Dear Heart Tribe,
Let me share impressions from the Akashic Records for March 12 - April 12, from just before the New Moon to New Moon. The energy we are in, just before the New Moon: You might be experiencing emotional processing, isolation, and aloneness. Finding ways to "be with ourselves" is part of our mastery training. Many of you may be surprised to feel a deep sense of detachment. It is like a balloon let go. You are left feeling lighter, empty, and not sure what is next. Sometimes it makes you want to grasp onto what you let go of, once again. You are letting go of the old. The new you is more out-of-the-box, more authentic, and more expressive. The new you can be present and listen. You are becoming more receptive. You may be dropping some work that you do and some identities that define who you are. You may be surprised that they just don't resonate anymore. Even things you enjoyed might lose their luster. A void space is being created within you for more light. As the earth shifts, you may feel tired. Allow yourself to rest. The image of a baby bird in an egg comes to mind, where you are going through radical transformation and growth. Let it happen and don't try to be who you were yesterday or last year. It does not work anymore. Bring self-love and self-nurturing into your life even more. It will spill over to those you love and interact with. You have more to give when you fill yourself up. Enjoy this cosmic pause. We are being blasted with high-frequency energy but our body is filled. See your body like a bamboo reed full of light. Some days you may feel overwhelmed or overloaded. You can let energy (and emotions) pass through your body. Imagine yourself as a hollow reed letting all that comes in flow out and into the Earth. This is something that empathic healers do so that they don't hold onto anyone else's energy. They let it flow through and not hold on. The practice of earthing, or being barefoot is useful for us. Though in some places there is still snow and cold - so it makes it challenging to be barefoot. Spring is on the way in the Northern Hemisphere. You may feel like you are an electric wire with too much voltage coming through. Can I suggest that you discharge to Mother Earth while in meditation? Imagine your grounding cord connecting to the heart of Gaia. Send her the energy and your appreciation, and she sends back her love and support. In this cosmic pause, rest, and reset, please see if you can take time out from distractions and go within. You may need to break away from your usual routine. Keep in mind that nothing wrong with you, in all likelihood. It is merely a potent time of energy for the planet and also your body. Not that you should ignore true health problems, though. Perhaps you are a wanderer, volunteer for the New Earth, a Starseed, lightworker, or a sensitive human being going through a transformation. What is the energy that is coming? It is a time of coming home to you so you can feel at home with you. Some memories are arising for the individual and the collective. They may be intertwined, and past life memories impact our experience too. Remember to return to love over fear. If the memories are there, this is something the soul needs to see to grow. Your soul wants you to see the hidden and unconscious to add to your understanding of the Self. Breathe and get support if you need it. Support can be a friend's presence to listening or a hug, and it can come from within and also through prayer. Anything suppressed is coming to the top, with the image is a pot boiling over. It could mean sudden feelings and a need to express anger that has been pent up. This month may feel emotional at times. Emotional balance is the challenge and the key. Opening our hearts is the key to that emotional balance. Let the light come in, and let us commune with what is sacred to us from our hearts. This is the time of the expanding heart portal, for you as a person and everyone together. We will have our hearts broken wide open allowing the light to get in those cracks, and this sounds difficult and it is but it is necessary. It may be painful but is all leading us to a higher, more conscious, and loving place. It will be what unifies us and brings forth the love frequency of the new paradigm. Know that whatever emotional waters you land in, they will change in a few hours or up to twenty-four hours. Use your tools to change your state of being - anything that soothes and feels good. We are still crossing the bridge mentioned in that last energy update. The timeline of change is taking longer than expected. The crossing to another reality has not happened but it is coming. What is the new energy coming in for this moon cycle from March 13 to April 12? Trust in divine timing, trust in yourself to navigate the unknown. Trust we are collectively stepping into something greater that will benefit everyone. Let the way be open. Let the way of your heart shine through. With new information to process, you can find the path to empowerment through knowing and accepting the world. You can change it - be the change you wish to see in the world. This can be simple. Just lend your support to whoever shows up on your path. It is a month to do your inner work, through processing your own suppressed unconscious stuff. This will come up this month for most everyone. Know there is information about you that you have not allowed yourself to become aware of. What if you were ready to face whatever that information is and that it serves you? What if you allowed your feelings about things, your intuitive hits, to be acknowledged by you? It might change your life and break your world wide open, in a good way. Likewise, the same is true about things in the outer