Ring Ring...are you home? You are being summoned. Your wildest imagining is the gift that the collective desires from you. I am thinking about the qualities that make it visionary as I look at visionary art. In a flash, an insight came that was asking for those who are creating new earth, the wayshowers to summon their inner visionaries. What is the definition of visionary? vi·sion·ar·y ˈviZHəˌnerē/ adjective
The qualities of visionary are there to guide us what to pull forth from ourselves, in order to do this, and be that. It takes everyone dreaming and imagining how their life could be and how the world, could be, but taking it to the best possible world imaginable. What does visionary art have? It has a spiritual focus that sees the unseen world. -There is connectedness indicated by lines and vines and threads or other ways. Inherently we are connected to all life. Visions can celebrate our co-creation with earth and all forms of life on the planet. Consciousness exists within all things, and we can expand our energy field to include plant wisdom, animal wisdom, and earth wisdom. We can collaborate with all life for creating the new earth through us. It is seeing, and also receiving information, so we are divinely inspired and include them in the highest good as we move toward unity consciousness. -Animals and shapeshifting are shown in visionary artwork. A translation is that We can tap into our animal nature and the wisdom of animal totems or guides in our visioning. We carry aspects of animals in our DNA. Loving animals, loving our animal aspects, and we can integrate it all to wholeness. -An overlay of one reality on another. This is the talent of the visionary, to see things as they could be not as they are, but walk both worlds, the world of imagination and the grounded physical world and bridge the two. Art and expression is a way to bridge them and bring them together. Visionary paintings, and being a visionary are tapping the fountain of multidimensionality and playing in it. Bridging the everyday reality, other dimensions, the non-physical world, the celestial world beyond earth, all connecting and bringing through knowing and rememberance from beyond into this one. That is what visionaries do and you are invited to be one. -Streams of light and lots of color. I see this as bringing in light as awareness, as our human bodies as vessels holding higher light. Color represents different frequencies and creating from the frequencies which are the basis for the material world. This is the substance to create with in our imagination. -Magic. This implies using imagination to create. It implies seeing the impossible in the mind's eye. -Nature (earth, stones, plants, animals) blending into human shapes again shows our interconnectedness with all life. -Higher self show with our human self together or sometimes this is God with man/woman. This is symbolic for getting in touch with one's divinity, inner voice, higher being, through mystical experiences and meditation. It means knowing one is beyond this human body and is a much bigger, more powerful creator being, the I AM Presence, than we have been conditioned to believe. -Snakes are a powerful symbol with so many meanings like deep transformation, rising of kundalini, feminine energy, earth energy, connectedness, shedding and releasing what no longer serves. A visionary is in touch with all of this at various times, and is on a journey. Art shares the spiritual journey of the human. -Shaman scenes are in visionary paintings like the one here. To be a visionary, connect with your inner shaman. Create sacred space for yourself. Go into a relaxed state of being where you can really let go beyond this world and dream into the next. Go into your inner world and see what presents. Then after visioning, we are called to share what we see and express what is deep in our souls. Sharing anchors vision into form. Writing, speaking, singing and making art come to mind as easy ways of sharing visions. -Stars, the universe, galaxies, moons, suns. These celestial bodies show our connection to all that is, beyond this reality, like the plant and animal consciousness. There is consciousness beyond earth, and we have come from that consciousness. It is awakening this memory in awake dreaming states to return to the original god spark, our divine purpose and our orgins. There are stories in our DNA that connect us to the stars and the rest of the universe. -Human bodies remind us of how our bodies are sacred, and how we are anchoring spirit into form. Nudity is depicted in visionary art and this reminds us to be naked with our truthfulness and authenticity. -The Grid, or web of life that is weaving the world reminds us again of the connectedness of all things and of Creator source, and our connection to creator source. -Light bodies remind us of our divinity, that we are vessels holding light. All of the symbols, the sacred geometry, the themes and what I have mentioned here are reminders. They are triggers to show us who we are, beyond this human self. They are here to point us toward the reality beyond the seen realm to the one that exists within each of us. It is fun to think about, and thinking about what is often shown in visionary artwork is what we can do as visionaries. We are living our lives, while creating heaven on earth. How else to create it but imagine it first? No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it. -Albert Einstein. Going into naturally altered states of consciousness with inner visioning to tap into the multidimensional universe that we are is what helps bring Shamballa (heaven on earth) into form. Each person's heaven, or heaven on earth for all beings as it arises for the highest good of all and is one. We each have a special flavor to add to the vision as we all are weaving creation together. Your colors are needed! Let us paint this masterpiece together. Shannon Luminance River Akashic Intuitive Readings
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