the opportunity to master how the inner creates the outer. It is fascinating how this works. When you are in the heart's resonance, you create from love and without polarity. It is going beyond thoughts and words to feeling. The hologram of reality expands from you and your heart, electromagnetically creating what you experience. I will blog more tomorrow about the heart, creation and meditation. This post got cut short as I was trying to edit and post from a phone, while traveling. So I am going to repost, with more today, March 10th, with what I meant to say! Thank you for reading! So how do we surrender this trying and figuring things out? A great way that I am finding is to meditate, to go into the heart and feel it. And then to be in the heart, and exist there throughout the day. The Heart Math Institute explains heart coherence which is in resonance with the earth. We emit an electromagnetic field that communicates with all others, even through time and space. The Heart's Code by Paul Pearsall speaks about how we are all connected through the field of the heart. You don't need to read the book to get what I am speaking about here. The Hearth Math Institute has a simple way of getting to heart coherence which has many benefits. The practice, which is really simple, takes you into this space of surrender and unconditional allowing of what is. They suggest that you think of a person or animal friend that you love. Focus on that feeling of loving another. They also suggest breathing in a regular way with awareness on the breath, like 5 seconds inhaling then 5 seconds in which you exhale and repeat. Think of the one you love and breath in mindfully, then exhale mindfully for a given period of time. You could make an affirmation or mantra instead of the five seconds while you breath mindfully. Maybe you could use “I love you” and “I love all of existence” as your mantras as inhale and exhale mantras allowing a It is not about the technique but the state of being, the feeling that you experience! Get into the feeling of love for one person or animal, and take it further to love for all life, Mother Earth, every plant and life form, as you come to feel more expansive. Check out The Heart Math Institute to learn more and learn about sine waves that are regular in heart coherence and what that is along with the inherent benefits. Another way to get into the heart is through your own meditation. I encourage meditaiton however you do it and it should be for the joy of it which you will discover if you practice enough and do it in different ways so you find your own way. I like to make myself small, in my imagination. I then go to my heart and enter it as if it were a room inside myself. As an aside, you can meet your guides here and communicate with them or simply feel their presence, if you desire and practice this. I imagine a little spiral staircase up to the high heart, which is above your physical heart. You can imagine a space and light within it, and feel the feeling of that space. Feel it in your body as a tingle. This is going into the heart. Being in the heart is so useful as it allows us to not take the mind with its polarity and endless figuring out so seriously. We can bypass duality and go straight to presence by being in the heart. Presence is a state of being that is being in the now, allowing whatever to show up to show up and witness it with full awareness. See if you can spread the feeling of your heart tingling through your chest with your breath. Bring this feeling of heart awareness into your yoga practice, your work while sitting, or whatever else you are doing in your day. Come back to the heart. It is where we are going with consciousness. It is the bridge from 3D to 5D. It is so important to cultivate this awareness in life, in my experience and knowing. I would love to hear about how others are getting into their heart and what the experience is to do so, so please share with me. Many thanks for reading, and high heart blessings on your path. Shannon Stay tuned for tomorrow's post on how we create in 5D versus 3D. Attribution: Kristin Miller Quilts The Fae'rea want to speak. They see you as colors, who are spreading your unique colors, which are frequencies from the heart. I see a spiral a dance of the energies coming from the heart. I see this touching people all over the world as we are a world community, all connected. I see hands touching the hands of others. We do this for one another. We make love expand from one another, heart to heart , like lines of telepathy. Telepathy is movement of frequencial energy that touches one another. On these waves, the messages are carried from heart to heart and read by a heart. It is an aspect of our new operating system to interpret vibration, though your upbringing is to ignore the information coming in. It is there and it is possible to send and receive from one another. You do this always. The Fae'rea say to be in receiving mode like an antenna downloading from one another. We are one big family, and that includes the seen and unseen ones. All that you see and interact with want to connect with you. Those in the