On this night of the full moon, before the Lunar Eclipse of May 26, and now it is just under five hours before we begin our journey. At 1:47 am Pacific time, the eclipse starts. This will trigger a huge process of change. I ask the akashic records what the ascending collective, the heart tribe, can expect in the coming times. The first image is exploding folders coming out of file cabinets. The old is being purged. The old systems, the old bureaucracy is going down. It is obsolete and now we can throw away the folders. Systems of medicine are shifting. old energy production like oil. Systems of money and exchange are shifting to a higher order. First, it will look like they are crashing into a catastrophe. Hold the vision that it is merely the change we have been waiting for. File folders representing old hierarchal systems are coming out of the cabinets where they have been hidden away. Anywhere where there was power over and abuse of power is being shown in the light of truth. Now, these old structures (and many more) are crumbling and it is visible to the masses. I see a room, an office, with file folders ransacked and spread on the floor, in disarray. This moon is a Lunar Eclipse it begins at 1:47 am Pacific Time. You can look at a lunar eclipse with your bare eyes but not a solar eclipse at the time of fullness. Eclipse Sandwich Every eclipse comes with at least one more eclipse within a couple of weeks of it. The next one, a Solar Eclipse, is June 10. We call this time an eclipse sandwich. I notice that who you are when you start an eclipse season is different from when you end it. That would mean we are about to enter a door of no return, in which we are transformed to our core while the world around us is. When we come out of this period, the world will have shifted 180 degrees. The underbelly of the old system is exposed; entirely visible with warts and all. I see the light shining on these things, and the collective is deciding on a new timeline, in fact, it is already positioned on Earth under their feet. It is a golden arrow that has changed its path to something that is more true, more aligned with love, and more congruent with where most everyone wants to be. The timeline is a golden yellow arrow on a map of the world and it snaps down making a ripple that sends shockwaves. Some will align with it, in fact, most people will. Others will feel the seismic tremors of change. What is happening could be called a "global system reboot." How do we deal with sudden unexpected changes? Or even expected change? We are becoming butterflies not knowing what we are being birthed into, really. What will it feel like to fly together? Stay in the Heart Stay in your heart, dear ones. From this place, you always know what to do and you always have everything you need. Take this one step at a time. Take care of those who matter. Hold close to what matters which is love. Take care of yourself and find security and groundedness, plus find the calm in the chaos. Have what you need to be okay in the midst of chaos in the outer world. It will not hurt to be fully prepared with food and water. This may become strangely geopolitical in nature, unexpectedly so, but do not let alarm you. The Sun's Solar Flares are Coming New light codes are coming then there are to be 12 solar flares tomorrow. This is light nourishment for your evolving DNA, for your evolution. Be inside yourself and receive. Be in presence, allow the divine unfolding. The light codes are to awaken your consciousness and everyone's consciousness. It is like you are a computer, a crystalline computer, that receives files of cosmic downloads which are processed by your DNA. Expect your own viewpoints to shift in the next two weeks. Expect who you experience yourself as to change during this time. Who you are going in will be different coming out the other side on June 10. Imagine what the new earth looks like and feels like. Live it in your heart. Send and receive love with all of creation. Know you are a giant web of life moving through a doorway. I see our world going through a wormhole, a doorway, a portal. One door opens tomorrow morning. You are in a passageway. You will be squeezed for this birthing in your lifetime. Some labors are long and hard and some are quick and intense, and others are peaceful. Be present with yourself. Be your own midwife as you and Mother Earth head toward the doorway out of the passageway of light. A new world awaits. Be the love that you are. I see people closing their eyes and trusting the process, and affirming their connection with all you hold dear, and Source. You are greatly loved and supported. You are making it and this is the time we have waited for. You will change and learn so much, and you will see those around you go through changes too. The essence remains the same, the pure divine light shines brighter and more fully. You receive clarity. It is mostly your perception that changes as that which has hidden pure reality for so long is melting away. What matters remains the same, so figure out what really matters to you. Figure out what helps you feel secure in the midst of change. Are you ready? Be calm, be a visionary who holds the positive possibilities. Be the light for others. Do what allows you to be this way. You have this, humanity and you are ready. You are divinely supported. The stars are holding your hands. The whole universe wants to bring down the old system and rebirth us through the wormhole, into a new reality. Prepare to be amazed. Hold others in your heart. Be sure to pray for everyone you love and all of those suffering. Ripple this energy to those who need it. You are more powerful than you know. Be the power of love. A Vision for the Future - A New Beginning I feel a sense of unity on the other side. It looks like community and families gathered in circles around a reflecting lake and giving thanks. There is a mountain, the mountain you have climbed. You are being celebrated. You are honored for your courage at this time. I see people being themselves and a new sense of authenticity and closeness. We have each other's backs and we have put down our old grudges and are rolling up our sleeves because there is work to be done to build a beautiful world. I am with you in this time of cosmic change and hold you in my heart. Full Moon Blessings to you, Shivrael Akashic Intuitive website
Dear Heart Tribe, Welcome to your New Moon Energy Update for May 11 to June 10 of 2021.
