What do the akashic records have to share for this time and the coming moon cycle starting January 31st?
Planting Seeds Even though it is not quite springtime, I am seeing people using tools and doing some hard work in the garden, as the garden of their souls. They are planting seeds for the future. They are planting seeds for the generations to come; for the betterment of all. It takes courage, tenacity, and determination to move forward and trust the bigger picture. It is a time of taking stock of what you are grateful for at a core level. Your existence, your freedom, your loved ones are the highest priorities to be grateful for. Living in the heart in unification with others are the seeds being planted for everyone. The Veil This moon cycle the message is “The curtain is falling.” The veil between worlds is thinner than ever, with psychic access to those on the other side and also our souls communicating as our Higher Selves. We can access inner guidance. We are impulsed to figure out the small acts at the moment where we can show up for the greater whole. We can use our connection to Source Creator, our Higher Selves, and our ancestors as a way to bring trust into our daily existence, to keep us in a positive state of being. It helps us to carry on and move forward in the midst of change. Energetic Intensity The energy we are in has been over-the-top intense with solar flares on an energetic level. Emotionally - you may have felt mood swings. All of it is designed to help us awaken and to help us make changes in the world that we need. The energetic intensity has side effects, including kundalini rising and more such as fatigue. Our mission is to find the truth, know the truth, and share the truth with one another. The message from the Akash saying “The curtain is falling” may indicate that we have been in a simulation, a story that is now coming to an end and the actors of the story are revealing that it was all a play. We have to keep our sense of humor through it all. The curtain is falling and those behind the curtain are seen. Important Dates A special time to know about is the date of February 21, 2022. On this date, the planet Pluto has transited back to exactly where it was at the time of the American Revolution with the signing of the Declaration of Independence. It is a great day to lay low and see what unfolds.Keep in mind that this is the beginning of a long cycle so be patient.Change is on the way and this is a marker for it to begin. Pluto is all about transformation. The next day 2/22/2022 is auspicious and a portal day bringing in positive energies for the planet and everyone. Hold your vision of what you want to see in the world. Keep imagining what you dream of for your life and everyone. What will help us thrive this month? Focus on your heart. Focus on what feels good. Focus on what is possible for you to make a difference. The new moon brings in momentum that picks up after the first week of February. Expect more time acceleration and events that move quickly for the last three weeks of February. The curtain is falling so many illusions will be revealed to what is underneath. The process of transformation will bring people through an inner revolution. An inner revolution is a new way of seeing and being, and Pluto takes us to sudden endings and death of the old way. Since it is a cycle repeating where Pluto was at the beginning of the American Revolution, expect revolutionary energy. Expect the unexpected, lay low, and send blessings for all beings at this time. R/evolution indicates that we are revolving into a new cycle that is a speeded up version of evolution for the collective. Please take loving care of yourself as we travel through February to the next new moon. Be present with what shows up in your life. Trust yourself to deal with whatever arises. Be sure to unite with those you resonate with and take care of one another. Hold space for one another's feelings and beliefs. Most of all, be in love over fear. Remember that F.E.A.R. Is two things... the first being False Evidence Appearing Real and also Face Everything and Rise. Weave dreams of New Earth in your heart. Be kind to yourself and one another. Practice radical self-care this month and keep a higher perspective. You came here for this time, Heart Tribe, and do know that change is upon us, the change we have been waiting for. You are the strongest of the strong. Everything we need to get through this time with grace is within. Tune in with your soul. With everything going on, know that there are higher frequency timelines. May you be on one, and may we pull the rest of humanity through so that they can experience them too. The outer chaos may happen but there is an inner peace to which we can always return. Love and blessings, Shivrael AkashicIntuitive German/Deutsch by Max von Gaja with thanks and gratitude. Thanks to Johnny Barnett of Chakraology for astrology guidance.
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I love synchronicities such as when I am thinking about something and then the universe reflects it to me. Yesterday in meditation I had a vision. I saw each person and their higher selves as well as Creation being in a giant web of connection, kind of like spider webs, but in all directions connected to all other living things. Source was represented by the bright light of a Sun in the center of the web of connection between all things.
