What is the template reality: this is the web of life, the grid, the framework on which the appearance of reality exists upon. Or that is what I call it. Alex Grey, the visionary artist, was interviewed about the cosmic grid or web of eternal life seen it his paintings. Alex explains: It comes from seeing the grid work in meditation and on psychedelic voyages and it seems to be related to one’s perceptions and projections. (It is) an experience of witnessing a grid work that was emanating from my own awareness. I was a node in the sourcing of the web and felt so expansive I was beyond my sourcing it. I could both see it and it projecting from my awareness. ….we are all projecting it, it is a part of all of us. It is an aspect of our being. Yet it is a bit different than our notion of Prana, which is just energy. The grid is a more coherent and structured thing. It feels like the template reality is the same thing he is speaking of, and you discover it when you become expansive. The template reality is the framework behind the illusion of this reality, that it is built upon energetically. After all, all matter is light and vibration, or energy expressed in form. Being inspired by the template reality, I took this, and the idea of "returning to our divine blueprint" as individuals, into meditation. I brought the feeling of expansiveness. Writing for me is like taking some thematic ingredients to meditation and see what pops out in expression and understanding. Since I first learned about the original divine blueprint, it I have had a fascination to discover what it is. It could be described as an energetic template for of your soul's knowing. Expand the idea further, be seen as the original divine perfection that you be, with the coding of the template for human, divine human that we are morphing into in this ascension process. Human beings are taking a giant evolutionary leap right now. In meditation, I asked for more information about this. I was seeing the web of creation/web of life/cosmic grid/template reality (as I call it above) interact with the original divine template as in a man or woman. The image of Dr.Emoto's snowflakes comes to mind. I see some chaotic ones that are distorted blobs. I know they come from polluted waters and from saying negative things to the water which is then frozen and photographed. Then I see the gorgeous sacred geometric ones that are created by sending the intention of LOVE or JOY to, or played music that is soothing like classical, too. You see the vibrational effect. Be sure to see the photo at the bottom and you will see what I mean. What was the point of the snowflakes? They are a metaphor, of course. I am seeing that the moving into the original divine blueprint is to connected to the template reality or web of life. All is connected. We expand our energy fields and feel a connection with all life. It has to come from the heart, from love. Love is what makes us feel connected with all, and love is what moves us into heart coherence. Looking up the definition of coherence, I find this “the quality of forming a unified whole.” How perfect! The template reality, the cosmic grid, interacts and integrates with each of us, who are returning to our original divine blueprints. The key is being in the feeling state of love. The energies since the equinox have been offering more and more possibility of feeling divine love. We cultivate that in ourselves very simply by loving ourselves and loving others. It is simplifying this whole process. Love is the answer. As we expand in consciousness, embody divine love and take in these lovely frequencies of light, we also are called to be in service but this service is the expression of our true self living our passion, in a way that is in contribution to others too. We go inward to tune into the original divine blueprint from our soul's knowing with our unique path forward. We are shown that when we tune in, we receive information from source and our soul to guide our way. Another theme that seems so important right now is harmony, harmony within and harmony with the universe. What songs make us vibrate to the greatest beautiful geometric forms like Dr. Emoto's snowflakes? What words and thoughts can we fill ourselves so we vibrate at this high level of joy and love? I was shown that there is a continuum and some are chaotic blobs and some are beautiful crystalline formations or somewhere in between. All we have to do is tune in. Vibrational attunement is real and matters, matters in the return of our original divine blueprints. The return to the divine blueprint is harmony, harmony with creation but also within ourselves. Everyone is blossoming into a greater sense of themselves! Meeting you (and everyone) in the ever present now moment in perfect Divine Love! In celebration, Shannon Luminance River at Akashic Intuitive
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