Welcome to this akashic update is for 8/8/21 from the Lion's Gate portal and new moon until the next new moon on 9/7/21. Themes: intuition, seeing beneath the surface, hidden depths, sovereignty, service, trust, faith, new timelines, letting go, surrender, infinite possibilities, rescue, cutting ties, new beginnings, waves, and storms, and play. Dear Heart Tribe, I am super excited that we have entered the portal of infinite possibilities! This 8/8 is a potent and magical day. Let's explore what this coming month might hold for us! What does this time of transition hold for us? I see individuals in their lifeboats, but it is not an emergency situation, but more of rafting for pleasure instead of because of an emergency. The ocean is a bit wavy but not overwhelmingly so. There is sunshine. I see many in yellow inflatable up boats and the tethers are being dropped and we are setting sail on our journeys, away from the moorings. The cutting loose, tethers being let go of, freedom are themes. Anywhere you are tethered to your old life, you may be letting something go or the universe may let go of it for you. As synchronicity would have it, my friend's Dreamspell calendar update for today has this perfect quote, and it is Red Electric Earth day this 8/8. The Electric part is about being of service to others, so we step into our purpose more as we also step through this gateway portal. Some of you may find your divine purpose and why you are here finally being revealed. Red Earth encourages you to evolve yourself by consciously navigating your path. You are the captain of the ship, you are the navigator, you are holding the steering wheel and making all course and direction decisions. As you navigate your way upon your chosen route, you will begin to notice synchronicities marking the way as you go. Synchronicities have been mislabeled as coincidences.~Roger Grossman Getting through the portal, in the days before and during feels like a challenge, a lot of pressure but the situation beyond it is free-floating and pleasurable. The ocean is taking us to new places where we are supposed to land. It takes courage to let go of any attachment to who we are, to the Matrix, to the people, to anything except faith in our own hearts to guide us. Our hearts are connected to what we consider Great Spirit is the navigation system. The old tethers might be relying on what others told us (conditioning), or on using our minds to get somewhere. This points to radical sovereignty as a theme for the month. Being your true, authentic self is really important right now, and untethering allows this. There is no getting there, there is only being. In the process of being, we find our way. This letting go is excruciating for some and they feel pressured and pushed like a birthing with a pushing, a force out of their comfort zone. Others float freely and still, others are clueless that anything is shifting. You reading this are in the know of it all and have your sense of understanding it. Now that the new moon time on the 8th has passed this morning, the energy is higher vibrational and loving. There is a sense of relief, ease, yet with anticipation of something big coming like changes. We are not asleep at the wheel. We are diligently aware of our surroundings as we follow our inner callings to land in our new, next place. Seeing Beneath the Surface The ocean has many depths, and under those depths are things some see and others don't notice. We feel the tides of emotions this month and we learn to notice what is under the surface. INTUITION is huge for everyone. What is hidden is coming to the surface. On the lifeboat theme- this indicates that there may be a rescue of helping others as service. We need to be aware of those who might need us to throw a lifeline, yet also stay captains of our own boats. If you feel a call to have extra emergency supplies and provisions at hand, follow that. Know that rescue may come up as a theme this month. Please send a prayer for those facing floods and fires on the planet right now as they need help. If you are in good shape, have gratitude and extend your support to another from the love of your heart. Trifurcation The next image that appears is an old-fashioned playdough toy, the one that has an extruder through little holes in a slide (see below). You put the playdough in, push the handle and it comes out in a snake of that is circular worms. In this case, we are being extruded, pushed out, shaped, under pressure into three long worm shapes. They can represent many things and let me know what you feel this might mean. I see three timelines as coming out of the playdough machine, and it is the trifurcation. In the past, people have spoken of a bifurcation of worlds which is fear and love timelines. This time I see a trifurcation which is perhaps a made-up word. Three Worlds, Three Realities The reality of fear and love and surrender peace. The worlds of 3D, 4D, 5D. Or perhaps it means the past, the present, and the future. The present is the only real one. The playdough timelines are metaphors. One playdough worm had a dominant color with a tinge of another. It represents how sometimes we are in love with a tinge of fear. Or maybe we are in 5D most of the time but then we pay attention to something that matters, something we are concerned about in the outer world, and that adding a tinge of another color to our timeline. The trifurcation is moving into a space beyond the strings of attachment to others. It doesn't mean we don't love other people or enjoy them in our lives. It means we let go of what they think. We can let go and be our true authentic selves, the true captain of our blow-up lifeboat, being guided by our heart from the true north star within. That North Star would be our star family, our connection to divinity beyond this realm yet speaking within us through vibration. The north star could also represent Sirius as the Lion's Gate is connected to this star. The blue fixed star of Sirius aligns with Orions Belt and the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt. When I speak of following your vibration, I mean that still small voice within that makes us feel joy when we long for something. In that longing from deep in our hearts comes direction and guidance. The lifeboat shows us that we are always safe, supported, protected. The string cutting is cutting strings to what we thought was true, to beliefs. It is the cutting of strings to the past, to expectations of the future. It is cutting strings to energies or entities not aligned with our highest path of infinite joyous opportunities. The lifeboat is floating us to our next highest timeline, a new place for us to exist energetically and possibly, physically. We are floating to a better experience and sometimes the ocean has surprising storms and waves along the way, along with our emotions. We have to have trust and faith and connect to what is sacred from within. Portal of Infinite Possibilities Another thing I see in the akashic records is infinite possibilities. At any moment, you can choose infinite possible things to be doing. You can choose one of many infinite possible perspectives. Eight/Eight is the infinite possibility portal. The playdough reminds us to play and you can take the timelines and roll them up in a ball and make something else. You are reminded that you are the creator and you are creating everything with your perception. The gift of awareness of infinite perceptions is that it creates your experience. More apparent than ever are glitches in reality. It does not make sense – there are so many contradictions in what is told to us. It is a great excuse to believe and perceive what feels good to each of us at any moment. And know you can change it in another moment. Reality, like the ocean, is very fluid. Let me know how you are doing and what your downloads and experiences are for the 8/8 and beyond! I love hearing from you. Welcome to the portal of playing and perceiving infinity possibilities. In perceiving and in knowing this, we enter into infinite possibilities. With love and blessings- infinitely loving you! Shivrael akashicintuitive.com Roger Grossman thanks for the quote and dreamspell wisdom. Sabrina Brightstar thanks for the inspiration and multidimensional co-creation.