How the Concept of Work Looks Like in Multidimensionality As we become more multidimensional, our relationship with the idea of work changes How has work been seen and experienced? How is work becoming different for individuals who are multidimensional, or moving toward a new paradigm? In the past, work has been about earning money. A regular job was a necessity and we were raised to work a 40 hour week job at a company, creating something we might not have been passionate about or loved doing. We have thought we had to do this, though, in order to get by, and in fact this is still the case for many of us. The good news is that we are all transitioning out of that paradigm. First, our beliefs about work have to shift to see different possibilities.This is the vibrational change and the belief system change that initiates the change in what we do for work and how we do it. Discipline in the Old Paradigm of Work The past view of work was that we discipline ourselves to do our "to do list" tasks. We focus and make it happen. Our sense of self worth may have related to how much we get done and by doing more, we are taught to value ourselves more. The experience of this is one of struggle for most people with a constant inner pressure to do more. In the new paradigm, some different values are coming into play. One is, that our work has to be meaningful to us. We have to have some love for what we do and it has to make a difference to other people. No longer are we willing to do what might be harmful to others or the earth. Before we felt like we didn't have much choice in the matter so we just did what job we were able to get. We want to be of service, contributing to other's well-being. We also want to do what we truly love. This might have seemed like an impossible dream before but now it feels mandatory. Doing what we enjoy and also helping others is a situation which is service to the self while being of service to others.The Law of One, a channeled concept, is about this shift to being 51% or more in service to others but does not leave out the self. I am inspired by the Law of One in this quote. "The best way to be of service to others is the constant attempt to seek to share the love of the Creator as it is known to the inner self.This involves self-knowledge and the ability to open the self to the other-self without hesitation. This involves, shall we say, radiating that which is the essence or the heart of the mind/body/spirit complex.Speaking to the intention of your question, the best way for each seeker in third density to be of service to others is unique to that mind/body/spirit complex.This means that the mind/body/spirit complex must then seek within itself the intelligence of its own discernment as to the way it may best serve other-selves.This will be different for each. There is no best. There is no generalization. Nothing is known." That quote explains the inspiration behind service which is being inspired and aligned by knowing we are one, each another self, and also by alignment with source. Work needs also to arise from the Law of Mutual benefit so that what you give is also something in which you recieve by sharing your gifts. Leveraging Alignment and Following our Bliss We know some other ways in this new paradigm that make it more easeful. We learn to leverage our feeling of alignment by doing what we are most inspired to do at a given time. It takes us from working under somebody to deciding ourselves what we are aligned to do. When we feel inspired, we can take inspired action toward a goal we are working on. It becomes effortless to work and time does not seem to exist. We now know how we are feeling about anything possible we could choose to do, and follow that feeling. We choose what feels good and exciting which leads us to accomplishment. We can accomplish so much in a short amount of time when aligned to do so. Let me add that we are more "in the now" so we don't plan or worry so much. We have less anxiety by being in the now and respond to what needs to happen in any given moment, intuitively and instinctively. It comes less from the mind and more from the heart. Manifestation The next thing we know is about is how to manifest. We are becoming better at vibrationally attuning ourselves to manifesting what we need. We are learning the skills of effortless creation through simply being a vibrational match to that we wish to come into our experience. No longer is hard work the only way to get money or what we need. We notice how money comes in many other ways without the hard physical work. It takes us from human doers to becoming more "human be-ings." Co-creation Co-creation is coming about through partnerships and groups of people who can work together as equals and combine their talents for something bigger. We are guided through following our inner guidance of what feels exciting in life to find those who are an excellent match for this co-creation. Learning, exchange, sharing, and creating something bigger that is of a bigger impact on the lives of others is coming about. It isn't the old heirarchy system but more of a circle of equals. It is unification within diversity where each is honored for who they are and asked to shine. The new paradigm of work sound really good, more playful. Sometimes I call it plurking which is a combination of work and play together. It may sound like a dream to some. I see evidence that we are on the way. It is a little less of the old way and a little more of the new way. I love seeing examples in my own life of people who live this way, multidimensional pioneers. I am hopeful that it will come about in all facets of society. In the meantime, I am making little shifts in my own belief system about leveraging alignment, following what feels good, manifestation, equality, co-creation and service. Thank you for reading, Shannon Luminance River Akashic Intuitive Readings and Blogging
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