world that inhabit want to show you synchronicity and guide you. They are from the animal and plant realms, the angelic kingdom, the galactic family of light, the devas and elemental kingdom, and of course, the Fairy realms and the light orb world on your earth and beyond. All things are here communicating with you, and you with them, through your frequency band. The Fae'rae say to be on the wavelength of joy. Nothing is more important than this and in this as your enhanced superpowers come in. Do what makes you smile and makes you laugh and have a good time. How about enjoying dance. music, reading, enjoying a good conversation? Being in the sun? How about not working except for what excites you and gets you in the flow. Be in meditation- let it be about enjoying silence. We see you slacking, resting dreaming and imagining. We see you going to the seashore. You are going to the forest or going to a cafe, walking through town, or looking at stars. Life wants to greet you and meet you and guide you. Life wants to laugh through you. Your soul wants to experience the joy of physicality through you, human. You are light. You are not a human only, and especially not limited to being a human in a body. You are much more. Human is your expression of the soul star collective energy you are from. The soul group you come from has a special essence that you brought here to earth. You share that light in your smile and in your tears, and in your expression here on earth and it is changing the earth into something that is light. Earth is becoming something that is a living, vibrant being moving into a new expression like you are as well. You are magnetic and crystalline. You communicate with your blood which has a frequency emitted from your whole body. You receive from the stars, into your blood's crystals and translate that into who you are on this planet. When you feel joy most, when you feel resonance of the blood, a bodily sensation, that is a clue. That sensation is in resonance with the stars from whence you came. You are here to shine, to be the light. You are here to have peace in your heart and reflect the light of your soul while you are in a body. You are love. You are love's expression. You are love expressing. We are you and we are forever connected to you and here to raise you up. In doing so, we raise everyone and everything up, and in this, we all enjoy being raised up. Nothing is outside of the one that we are. Thank you. Fae'rea, can you speak to us of telepathy? We hear your question- how can I have this in a modern world? You experience telepathy just by tuning in. The information is there, all around you. All things and beings wanting to communicate with you. It is available on the nonphysical wavelength and you have the capacity to read this. In your reality, you have been untrained in listening, yet this skill is innate in all beings, human and beyond humans. Your friend the dog, a bird, and a flower know how to do this. A baby does until you train him to selectively tune it out, to tune out the other information and pay attention only to the physically tangible ones in which you are accustomed.. Month of Change At this time, you are in the midst of change and the change is your greater perception of your universe, the wholeness. You are able to see your connection to all. Polarities are collapsing, duality is collapsing and the outer world looks confusing and harsh in this process. Yes- it is what we have waited for -the blurring of lines, the melting of forms. It is now chaos becoming more chaotic until it falls into a new fractal order of beauty. Trust in the becoming. Do not judge the work of art that you are in the midst of painting. Your are living is the art creation that is constantly transforming inside of you and the outside of you. Perhaps you feel the intensity. You feel the changes. You are no longer putting up with some things you did a month ago. You are setting boundaries. You are walking away from what no longer serves you and the highest good. The highest good, divine will and your own will are becoming one. You are congruent with your divine purpose but it may feel like a gradual surrendering and letting go of identity. You are also walking toward your new life, the new crystalline order. You are leaving the form and walking into formless. You are being reshaped. You are brave and honored for your service. We are seeing change, beloveds. We are with you. We are praying for the transformation and it is happening in front of our eyes and yours. The quantumness is in the observation of seeing change, by seeing positive change because you expect it and look for it. Change is created in the quantumness of your reality as you know it is there. It is prophesied. it is what you have felt and known was coming and is here. Welcome to the Aquarian Age. What should we expect this month, Fae'rea? Expect the unexpected. Expect quantum melting of your realities. Expect a hallucinogenic multicolor multidimensional meltdown of reality. It is being reformed. Timelines are being melted like liquid plastic in many colors and wrapping around one amother. Time is