Presenting: the akashic records energy update for February 21 to March 21. We are entering a fresh cycle from the recent Pisces New Moon. The energy lately has been intense and emotional. This recent energy is represented by the image of pink and grey storm clouds. There is an air of foreboding and also surreal flavor from the pink color of the clouds. We have been through some stormy weather on an energetic level. Pink is the color of the heart. Our hearts may have felt a storm inside without emotions feeling more in turmoil than usual. We have mostly come out of that energy, and though the energy is still intense it feels more uplifted. Ice breaking, Flow and Melting the Heart The theme for this moon cycle arises from the image of ice breaking up into cubes. The akashic records speak in imagery. To decode, know that whatever was stuck will become unstuck. Apply this to your life or the outer world. The old paradigm is cracking and breaking up! With imagery of ice breaking up there is also the sense that the ice is melting under the surface. What was hard and brittle is now becoming soft and liquid as it melts. The heart space can melt, too. The more you feel comfortable in your own skin, the more your heart opens and melts and lets love in. Instead of time being in blocks (as in blocks of ice,) it is breaking up into more flow. With a flow state, you can enjoy following what feels good and doing it at the moment. Or you can struggle if you are stuck in your expectations about what is supposed to happen at any given time. More structures are breaking apart, and improvisation is the new way of being. “Expect the unexpected” which seems to be a recurring message in recent energy updates. Another thing to receive from the image of the ice breaking up and melting is that of an iceberg. We often see the tip or the surface of what is obvious. The visible is what we believe is true. Yet underneath the iceberg in the water is a huge surface that is hidden. The icebergs, or perceptions of reality that we have or have had, are breaking up. We can see more possibilities as our perception changes as we peer under the surface. Even what we show on social media is the iceberg tip of who we are. Authenticity and in-person connections are of incredible value. Know that what you are looking at outside of you may only be the tip of the iceberg of the totality. Raining Down The next image is of capsules of light in different colors that are raining down. This is like the good omen of a rainbow but different in that you have to open the capsules to receive the blessings within. These blessings in the rainbow-colored capsules are like Manna from heaven. Those who see through the eyes of awe can experience blessings. Look at everything in your life, and please notice what amazes you. Appreciate whatever you can. Let the blessings rain down on everyone, and be seen by everyone. Unity, Working Together, Kindness, and HOME The next image is of ants marching together and working. Ants move by instinct and they also work together for the benefit of all the other ants. It is just natural to do so. We as humans can leave the world a little better by helping out others. We can benefit the whole with more unity and working together. We can move with intuition or instinct over our intellect. This is also a way to discern the truth as to what is underneath the iceberg, or the totality of understanding of anything. Maybe we need to get up and go for a walk on the Earth as the ants do. Walking outside is a great way to move our energy. Ants sense the vibrations of the Earth, so we too can sense the vibrations of what is around us and read the energy. When the ants go marching home is a song for children, and the word HOME stands out, as I hear the song in my head. Are we being invited to go home to our true selves? The lovely quote by Ram Dass comes to mind- "We are all just walking each other home." Matrix The next image is of the Matrix code screen from the movie the Matrix. In the movie, it looks like green letters over a black screen cascading downward. In this image, the screen gets blown up. Could this be another indication that the old paradigm is falling apart in a big way? Optimism and the Return of Spring The next image is of a mouse holding a flower as an umbrella, like what you might see in the vintage Flower Fairy books. The image brings a sense whimsy. A mouse represents one who is humble, and also holds up a flower representing optimism and beauty. A mouse is meek, and the meek shall inherit the earth. The meek are those who love the earth and all the beings, treating them with love. The mouse has faith in making it through the rainstorm and in also making it to springtime after a long winter. Near the end of this moon cycle is the Spring Equinox on March 2Oth (in the northern hemisphere.) As the ice breaks up and melts, the storm clouds dissipate, will come blessings of new beginnings and spring flowers. The new moon is on March 21 and energy rushes forward, fast, and strong. Thank you for reading, Shivrael akashicintuitive