Seeing the Akashic records are a multidimensional experience of through meditation with images and a story that unfolds. It is a blast to do this as everyone is unique and special. There are archetypal themes that play out, and right now being the Dreamspell Year of the White Planetary Wizard, we are called to bring more of our magic and more of manifestation of who we are so we can bring the new paradigm into existence together. The Akashic Records could be described as a higher perspective of the human experience, which includes lifetimes beyond this one, and aspects beyond the current lifetime. It looks like a layer within a layer and the spiritual bandwidth is within the human bandwidth. A reading brings them together, or into view. It accesses a view of a person's life that brings through multidimensional clues as to who they are, and that being is more powerful and amazing than they knew! As a mirror to who they are, from this other perspective of others. Images speak to me stories, archetypes and messages. The messages are in support of the person receiving the reading. When listening to messages from outside of you, how do you know what to trust and pay attention to? Messages that are uplifting and loving are ones that are aligned with your divine self and highest good. They speak truth with what is useful to hear for your soul's evolution yet not telling you what to do, and helping you to trust yourself and point you toward your own knowing that is already there. They give you aspects of a situation you may not have seen but leave you to choose which way to go. They tell potentials of timelines and these timelines are potentized by your own intentions, feelings, belief and thought. It is an invitation to look within and focus on where you want to go. Sometimes a reading can help us really let go of the past and move on which is valuable. Entering the Akashic Records is like tapping into the quantum field and getting a view, like in remote viewing, a slice of the complexity that is your life. A reading is likely to reflect what is most relevant to the now. For example, you may have hundreds of past lives but the ones that reflect the now experience are what you need.You may need to know about a past life so that can make changes and embody more of that frequency. Since the earth is going through a vibrational shift, a time in which we shift to a new paradigm, I notice something in what lives are shown and messages are given. We are being given messages that help us come into our power and also our magic. That is what we are remembering in this lifetime, and it is not even learning healing and multidimensional skills but remembering these talents. A reading can serve as a catalyst for remembering the magic that we are. Akashic Readings can unravel understandings of who we are and help us love and forgive ourselves more, and have less mixed energy about what we may know intuitively versus what the world is telling us from outside. It points us to that still, strong voice within. Empath and those who Feel the Emotions of Others as their Own The Akashic Records can assist energy sensitive people, empaths, with those who are old souls who have experienced a lot, even if they are young in body. My wish is that it helps a person be grounded in the human experience, standing in their truth and power, on their path. It is great to see people discovering ways to cope with their energy sensitivity without influence so much by the energies outside of them and their environment, plus their past. It is so great to know people over time through their evolution. These people who care for others and the world are here to make a difference in the world. Indigos, crystals, rainbows, and those who have deep feelings who are touched by life's experiences, I salute and honor you. Your sensitivity is what the world needs to shift to empathy and compassion for all living beings. Our time is shine is here. ~Shivrael Luminance River at Akashic Intuitive
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