turning in on itself. The now just got wider and expanded to include more. Each time you fall into the moment, you have a quantum effect. You melt time in the space of now. You open possibilities. You create wormholes for others to pass through as you are the leaders of the quantum pack, the time travelers, the magicians, the multidimensional travelers and merry band of lightworkers. You change and shift reality by being in presence and joy and acceptance as you loose your moorings temporarily. This month is free fall through space. It is sometimes scary. It is sometimes taking you to say “no” to realities you accepted previously. Anyone moving out of jobs or relationships? What was acceptable before the recent Aries full moon on September 29th, may no longer be. Expanding into Freedom Each time you step toward your own authentic self, you break the box of your containment and expand into freedom. You notice that you can be brave in moments, have all sorts of emotions pass through, and that there is extreme satisfaction and delight available when you just "are." Notice more moments of bliss and lots of change. Take a picture of who you think you are in this moment and refer back to that picture at the end of the month. We think you may not believe how different you will become, and are becoming each moment. The outer world is reflecting it too. What can we do to cope this month, with all the change going on, Fae'rea? Breathe. Intentionally breathe. Intentionally be. Be the I AM that you are. Do what is self nurturing and fun. Allow those who you relate to, to be the ones who show up and are on your wavelength. You might have to discern who is uplifting, and not conform to them, but let them come to you and rise to your wavelength. Invite those who uplift you into your realm when you discern they are a match. And in the meantime, love everyone even if from a distance. Surf synchronistic invitations of the universe. Be drawn what nurtures you and feeds your soul. Hear your own inner voice. Be in the place of stillness while everything swirls around you. Massive time acceleration feels like it is happening but in the center is your own place of stillness. Be the still center and you are a beacon for others. Be one who marches to the happy beat of your own inner drum, your heart, and you are fine. Know your connection with everyone and everything in the singularity and feel it. Play with communication beyond words. Be in receiving mode - for information, for guidance, and for abundance and of course, love. We are senders and receivers of love and it is what you are. Trust your heart, your intuition but do not trust your mind to make decisions solely. We are beyond logic and rationality. It exists as a tool among many other tools of perception and decision making. We are changing so that these other intuitions are coming to the fore. Your awareness expansion is the gift, and the expansion of you in to a new way of being. Many blessings and infinite love from the Fae'rea. Who are the Fae'rea? ~The Fae'rea are a playful collective of guides that have come through. It feels like they are a frequency of compassion, divine feminine creator energy, the light at the center of the galaxy if you have seen that photo, a fairy energy, and they appear as pink light particles in my vision and are with me always. I call on them for guidance, assistance, and communion. I have been told they are a blending of all soul group rays in the spectrum of colors, thought they appear as pink. They may be related to the new chakra of the high heart that is formed. Most of all, The Fae'rea are here to help us embody unconditional love. Thanks for reading! - Shannon Luminance River This is a video game, the reality we experience on Earth. We are avatars, and by that I mean we are game pieces, projected holograms for playing in this reality, from our soul selves. I see our souls as in a collective in a star. We are completely in oneness. The idea of a partner, like on this earth, feels like a contraction and a separation from love. We are all together as ONE in the soul that we are. Perhaps we exist in individual stars as rays from the great central sun, from the center of something bigger than that and so on. We are soul rays, essences of our souls as frequency expressed in bodies. We are an emanation of source from a center that is beyond us and spreads out in all directions- as star. I sense we receive the light of source, our source selves, through our head to our pineal gland, the receiver. It is like a flower that opens and lets in the light in our crown. The light filters down like a river in the body. Where it comes from and goes to is less important, however. What is important is that we feel the soul's essence in our heart space. It feels like a visceral vibrational sensation. It is the tingling of the memory of oneness love. It is the imprint of our true self that we feel there. It can be kindled by thinking of a child or pet that we love, or other loved one. It can be remembered when we tap into tenderness and caring that we have felt for another and we have received from others in our lifetime. We are