You may be feeling energy symptoms of something big going on right now. We have been going through some big portal days in these past few months and this week with what I would call energetic intensity. It affects everyone uniquely. The idea is to let go of all that keeps us from rising to a higher level of love. I got an image of fireworks then ripples, like in a body of water, going outward. The fireworks refers to electrical energy that maybe be lighting up our insides. We may feel as if we have a circuit of wiring directly connected to the Great Central Sun or the Sun. We feel flashes, electrical charges. There is much resting that our bodies are requiring, perhaps. Everybody is doing this a different way. Some people are seeing their lives fall apart which represents the old paradigm falling apart. Whatever is not your highest expression of self is being questioned, deleted, healed or wiped out. It may make you feel like you want to hold on and it may be easier to let go. Trust, faith and surrender are words to ride this energy wave. The fireworks are the dissolving of the old paradigm. It may not always look pretty, but hold onto the feeling of all is coming to a higher place as it unravels. Pour love onto whatever you are seeing and let go of fear as to how it will play out. Perhaps you see factions of new paradigm consciousness going against the old paradigm. The old has to dissolve. Yes, all those systems that don’t support a world based on love and sharing, high vibrational living. They have to go and be released. Those who cling to them will have a harder time. Those who let go, surrender and dream of the new and hold it in their hearts and their frequency will feel relief and joy in this process. New consciousness (that is coming in) is represented by unification, heart based and love based responding, and with a love for Mother Earth and life. This is the fireworks, the old meeting the new. New paradigm consciousness is rippling through everyone, through the collective and rippling and affecting the holographic template of reality. What we have seen as reality is rapidly changing all the time. It is to not get caught in the battle of old versus new but simply be the new consciousness that ripples outward. It is an energy pattern that invisibly shifts and changes all that it touches. Here is a suggestion for coping: Rise above the battle, and this includes the battle within and also the battle that you see in the hologram . Know this, that every day we are simply energetically rising away from the negativity and constriction of the old paradigm. We are shifting to the new, the the heart centered and love centered way of being. Always focus on what you want to create, that all is unfolding perfectly, and that on a higher level everything is moving to a better place. Feel that in your heart. Take your high frequency self and knowing of perfection of all that is unfolding into an activism you do to bring a new paradigm in. It is through being the new paradigm versus fighting the old one that it comes in. You are the new paradigm, the new consciousness. Ripple who you are out to the collective. Rise to joy and bliss and what makes you feel happy. Ignore the us versus them. Ignore the distractions of the media and the world around you. The key to shift it all for yourself lies within. You have the key to your consciousness by choosing what you focus on. Blah blah blah and Now Now Now What is this? What is being the new consciousness? It is choosing “now now now awareness” in the present moment. I heard a non-dual teacher with a scientific outlook describe different brain circuits that light up in the brain, depending on one’s consciousness at any moment. We all shift back and forth. One was now now now circuit. The other was the blah blah blah circuit and he showed brain diagrams to show where these circuits were. How they feel is more important though. For example, we access the now now now circuit when we are being present, fully present in the now. It is the feeling of flow when we are lost in what we are doing and beyond noticing time. We just are. We are being. Conversely, the “blah blah blah brain circuit” reminds me of old Charlie Brown cartoons with the adults speaking in which you could not hear their words, just blah blah blah. That is when we are speaking or thinking in our head as we are hearing a voice that is past or future based. The feeling is less relaxed than the other way. Contentment comes from being in now now now awareness, and now now now awareness collapses duality to some degree. Blah blah blah awareness will keep us judging and comparing ourselves and others and worrying or negatively anticipating what is coming next. Stepping into whatever is now is key to the new consciousness. Meanwhile, we are blasted with CMEs and other solar effects all to raise our consciousness. There may be bodily effects that keep us up, keep us activated, or pass us through sensations that are electrifying in moments or hours or days. We may need to rest, we may need to eat differently, and we may have insomnia. Some of you may have experienced this along with moments of bliss and realization that come in. Emotional Healing may be Coming Up There may be emotional healing of our core wounds or past traumas, this lifetime or other lifetimes. This may bring it up and open us the inner work for our own healing and wholing. The concept is that the magnetics of Mother Earth are shifting and we therefore shift within, which make for memories to be deleted from our human operating systems. And it makes old feelings, traumas, triggers get erased. Short term and long term memory may be erased. This can even be a good thing because we get less stuck in time and more fluid with what shows up in the now. We can no longer access energy patterns that may hold us back. We may need to delve into them pretty deeply to fully understand and acknowledge them, then move to zero point and the new consciousness within ourselves. It is emotional and energetic clearing time (for many) and a time of receiving of energy that upgrades and activates our DNA. With this comes greater evolution, enlightenment, release the old and embodiment of the new. The Sun The sun is definitely transmitting photonic light that we feel and it changes our consciousness. Many feel that flashes of sun may come at some special event in the future, perhaps this year, and we are gearing up for that. Many of you on the leading edge already are noticing this. Already our body vehicles and our consciousness is getting blasted and shifted for us and for all life here on the planet. It is an intense birthing process. Every person is being affected, yet you who are feeling it most intensely know it and are allowing the transmissions of the sun and yourself to ripple out and affect all, like ripples or waves in a pond. Fireworks within and then ripples outward. You are a participant in this, and you are sending and receiving all time. How you approach the shifting effects the greater whole. Those of you on the ground crew are like giant energy transformers who take on so much and then ground it in your vehicles. There may be times and days that feel challenging. Be sure to send prayers and ask for help from your heart, and know it is all for a higher purpose that calls for self-love, patience, and surrender. Remember to breathe. All of this is leading each person to more wholeness, more empowerment, the bigness of who they are and their magnificence of being. It is so worth it. You may feel like a HUE-man guinea pig with what is going on sometimes, especially if you are energetically sensitive and if you are located in a vortex of the planet. You see your heart and your frequency connect to a greater grid of light on the planet and to Mother Earth herself. We are all going through it and hold onto knowing, a deep knowing that all is well. Ask for help from source if you need it. Love is here for you. You are deeply supported through these days of shift. You are deeply supported in every moment. You are invited to let go of who you think you might be. You are invited to surrender to the flow, to the embodiment of your higher self, to your knowing of your power and the vastness and limitless that you are. You are not here to play small. You are here to play and co-create with others and stand together in unity. Indeed, each of you is making a ripple of love on the planet that changes the very fabric of everyone and everything. Yes we are woven together and Mother Earth is going full speed ahead through this transformation. It is like a high speed train sometimes moving onto the highest timeline of ourselves. We are being taken out of the old and and we are not supposed to bring our baggage with us. The baggage represents disempowered beliefs that are not aligned with love. It represents memories of wrongs done to us, of thoughts that are fearful. Drop it all now and be riding on the high speed ascension train of Mama Gaia, in the now. Thank you for boarding and trusting the journey to greater unfolding. Blessings and love Shivrael Luminance River I will be teaching an akashic records workshop in San Marcos La Laguna, Lake Atitlan, Guatemala on Feb. 18. Find out more at . It will benefit the local Guatemalans with food, educational enrichment and job training by supporting Konojel Community Center in San Marcos. Thanks for reading my blog and wishing you ease and grace in all these shifts.
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