Let's look into the Akashic Record at the future timeline and receive information about our journey into this coming moon cycle. The first image from the records: A person tumbling down a slope, going head over heels, like a cartoon character on a mountain. This represents the energy we are in which is like being tumbled and our world turned upside down. What we believe is going to be put on its head and questioned. It may be confusing, and it might be a fast, intense ride going forward. We are currently transitioning through a challenging time which makes some of us feel beat up and bruised. We are going through deep inner change. Most people's issues are coming up for them to deal with about owning and taking back their power. Expect truth to come out of your mouth that you might have held back. You will find just the right way to say what you need to say which may be elegant or shocking. A sense of relief will fill you and you will wonder why you held back for so long. The first times you speak your truth that has been held back may come out awkward. Honor yourself anyway for being real and being you. Maybe you find yourself doing some internal processing of old emotional stuff. Maybe you find yourself showing up in a new way that is more assertive. You are taking responsibility for yourself while tumbling down the mountain. In the process of tumbling, you get unstuck. There is powerful momentum for change. You can see the tumbling down as being polished like stones in a rock tumbler. It is making you shine with the personal growth you are doing right now. It is a lot of heavy lifting. It is facing your shadow and the shadows of others. The tumbling down the mountainside makes you let go of anything you are holding onto that you cannot carry anymore. The friction rubs away and destroys your ego and all of this is for enlightenment. It is for us to step into our personal power and also take responsibility so we can be sovereign. Can I suggest that you don't take anything personally? The intensity of the current energy with a high Schumann Resonance and frequent solar storms makes those sensitive people discover their limitations. You might not have the energy and capacity for anything extra at times. Some days you may be taken to your edge on the ability to cope. Is anyone feeling tired these days? What about electrified or having insomnia? “No More Pretending” is a theme to notice. Wherever you are hiding something, you are forced to be real. You see beyond the surface of others, and they see beyond the surface of you. Maybe you are challenged by being a bigger version of yourself, stepping up to the plate, and having confidence in yourself. The tumbling down the mountain experience plays out in different ways depending on what themes you are working with to grow. Next, I am seeing that the chaos of what we are going through and have been through the past few weeks is moving into order. When Mercury goes retrograde on May 29th, this is the time in which we can begin to unpack what we just learned. I see little blocks representing blocks of information coming into divine order, like the old-fashioned video game Tetris. It is as if our inner world as we knew it is currently being moved in chaos and broken up. See the breaking up process as reorganizing into new divine order as we upgrade. We are understanding our patterns and bigger theme that showed up in April and May, which leads to ah-ha moments. Our emotional body and mental patterning are rebooting as you read this. A spiritual aspect of the transition is all to awaken and enlighten those who are aligned. In the meantime, it is crucial to take care of yourself. It is important to do self-care and routines as best you can to stay in balance as much as possible. Taking time out to be, to rest, to not have pressure will help you. It might feel like you are on a roller coaster ride at times and holding on. Notice the waves and take advantage of peaceful times to just enjoy them. Waves may make you emotional or crabby, and they can also make you calm and blissful. Know that whatever it is you are feeling will pass and become something else. There is so much magnificence Near the ocean Waves are coming in Waves are coming in ~Miten and Deva Premal's song So Much Magnificence You might feel a sense of taking a breath and a break from the intensity of the month at the end of the month. At that time you might retreat to revisit, review, and redo things. Allow the awareness to come and unpack themselves, the cosmic downloads. You might feel more surges of optimism and see good news happening in the world and your lives. May 26th brings the new moon in Taurus and new energy with new beginnings. Theme: taking care of the body while being embodied and grounded. What sort of extra nurturing can you give to your body? I see a lighthouse and it is getting brighter. You are this lighthouse. The first message from this is that your light is getting brighter. You are shining. The second message is the collective light is getting brighter. Light is winning. The third message is that you need to tend to your lighthouse. Your body is your lighthouse. You receive divine inspiration via light codes in your crown, you activate this light in your vessel. I see you tending to your lighthouse or body and life. You don't have extra to rescue yet you can inspire. You are supposed to tend to your lighthouse. What makes you happy? What makes you shine? What allows you to give more? During this cycle, I see you inside recovering in your nest, the sacred space of you. I see you imagining and dreaming positive things like the new earth to come and your part in it. I see how you have put the past into an organized and understood pattern that is new. It makes you see the beauty of what you have been through. In the Akashic Records, this shows up like a mandala and also like filmstrips (your memories). They are your history, the beauty of your past that has made you who you are. You see how what you went through made you who you are now. Somehow, the process of seeing the bigger picture allows you to let go. You are letting go and forgiving the past. In your lighthouse, I see you at a higher level, looking down at the world. You have ascended your awareness and in this sanctuary of light, you are putting together a new understanding. You are closer to Source. You are a light to others who still might be going down the mountain, getting tumbled and bruised. You cannot stop their path but you can be a light and a role model in finding peace amid change and chaos. Relief is coming. This is all for a higher purpose- the evolution of humanity. You are on the leading edge sensitive ones. Honor yourself – and if it has not or is not easy, honor that. You are the strongest of the strong even if you feel sensitive to all that is happening. Perhaps in the past, you might have not enjoyed the thought of Mercury Retrograde season. It starts May 29th but can be felt as early as May 14th. This time you can look at it differently- perhaps as a time to receive clarity, heal your memories and move to a new level of awareness. You can use it for a much-needed time-out from chaos and hectic time acceleration with energetic intensity. Communcations might be wacky with others, but it is a good time for communication with yourself. The Mercury retrograde continues through June 22. Look for the next energy update around June 10, the next new moon. Remember to breathe. Sending love and blessings Shivrael AkashicIntuitive website and blog Readings and BQH I always care about what you might be experiencing and would be delighted to hear about it. |