world. What are you currently unconscious of that you could become aware of? Awareness is a contribution to you knowing yourself. In the akashic records, the image would be a file folder that is hidden behind the usual records where the secrets of existence lie (yours or the collective of humanity.) Are you ready to discover what you could become aware of? Now is the time. You can go explore and learn something that might change how you see. Words for the theme this month are AWARENESS. BEING CONSCIOUS. PERCEPTION CHANGING AND TRANSFORMING. The image of the bridge returns and this time I am seeing 3 people on the bridge. One person behind, one in front, and the person in the middle extends from one end holding their hand to the other person holding theirs. We are walking each other home and those who have fear can reach out their hand and find support. Now we need help but ultimately we walk on our own and then we help others. We work on our sovereignty, our inner knowing allowing what is suppressed and unknown to become known. There may be confusion, overwhelm, and emotional processing not to mention information overload. Take time for your practices like grounding. For rebalancing, be in nature and unplug. Be as a Child Go out and see through the eyes of wonder. discover your inner child's delight again. Maybe you will be inspired to make something, a craft project, a drawing, or something good to eat. Make your home beautiful, cozy, and simple if that feels good. Nurture yourself this month, every single day. Bring back analog entertainment such as the joy of reading books. Can I suggest that you say prayers for yourself, your loved ones, and the planet for a smooth transition? Or send good vibes for this to happen. Set your intentions plus visualize an easy and smooth to the new reality whatever is thrown at us. New Moon is on March 13 at 2:21 am PST and again on April 12. The New Moon is always a perfect time to plant seeds for what you wish to see in the world. On March 20 early in the morning in the USA is the spring equinox. This day represents balance and is equal day and equal night. After that day, energy moves forward and we will finally be out of a holding pattern. Energy will shift and things will happen that impact the collective. We move from emotional Pisces to fiery Aries. In the meantime before the equinox, relax into the pause which is a liminal space between. ------- Words that describe what is coming to this moon cycle are: springboarding leapfrogging natural consciousness expansion sorting by resonance, finding those in alignment with you. contemplation and shock walk away from what no longer serves out-of-the-box -------- Bread Crumb Path to your Soul In the silence, you need a strong relationship with you right now. There will be lots of information that are bread crumbs. I see them lined up in a row leading you on a path. every person has their unique path of crumbs which are multidimensional packets of light and information to open up and assimilate. What path and which crumbs should you choose? Your heart knows the way. What is drawing you to know more about? Your soul is guiding your whole experience. You will discover bread crumbs of the soul through being present with yourself and whatever arises. It will be obvious at this time that what you experience is about learning from the soul level. forgiveness and letting go are possible plus some hard-core intense emotional rides and waves. Stay out of other's dramas as much as possible. It is okay to look at the bread crumbs of data, with love and neutrality, and not have opinions. Opinions take you into judgment which takes you into feeling bad. This lunar month is a cycle which is called "go your own way." It might feel lonely, and you might feel like others do not get you but it only because they are going on their way. Many have already been feeling like this. "Embrace the understanding that everything in existence is based on frequency." Barbara Marciniak Frequency is a state of being, and the highest purest frequency is love. When our hearts open we know love. Know this- that each of us is a unique strand in the intricate web of life and here to make a difference. We are co-creating the new paradigm from the inside out, in every person. Thank you for being you and for reading. Are you resonating or are you having a completely different experience? I always love to hear how you are doing and what you are experiencing and seeing in coming times. Luminous blessings, Shivraeal at Akashic Intuitive. Readings, Beyond Quantum Healing, energy updates on the New Moon. Author of Wake Up and Be Happy: Expand Your Multidimensional Awareness coming in 2021.
3/11/2021 05:37:02 pm
What a beautiful read! Sending you tons of love and light! 💪🏼❤️🙏🏼🥰
3/11/2021 06:54:42 pm
Blessings ❤️
3/14/2021 06:40:04 am
I’m finding much of what you say to be my experience. If I could sum it up as to how I’m navigating through it, I would say “nature & naps.”🙂 I’m learning to observe all the thoughts and memories of the past that come up or how I should be “doing” or planning for the future and simply letting them go, remaining present more & more. There is a definite void that can feel quite fearful and uncomfortable around “not knowing” what’s next, but I gain some comfort from the fact that this feeling I sense, is happening worldwide, and not just to me. My aversion towards any “online” activity has become quite strong, while holding a book in my hands, cooking, knitting, napping, petting my cat, or hiking is the theme of my days. I’m allowing beauty, music and flowers to add joy as well. Thank you for the validation and insights. With much love and blessings. 🌸😻🌿🎶
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