receiving it right now when we tap into it. We are receiving from our soul self, our true self, our soul group, and the ONE that we are. We can fill up on this light- infinite receiving and the bliss of that oneness which we remember in our core is possible. It is the ticket to getting out of this earth game, or the secret to being on the earth but not of it, a transcendence from the struggle. Our Body Our body is not who we are. It is our playing piece in the game, like imagine Risk or Life or Monopoly or Parchesi. You have a token to travel the paths of life with, and now I am seeing the games Candyland and 'Shutes and Ladders' in my mind. The Matrix, created compliments of those who take advantage of humans, tricking them in the game (which is also part of the game and we agreed to it, crazily enough) teaches us otherwise. The reality we are in, aka The Matrix, shows us to hate our bodies by teaching us the wrongness of the appearance of us. It trains us into seeking something we don't have on many levels, including seeking the perfect looks, the perfect body, and the perfect decorations for the body. We are busy seeking these things as that is what we are taught happiness is. We identify our bodies as us, and we feel guilt about their imperfection set by the standards of mass consciousness that has been manipulated. It keeps us trapped in our body to be seeking an outer appearance that is virtually impossible for anyone to attain. What our Bodies Really Are From our soul's perspective, we incarnated into a body to experience and learn in this reality. We may have come here to raise the frequency of earth as well which means bring a higher light quotient to individuals and the earth. It means to generative and giving of our soul essence to those around us so they wake up to connecting with their own soul essence. We are here to remember the oneness, that we are each other, and to remember our soul selves and feel that projection within us. We come into bodies with a handicap, well many handicaps to play in this game. I hear you saying it isn't much of a game because sometimes the play is not fun. I completely agree and when you get how the game works, you can start to make it easier for you and for others. You can help people with knowing about your soul and connecting to your soul's essence. So much is possible. When you came here, you agreed to play by the rules that govern this reality. It is hard not to, as we are socialized and conditioned withint the Matrix. When we have an illness in this reality, it is a part of what we came here to learn and experience. We also are simultaneously in our "soul self" where all is well, where there is no illness or disease and there is complete love and no separation. All is provided and there is abundance as we are beyond need and want. We have everything because we have one another sharing love and tenderness and caring to all as we know we are one another. This reality makes us think from infancy that something is wrong with us., that we are undeserving and unworthy of love. That is the big trick that separates us from our essence. This trick also makes us feel like others are separate and tolerate the violence of this culture. We tolerate hurting of ourselves and one another- as after all, we are already beating ourselves up. The truth is that we are part of source always and always loved, yet we forget. That is a handicap to make the game more tough. I call it the forgetting. Now is the time of remembering and just this morning I remembered this thing about the soul self. I came together as I was waking up to an intense vibration as I often do these days and I think it has to do with the shift and ascension symptoms. It was like an earthquake inside me to come back into my body. I sense I am traveling out of body in dreamtime. I think many would agree that we can do that, that we astral project or leave our sleeping bodies behind and travel other places, some say other dimensions, as we sleep. That was the feeling, like an internal earthquake, but it was a good feeling and centered right in my heart space...lots of vibration which I translate as a feeling of vibrancy and of love. I feel the sensation of the oneness that is experienced all the time, 24/7 in the soul where we are all together. It makes for a heart open feeling, a connected feeling, a powerful vibration that can be spread throughout the body. I say to you- in order to connect to your soul's essence and the oneness there, notice this sensation. How it all Works We exist always as the soul self in oneness with others, a huge harmonious star soul collective. Some would call this a Ra or soul collective. In the past we were takers of energy, or service to self as we felt a lack. We have struggled for enough in this reality. We have felt a lack of money and abundance because we don't feel the oneness that I speak of. WE have felt a lack of love in ourselves because we have been separated. The separation is from who we really are, and from other beloveds. Everyone is merged with us in that reality. This reality is a virtual reality, a game, in which we believe we are