In meditation, I see 9 women, The Council of Nine. We are connected through time and space. They are arranged in a spiral. It is less that they are meeting, and more that they are eternally holding sacred space in presence. There is a thread connecting everyone. I can feel the energy move through the group, and expand outward going through space and time to all women and men included in the circle too, and ever expanding circle. I look up the meaning of "nine" in numerology, and see compassion which fits as the energy of Quan Yin is in this circle. The Council of Nine is for the greatest good of all. The circle or council of nine stands in respect to all life, is there to remember why we are here, to see the connections between all things. Those universal bigger patterns and the meanings from your small lived life that translate into something bigger? That is the Council of Nine of which you have an eternal seat. The spiral begins with the nine women but continues ever one with anyone who feels a desire to be there. It is the seat that your soul takes for you and you spiral through evolution to remember why you are here and what is the purpose here, what is the meaning of life? The Council of Nine whispers that the purpose here is to love and as they are spiraling out, it is to expand, and it is is also to go inward to connect to the soul's knowing. Each person in the circle, the 9 and beyond have a candle and are a light in the universal pattern of consciousness expanding and the one coming to know itself. Today the beings appear as woman in this circle as this is a time of coming into balance on earth. The voice of love, of compassion of that which the circle stands for is represented by the feminine. I hear their voices singing in harmony. I join them. I feel the harmony, and harmony with one another and with all life. I see that I stand with them and so does anyone of any gender who wants to, in sacred reverence of all life. I move closer and see this is a mixture of beings from different cultures and backgrounds and ages. Their hearts are glowing like candles. They are on fire and by taking your spot in the spiral you, you add to the light and the transference of love comes down the thread from their hearts to yours. Standing in oneness and resonance with the nine, who also represent the nine planets of the solar system and thus all of creation is felt energetically as unity with all that is. This energy is a frequency in which you carry from your soul to this earth and you begin to answer those questions like "What is your purpose here?" and "What is the meaning of life?" The answer is love and from here creation happens and goes ever outward from the spiral and returns back to whence it came, alpha and omega.The beginning is the end and the end is a new beginning. This is the now moment in which we eternally stand. Blessings in light, Shannon Luminance River Akashic Intuitive Readings and Blogging
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