Spirit speaks softly and in many ways. Recently I was explaining how sound is the same as color because they are translations of vibration. It is all vibration. In fact our existence and this reality is viration of energy in motion, and perceiving reality is translating that vibration. How do you decode messages from spirit? Messages come throguh multi-dimensionally in many ways. They are like energy packets that can be sensed in different ways, using our expanded multidimensional senses. Are you having synchronicity in your life? Are you being psychic and thinking of somebody and they call you? You must be picking up mulidimensional information. It is that easy and most everybody does it already. When you tune in to read the akashic records or to meditate, you are in a receptive mode. How do you know what is your mind and what is spirit speaking? You can easily tell the difference as spirit messages are very uplifting and never harming anyone. They will suggest a higher perspective that is beyond duality, from more of a higher self, angelic or bird's eye view. However the messages are often kind of open to interpretation like a dream is, and your intuition is what guides you to knowing what is being said and how it applies to you. People speak of whether they have clairsentience, claircognizance, clairvoyance and different ways of knowing, seeing, hearing or feeling multidimensional information. My first tip is to not decide which way you are, simply sense what you can and interpret it. Use as many senses as you can and they are like your regular senses but more expanded and inward. A part of you through your heart instantly can download the message of what you are sensing. For me the information comes through and I cannot tell you which way it comes or whether I am clair this or clair that. My second tip is to ask questions, and ask to be shown. I was doing a reading for a friend who is a psychic today who also did one for me. When we were unclear about something, we would ask the person asking the question for a more specific question, and ask spirit to show us. Start general about a subject and go deeper with more specific questions. The same image of something can get deeper as you play with it and see what else is there and what the person (or yourself) is doing in the image. What does it feel like? What does the object mean to you? What is the story playing out in the imagery. For example, Seeing a person having bring a luggage cart through a revolving door (my friend) and getting stuck was showing me something. It was showing me that the person had "baggage" and that my friend wanted to play and spin around and had a fast (vibrational) spin as he was being the revolving door. The other person with the baggage couldn't stop to play as he had too much baggage to carry and was not on the same playful, joyous fast vibrational frequency of my friend who was the revolving door. My friend also seemed stuck with being the door and not going in or out, like the relationship. There are messages that come in a flash just from observing the scene. It is all conveyed vibrationally when you tune into the source field. Sometimes you hear something being said. I put it together that this person was not wanting to play as he has stuff he is carrying to work through, not to be taken personally. When interpretin psychic information, you may see something written. Ask for "them" to show you, meaning your guides.Notice what colors are there and you may relate them to chakras. Go with the meaning for objects that you have, from what you know. Psychic information is tailored to your own sub-consciousness. It is not something you look up in a dream decoding book of symbols but symbols you already know. When you see a bird, you have some a meaning for that. The third tip refers to setting up your space and tuning in at the beginning. Take time to tune in psychicly. A meditation practice will go a long way to success. How to tune in is to have some sort of ritual before you do your asking for multidimensional information to be presented. Put on headphones in a quiet, private space.Silence or listening to singing bowls or something gentle with no words is best. Have your opening meditation, which could be noticing your breath. It could be going into your heart. Invocations and prayers are wonderful, to tune you into to communion with divine, or your I AM Presence. Then you can read The Pathway Prayer for entering the Akashic Records. Listen to a guided meditation before you start, if you want to. Maybe you hold two crystals. Do a special mudra. Create sacred space. You acknowledge you are going into a special state of being to connect with divine. Some sort of ritual that helps you get connected, and then be in silence (or with the music) and ask your questions. Automatic writing is an option if you want to feel like you are having a dialogue with your guides. If you get stuck, you can draw a tarot card and really pay attention to the imagery that it evokes. Yes/no questions can be answered through feeling. YOu can train yourself to feel yes or no as a certain sensation which is felt in my heart. YOu must be careful to be clear so the mind doesn't get in the way of your perceiving as it can trick you sometimes. However you do your psychic inquiry, it is important to take time to tune in and be relaxed. You are entering a state of consciousness that is different from everyday alert consciousness. In summary, be open to differnt ways in which information comes through.Be open to interpreting in different ways as it gets deeper if you make a story out of it. Ask questions about what you want to know, about what you are seeing and ask to be shown something more. You can get clarification and you have clues to put together in a story and it will start to make sense. Sometimes there are clues that never makes sense but do not stress about this. And finally- remember to tune in and create sacred space before you begin. Many happy times of self-discovery with your inner guides, Shannon Luminance River Akashic Intuitive PS: I forgot to add that it is fun to ask your guide or guide to show you what they look like and who they are. That often has meanings. You may have set guides, such as ascended masters who are specific. You also have random guides that might be a color or light, or animal or some other being, depending on the day. I ask for those who are aligned with unconditional love as my guides to appear. Be open to receiving vibrational healing energy from your guides. Who happens to appear, is a message in itself relating to the question or what is going on for you. Voila! See what happens and let me know if it is interesting for you to meet your guides.
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