unloved, we don't have enough, and that we have enemies. In the soul collective Ra, those beings that are playing the roles of characters who are enemy are merged in oneness love with us too. It is a giant LARP or Live Action Role Play game on earth if you know what that means. Wikipedia tells us that A live action role-playing game (LARP) is a form of role-playing game where the participants physically act out their characters' actions. The players pursue goals within a fictional setting represented by the real world, while interacting with each other in character. The outcome of player actions may be mediated by game rules, or determined by consensus among players. Event arrangers called gamemasters decide the setting and rules to be used and facilitate play. We have been tricked by the Matrix by believing it is real. It sure seems that way. What is Possible When we wake up to this being a game, we can be in the Matrix but not of it. We can start to heal our lives and ourselves. We can help others and generate our own light. We become stars meaning in our hearts are the soul collective oneness love energy and vibration which is frequency. This emanates to others. We don't have to hook into them and they don't have to hook into us to get our energy and our needs met. We are on the living grid of light, as I call it, in which all is given and all is received. Our hearts are the nodal points, like knots on a giant net like a hammock or webwork around the world, We generate and flow infinite love from source to one another and receive it too. We know there is enough. We are given to and we are willing to receive. Receiving energy, love and abundance is difficult for us as individuals in this reality as we have been trained to not love and appreciate ourselves. We can clear up our health issues by discovering how to connect to our soul's essence. This frequency of who we are brings up our body's vibration so that healing happens. Our body is come to be seen in a different way. We discover that is a hologram, a vessel for our soul's essence or light. Remembering and embodying that light changes everything for us and has the potential of changing everything for everyone. I recall that when we were created and an aspect of us created us, I remember that too, that there was an original 12D blueprint of source for our bodies. We can feel the frequency of love in our hearts and remember our soul collective essence, viscerally, and ask to remember to return to our state of being in which we were created. What was the intention of source in creating us? We now know that the illnesses and physical health issues we have we have chosen as handicaps to overcome in this reality. We chose them to learn from them! It is the same thing when somebody is much better at golf, chess, or table tennis and they give the other person an advantage when starting the game so it is harder for to win. We can feel the soul's essence filling us, feeling the love and from that place of oneness memory, ask to understand the soul's lesson in having a physical problem we wish to overcome. This goes for other challenges. Relationships are healed, the problem of not enough abundance can be solved by remembering what having everything including love and money feels like. The soul's essence is always right there as a feeling in our hearts ready to expand, and ready to leave us in bliss all the time. I describe spiritual awakening which many have experienced. The challenge is that we experience that and then we think we have lost it and something is wrong. Again, this an artifact from being in the Matrix. Of course we think that if get something we have to lose it!! But it is right there within us and always was all along, and our awareness. Our body becomes a vehicle that we can lovingly take care of, giving it foods that allow lightness and more of this awareness which gives us a feeling of joy and bliss to be back in the oneness. We might be inclined to ask the body vehicle what it needs and give it what it asks for in a loving way. This is opposite fo the punative way we have been treating ourselves and our bodies as we have been in seeking mode, in the mode of asking outside ourselves what experts say is good for us. We can be open to our potential of continued health, seeing through the program of aging that the Matrix has taught us. What if we questioned that belief and many others and detached from our programming, our conditioning and the Matrix? What aging and sickness could become obsolete from detaching from collective consciousness? If we already know intuitively everything we need for our healing? What if we remember the 12D divine blueprint of source for us? What if our mental health was improved because we remembered that we are love, we are loved, and we have all that we need; and know this as a felt truth inside us instead of a mental construct? But How? I hear you wondering how and the answer is so simple. It is to feel the love you are in your heart, connect with the soul's essence, the oneness love from there. No longer do you run things through your mind, but you connect with knowing through the