I see how each living thing is giving the greater whole and also receiving from it. For example, animals and plants don't use money, they just get what they need for free. In some ways, we humans have tried to make ourselves separate from what wants to support us fully. We can remember and see the connection again to step back into the reciprocal universe. These strings I saw were conduits of giving and receiving love to other forms of life, planets, stars, Source.... everything became all one when you see the strings of connection. Not only is everything connected, but it is also sending information in the form of light to one another. The sentient universe takes care of itself and those within it giving them instructions on how to thrive. The birds that come to eat in my yard every day are beings I am connected to along with every tree on earth. As synchronicity would have it, later in the evening, I ran across this book with a passage that addressed what I had "seen" in my inner vision. This was written a while ago by a spiritual channeler Carla Ruekert in her book Living the Law of One 101: The Choice. The passage from her book: One modern theory spawned by quantum physics is the “string theory.” In general, string theories posit that after we reduce the physical object into its atoms and then divide the atoms into their subatomic, component particles of electrons, neutrons and protons, we add an oscillating loop in the path of each subatomic particle. This loop can vibrate, oscillate or become “excited” in different ways when acted upon, just as a guitar string can produce different notes when the guitar string is fretted to hold different lengths of tension. The loops, vibrating together, make “harmonic chords” of interaction and all of these strings can hook up under the right circumstances. The implication of string theory is that everything, all matter and all “forces” (the strong and weak nuclear forces, electromagnetism, and gravity), are unified by the “notes” which the strings can play and the “music” which they can make together. When scientists explore the world these days, their hypotheses are beginning to reexplore the unified ground of being which mystics have proclaimed throughout recorded history. Science and religion now have a common window on the world in positing an underlying ground of being that can only enlarge as new discoveries reveal more new data. In this picture of a universe made entirely of oscillating, interacting, tiny units of shimmering energy, we can easily see the Confederation’s (fyi: the group she channels is called Ra or the Confederation) suggested model of a unified and interactive creation. It is an exciting model, for in it we are literally connected with everything else in creation. The main difference between the string theorists’ and Confederation’s view is that the string theorists see the dance to be random while the Confederation sees the dance as having purpose. Physicists and the Confederation agree that the observer, the human in the equation, constitutes a connection point with the observed phenomena which can affect the action of the phenomena. Naturally, physics does not try to address the possible purpose of the observer. It merely notes that the observer influences the action that is observed. However, the Confederation suggests that in our Density of Choice we humans have the power, by our physical actions, our thoughts, and our intentions, to change our physical environment.They state that there is purpose in the choices we make. The environment over which we hold sway starts with our inner selves and continues out into our interface with the world around us. It explains why we draw to ourselves those things we most desire or most fear by merely focusing on them in our thoughts.This attractive process takes place because the universe, as an interactive, unitary system, vibrates according to patterns of attraction. What we most love or most fear is what we attract, by the focus of our attention. One of the more subtle choices we make every day is whether to focus on thinking about the things we love or the things we fear and dislike. According to Fred Alan Wolf (a scientist), we can change the very fabric of our reality by the choices we make, by the things we choose to see or not see, and by what our honest intentions are, as opposed to what we might be saying when we come to a point of choice. If we focus on the things we love, we attract them. Good multiplies. If we focus on the things we fear, we attract them instead. The heavens seem to pour bad weather on us. What we choose to think about makes a difference! The picture of the Gameboard drawn by the Confederation, then, is of a unitary, interactive Creation where all of the parts are related and can influence each other according to natural paths of interaction between energy fields. The position of the human being in the Game is that of a player. He is not a pawn or any other game piece. He is not tied to or bounded by the Board. He is sitting at the Gameboard, observing the flow of play and making his Choices as he makes his moves. Please note again that this is a holistic, multi-dimensional Gameboard, not a flat, two- dimensional one like a chess board. --end quote--- Most of all, I am excited about how the author expresses the vision that I was having about the strings connecting everything in