The eclipse on the New Moon of October 14 was very powerful. What is the energy of October 14 to November 13, the next New Moon?
Current Energy Here is an image from the Akashic records for the energy we are in: A giant egg in the sky hatching baby stars which are light codes spilling onto the earth. An egg represents rebirth and hatching out of a shell; expanding and breaking free. A feeling of bliss arises with pure love in moments when we are quiet or when we aren't expecting anything special to happen. During the actual eclipse time, I received downloads to share. What downloads did you receive? We have entered a cocoon, a place of incubation with new light codes. The bliss feeling goes with a more ungrounded, floaty 5D feeling. What happened at the beginning of the eclipse was in sync with the moon covering the sun and then uncovering it. Even if you could not see the eclipse, it affected those who are attuned. The first part of the eclipse was the moon covering the sun gradually as if it were a giant cookie being eaten bite by bite. I see the mind with neural pathways like a web of lines. Those neural pathways were getting flooded with golden light codes, wiping out the old code. Usually, when we have solar flares and energy intensity on Earth it is as if we received a software update, a bug fix, or a patch just like you might get on your electronic device. This eclipse, was a wipe of the old system, the old code that no longer serves inside our minds as a hard reset instead of just a bug fix. We have the opportunity to accept the wiping of the codes. What were the old codes about? Anything that keeps us in the lower vibrational emotional scale in thought loops. The lower emotional states in which we get stuck were being wiped clean, or at least the root cause which is thoughts that are in the neural pathways. Lower emotional states on the emotional guidance scale would be despair, anger, rage, revenge, unworthiness, powerlessness, that sort of thing. However emotions are always useful and signposts, yet getting mired in them is something we don't need to take with us. In the hard reset, the first part of the eclipse, our brains got rewired to release old code. Heaven Codes The new codes came in which could be called "Heaven Codes." Those of you who are here to bring heaven on earth naturally receive them. Towards a Tipping Point of Light Then I saw the butterfly effect and how it works is that many would be experiencing changes in their neural pathways with the wipe of the old codes. They would be the ones embodying a change from within. That tiny change in each person makes a huge difference in the world. The Butterfly Effect: It is sometimes said that the flapping of a butterfly's wings in one part of the world can cause a hurricane on the other side of the globe. The Butterfly Effect: It is sometimes said that the flapping of a butterfly's wings in one part of the world can cause a hurricane on the other side of the globe. The principle suggests that a simple event (a wing flap) can cause a cascade of other events. -The Cambridge Dictionary Therefore a tiny difference like the flapping of a butterfly's wings can make a big difference in the world when more and more people embody a new consciousness. A shift in the consciousness of many in the inner micro level means a shift in timelines for humanity! A New Kind of Love The new light codes streamed in golden light to our minds and illuminated new neural pathways in the second part of the reset. The feeling was blissful and loving. A new kind of love was shown to me. It feels like everyone is included in this love, and there is no attachment, nor is there detachment. You may feel a greater acceptance of all seeing all as love and worthy of love and included in the greater whole. This can heal your own feelings of unworthiness and feeling excluded. The love/bliss feeling is deeper even if it feels more detached. It is inclusive. With that comes a feeling of being worthy, always being included, and being unconditionally loved. The idea of “the divine” being in heaven, far away and separate wants to go away. Inclusive love with divinity is seen in everything. We see and feel the divine in one another and ourselves. This love looks like white light and is the zero point. We arrive at the zero point within ourselves. We will be hanging out there for the next couple of weeks. Incubation Meanwhile, we are in this transition period as we integrate the Heaven codes (the name I was given because they bring heaven on earth.) We may feel floaty, ungrounded, and blissful. In this time we may be less focused on everyday things and instead focused on our 5D overlay. The 5D overlay is the multidimensional galactic aspect of self. We might have realizations about how to bring our personal lives to a higher level of love. We may see things that are old ways of being that we want to give up. And just like that, we may be able to do so easily. The 28th of October brings a second eclipse which takes us from the cocoon and incubation time where we integrate. It is a little like being suspended in imaginal goo until then, as caterpillars are before they birth into butterflies. Just after the eclipse we take action, and it seems we have our wings and are a new species. An image from the Akashic records shows people marching forward, as a sign of physical actions taking place with courage. All is to bring our lives and consciousness to a higher level of love. Migrations After October 28: The butterfly theme arose again with the word “migration.” I sense many will be moving, changing jobs, changing relationships, or letting go of old lives in some way. I see how species that migrate like the hummingbird, the butterfly, and sea turtles migrate to their special ancestral grounds. They intuitively and magically know where home is. We too have this instinct of where home is. We are finding home, finding our heaven on Earth with our hearts. Celebration then Action The eclipse on the 28th is a day of celebration, it begins taking inspired action into our new lives. Together we are reborn into new selves. I see an image of the 5D overlay that we received will then integrate into our bodies at this time. Collective, one by one, we are shifting from within and emerging with new consciousness. The new consciousness holds the frequencies on the upper part of the emotional guidance scale such as joy, bliss, love, happiness, courage, harmony, unity, worthiness, peace, and contentment. See Beyond the Appearance of the World There was a scene on screen showing what was happening in the world. It looked chaotic and scary. Yet I saw beings to the sides of the screen and behind it that were making positive changes for everyone. Do not believe what you see on the surface. Beneath the surface of the appearance of the world is the real which you can intuit but not always see with your eyes. Trust in that invisible world behind the scenes, as eventually what is happening there will become visible. Stay out of fear as you move into more love. As you integrate and focus on your inner transformation I wish you blissful moments, a new operating system based on love, and that you may be in your heart and shine your light. Shivrael AkashicIntuitive