heart. You connect in heart coherence with all of those around you. It will be easiest with a dog or cat or a baby that is sleeping at first. Then you can do it with your partner and family in quiet situations, and eventually in whatever is happening on the outslde, you will be able to connect with your heart to other hearts. The Matrix: We have to see through the programming. We have to see from the eyes of the heart, without fighting back, but from a place of detachment from the beliefs that trap us. The trap is the disconnection from our soul selves, the grid of living light, oneness love, our own hearts and each other's hearts plus our own heart's knowing and trusting that. Everywhere there is struggle inserted into mass consciousness, we can't take it in as real. We have to remember the oneness love. Watching the news, hearing about tragedy and crime, and about politics will show us aspects of Matrix created struggle for keeping us in the game. Getting out of the game, ending it and all the suffering everyone is experiencing, is to remember the love and remember that there are worlds created and possible that are struggle free. We know it in our hearts as truth. The soul projects its ray into a reality, say this Earth game, and this ray fills a body vehicle, which is 99.99% space. We are here to play in this body vehicle. We exist eternally as a soul. The soul is also projected into other bodies, and at this time of shift or ascension, we are coming to experiences glimpses of other realities our soul is living in. Past lives could be considered an expression of this, as it is said that time is a construct of this Earth game. We will be able to go into other lifetimes and realities once we connect with our soul and the soul collective of us. Something to try, and I did when I woke up, is to be in that space of feeling the soul in the heart as a vibration. Then, while lying in bed, imagine yourself sitting up and meditating. I can do this. I can be lying down with my eyes closed and also feeling myself sitting up in meditation, and do so at the same time. This is the beginning of bilocation. Practice this and the whole idea of projection becomes real and experienced. The body holds a projection of consciousness from the soul self, but in fact we can be corporeal or non-corporeal. When there are near death experiences, people report going back through a tunnel to the light. They report being in such love that they don't want to come back from that unified state of being. You should take heart that the idea of death as a tragedy isn't completely true. Death is coming home to yourself and becoming whole. But you can remember this while in your body right here and right now. You always continue to exist, and you can exist in what reality you choose to project yourself into. In the meantime, let this idea give you some freedom and open you to seeing yourself in a new way. You are not your body. You are completely loved and accepted. Everyone, all life, is a part of you and you are a part of them. We have forgotten so much, and it is a game, so play. Have fun. Love one another. Heal, and come into balance. See through all illusion. Love is the only truth, all else is illusion. ~Shannon Luminance River Akashic Intuitive Guidance for Lightworkers and Starseeds Hello fae'rea- Do you have some messages for us today? Yes on this first day for June we want to say that sun is coming this month (wooo hoooo!)..There is the obvious Summer Solstice happening this month, and it is a metaphor for greater light coming in, an apex that you have not experienced. Things are shifting toward more love and less thinking all the time. Ahh, even less doing you will be happy to hear. More “being” is possible this month. The collective is making the jump. I see a jump over lots of timelines to a new illumined one that is gaining miillions. every time somebody smiles or sinks into the bliss of holding a baby to their chest or their lover in their arms. The love frequency you lightworkers have brought her is gathering momentum. It is a quantum substance, taking over like the Mists of Avalon, well no. We offer a better image. What is that fae'rea? We show you seeds of light that are packets and when you open them in your hearts they expand in the space of earth atmosphere. For the scientific among you, these are sacred geometric frequencies that expand from your hearts, so see that within the Mists of Avalon that we mentioned. Encoded packets of light become love when opened by the heart which opens and expresses the codes from the sun and your home stars, and the universe itself including the Central Sun. Some have made the heart their (new) operating system and some are just starting to get a clue. The more that 'feel this into being,' the more the illuminated timeline is shining as a giant river of oneness where all timelines converge. come come wherever you are lover come come open your heart be safe in the shelter of the one and all will be safe and all will shine and thrive and move forward together When you are in the heart, you need know nothing as you are connected to everything. You need not plan or