her words. Having such visions helps me to be reminded to feel the connectedness of everything. Being in deep nature also does that for me- I remember the connection with all life. In this passage, I love the purposeful dance and interaction between energy fields. I love how mystics and science find each other in common ground. I love how Creation is an interaction between parts of the greater whole. Where shall we play today? Who shall we play with? I also love the idea that we are in a Game, interacting with all of creation as players. We get to decide our moves within the Game. From that standpoint, we are not victims. She says "He is sitting at the Gameboard, observing the flow of play and making his Choices as he makes his moves." To me this might imply that there is a higher self who is calmly sitting and observing life of me(as my physical body self) who is in the Game. The higher self is the one making the moves and conveying the information to my human self to receive, as an integral part of the greater whole that is connected to all. Being in a multidimensional game allows us to not take life so seriously and find the PLAY in it. ~Shivrael The author Carla Ruekert's foundation gives away this book for free which explains the Law of One material in a more lighthearted way than the channeling, in her own words.I am greatly inspired. Energy Update for the New Moon of January 2, 2022, for the moon cycle to come Where are we going? The akashic records speak in images, and the image that comes to mind is a revolving door, and a person goes in and comes out in a new direction. This revolving door does not take us back where we came from but instead, it has a magical property. The revolving door works like a traffic circle in which there are several entrances and exits to choose from. The person in the revolving door in my vision is going through a new doorway. The message is that it may seem like we are doing the same direction with the same things we have done before, we are each heading in a new direction that has not become apparent. In January, I can see a new beginning for way-showers. We are headed in a completely new direction on a new path. Bring on the new-- and in the meantime it is time to be inside ourselves, to process so much and come out clear and free. A Story Imagine a realm that needed help, like divine intervention. The Land and the people were struggling. The Creator came with us to breathe in this realm. The breath was infused with divine love. Divine love is the essence of creation. The breath was a bit like Jack Frost making crystalline patterns on windows. The breath of the Creator impacted the realm, and with that impact, everything turned to divine order. Symmetry, crystallization, harmony, and the most splendid magnificent frequencies all aligned with love hit the Earth, and with that change began. It began to manifest in the fabric of life, everywhere for everyone. The breath of the Creator touched families and relationships. Suddenly, there was more harmony. It touched individuals who suddenly felt more well-being than ever before. The people were receiving epiphanies and downloads on how to live in peace, with one another, and make the world a better place. The people became more loving, empathetic, and telepathic with one another. They could see through another's eyes and experience, and their hearts were open to other perspectives. The Love frequency was embodied by more and more people. Health caring had to be infused with love, or it was no longer used. The people could tell what technologies, schools, products, systems, and places were infused with this love. They only wanted to create more of it. That which was not in alignment with the highest good started to be ignored by people. That which was created only to benefit a few, and possibly cause harm was discarded on a grand scale. The people could now see it, and they directed themselves to what was aligned with love and goodness, golden mean, symmetry, purity, and to what benefits life. The people became more self-loving and at the same time more selfless. They realized they were willing and able to help others. Their gifts and passions showed up as part of the breath of the Creator impacting them. The sun is currently filling this realm with light codes that can be seen as the breath of the Creator. We are being breathed in a space of love and it is for us to find that harmonic resonance. The people realized that they are creators, too. They too began to create their realities from the inside out, based on love. To do this they went into meditation and remembered what love felt like at its purest essence. They remembered how powerful they were and how good it felt to be in alignment. This was the beginning of a new era of peace, and it all began in 2022. Each day the people would meditate or go for a walk, or dance to music they loved. They would imagine the frequency of love filling them, and they carried it through that day and poured it into everything that they created. The world became different, amazingly and unpredictably so, which can be felt in the heart even if you cannot see it yet. May we feel and see the evidence of the shift as we live in a new higher harmonic realm where truth and love are the foundation of everything. May this year be filled with the essence of love for you, Shivrael AkashicIntuitive Readings |