Yesterday's Wesak energies from the Full Moon dedicated to the Buddha, brought in a lot of special ascension energies. I spoke of this in the blog yesterday mentioning the Shambala codes to bring heaven onto earth. A lightworker friend and I did a meditation together and saw lots of things come in and what the codes mean. We were seeing those who aligned with stepping into higher consciousness, whether they follow any religion or spiritual path. We were seeing those who are ready to walk the path of the heart receive "ascension codes." The image that spirit gave me was a mass mailing to these people, probably you included in this, no doubt. It was like a mass mailing from source in which all of these individuals got a message that was there divine blueprint and to now step into their divine purpose here. Some have been in holding patterns like waiting for the gate to open. Now we see that the gates are open and it is time. It is time to be who you came to be. This is a huge wake up call and activation. There was also a 4 hour solar flare happening last evening along with all of this action, the sun supporting ascension. My friend saw the mailing as scrolls and the scrolls were put into the temple spot on the forehead where we receive our divine blueprint energetically. Spirit speaks in metaphor yet there is a palpable energetic shift to all of this too. You might be waking up and wondering what your divine purpose is and how to get on with it. Did you get your mailing for divine purpose? Catalyst for Rememberance is what it is.... It is spun out through our systems to our entire DNA. We are always guided to divine purpose in who we are through our existence. Feel that program, the divine purpose program sent by you to you... it is a wake up call. The message for us is "You are a divine being of light. You are loved by all of creation, you are all of creation. Welcome beloveds to your new roles to tapping into your divine purpose. Your instructions have been sent. It is a part of who you are. Take time to tune in and trust your divine guidance for now you walk the paths of the holy ones." The energy of this went through the field... and a feeling of raining divinity! Thank you for reading, many blessings in appreciation for you~ Shannon Luminance River Akashic Intuitive Readings and Blogging
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