know the game plan. You are the game plan, so play. In this space all is needed is to be and to connect from here, and all is given to you. I see the old timelines we were inhabiting being abandoned. I see projects, 3D aspirations strewn and left like a woman leaves her embroidery unfinished on the floor of her living room. That is what we leave- but do not be sad as these projects were not based in the heart or for the highest good of the all. You are included in the all and adored and never separate from the one if you allow yourself to remember. Those remembering are awakening those who don't. All is coming to light. The 3D projects, even lives as they were defined and made, were without passion behind them so they are left behind, these timelines. As those who are unlocking the encoded light packets from the sun are inspired to live as love, to follow their hearts, and to trust in this new way of being. You are the key and your heart is the lock that you are unlocking and unleashing into freedom of being. You doing this has inspired others to do it. Your frequency is a cloud, a scented perfume that entices one person by one person to drop their third dimensional constraints, the one that looked good on the outside, and go for the one that feels good on the inside. passion and inspiration, baby. We are following it now. we are on fire with the passion of ourselves and the passion of love. The passion of love is all inclusive. barriers to loving some people are breaking down with this Venus transit. We will be very surprised and very delighted that this is happening as it is. Opening our hearts to more love, we flow it. We flow it to everyone and hold back with none. This is the energy of June. The Venus Transit is the fuel that fires this new perspective and this new abandonment of old structures and paradigms. We find them shallow and the new calling us. Do not be afraid dear ones. The time of change is upon you. Allow your lives to become flux and melt their solidity into a new crystalline form, that includes love for all beings and heart coherence as one. A new age is upon us, a higher vibrational octave that will leave our bodies and emotions singing in inner joy that we can't help sharing. ~the Fae'rea are a new collective of guides that have come through from the archangelic realm and an aspect of me and also of us speaking to us. It feels like they are a frequency of compassion, divine feminine creator energy, the light at the center of the galaxy if you have seen that photo, a fairy energy, and they appear as pink light particles in my vision and are with me always. I call on them for guidance, assistance, and communion. I have been told they are a blending of all soul group rays in the spectrum of colors, thought they appear as pink. They may be related to the new chakra of the high heart that is formed. Most of all, The Fae'rea are here to help us embody unconditional love. ~Luminance River PS I am hearing this song...”Come again come, whoever you are.” It is a Rumi poem. Enjoy! _ Yessing and Noing
Speaking of feeling answers, I recently learned a valuable tool in knowing what is true or false. It is a little like muscle testing (kinesiology) or using a pendulum, but even better. I am excited to share it, in fact. I was tuning into my body in meditation, and wondering if I could feel the difference between a yes and a no when I asked a question of my body. The way that I found to do this is to feel inside myself, to feel the heart area and notice what happens. I asked a what a yes felt like several times. I asked it to be more clear inside of me, as sensation. I then asked for a no and to feel what it felt like. I asked for clarity, for my body to make it bigger and bolder so I could learn what it felt like. I asked a yes question which was “Is my name is Shannon?” and I felt the yes. It was very exciting as the tingling was in the top part of my heart space. I then asked the opposite question, something I knew would be a no answer. I asked if my name was Michael. I got a no, this time a falling feeling lower in my heart. I did this again and again feeling the yes and the no. I still calibrate before I ask questions when I needed. From here, you can guess where I went. I can ask questions that matter to me, from my heart's perspective and hear yes or no by a visceral feeling. I ask several questions and forget to ask a yes or no question, and ask an open ended one. The thing that has happened here is that a dialogue is opened up. I hear my guides continue to speak to me inside, as if they are talking and answering in sentences now. It is a way to go deeper into knowing. I haven't shared this with somebody who has tried it that I know of, but I suspect that each person has their own visceral kinesthetic sensations that are unique to their guidance. They can go inside and feel what yes and no is for them. I don't know if it will be the same but you can do the same thing that I did to find out. -Luminance River I am currently writing an ebook on connecting with your guides, so stay tuned for more on that subject. Let me know how this technique works if you try it. |