You came here to bring your unique frequency to Earth. As you evolve, the layers of what is not you fall away. The light you are, which is your true authentic true frequency, illuminates. You thought you were here to do something, but you are here to be. You are here to express the fractal of God that you are. You are here to be the unique light that you are ever receiving and shining into all that you do. You are to be that light, and what you do is an expression of that light. You are here to be the love that you are as everyone is love. The world needs the different flavors of our love to weave together.
When we come together among those who see our true light and also those we feel free to be ourselves with; something expands in a quantum way. A quantum convergence of change goes out and impacts those who are still under layers of the not-self. Those that are impacted by others may feel a little freer and smile inside, not understanding what is going on yet feeling it. On the quarantine experience: We were kept apart from one another and one another's auras. We were kept from one another's smiles and facial expressions which are extensions of our true light. The quantum convergence is still occurring. It is like this silent earthquake of change. It reweaves the fabric of reality as layers come off, as truth shines forth, as love weaves with itself with other fractals of God. Awakening and realization, seeing through the illusion that we are separate. We are seeing through the illusions that are merely artificial barriers that lead to our eventual unification. Trust in the silent earthquake, trust in the shifting as so many are coming to connect with their love and their truth. The realization of their divinity lets them step forward with their brothers and sisters, smiling. We are reweaving the fabric of reality and when it is done we will have a new and different world. It will transcend separation. Each unique being will be appreciated as who they are. Everyone's presence is a gift toward the greatness of everyone else. In the meantime, let's be our authentic selves. Let's be brave and express the love we are in many ways. Let's do the work inside that transmutes any fear there is about trusting what is in our hearts and that positive change is on the way. Let's let the lies about how we are different and separate because of beliefs of skin color fall away. Let us see each other as eternal souls having a human experience. Most humans have lived as both male and female and had lifetimes as every race on this planet. Everyone has a beating heart, connects to that love, and sees the light within. Most of all, see your own divine light and allow it to shine. Don't let rules from those who would keep us separate keep you from your realization of oneness. Don't let it keep us from the world we wish to see, the New Earth that we long for. In the most challenging of times, we shine the brightest and in those times we tune into our hearts and see what must be done as the next step in the grand weaving of the love we are in a unified whole for the greater good. As more shine their light, as more express the love they are and connect with fellow humans from that heart place, the spells of the past are unwoven. The new is woven and the Universe supports this change. Can you feel it? Luminous blessings of love, Shivrael AkashicIntuitive site Akashic Readings, Human Design and Beyond Quantum Healing On April 7 I am offering a Life between Lives Experience Webinar through the Energy Updates on the New Moon.
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