At this stage of the process of the shift, I am getting messages all about unity and how important it is right now. I asked for guidance, as in ways of seeing unity, as to what it is and also how to create it. As we move to a higher consciousness, we move toward a unified consciouness. What does this mean and how do we get there? The cosmic instructors that I connect with in meditation showed me a formula which is Unity=Love Unity is attunement into a state of being within the self that attunes with others. Cats are masters at this and that is why many of us like to pet them and commune with them energetically as they purr and we pet them. The same with dogs and other animals. A dog can be in a room with a family and attune the family to more unity when they are just lying there. It is a feeling, a state of being. A unification field is created temporarily or for a longer time. What dogs and cats don't do is to talk. They can make noise and communicate, but don't do so as much as we do with our talking. Sometimes with our talking we are not noticing how a room, a person, ourselves or a situation feels. When we get quiet we notice the feeling of the energy. We can then attune the energy of ourselves higher and more peacefully. Get Unified Within Yourself First Unity is an inside job first and foremost. Remember that the formula is Unity=Love. The formula for unity within is self-love. Inner balancing of emotions, peacefulness, acceptance within, and self love come together. An intentional field of well-being is created. Meditators are good at this but it doesn't mean you need too meditate. You can hang out with a pet and start to get the hang of this. You know- those moments when you feel good together. A thing happens in the process as you start to notice what your emotions are and how to tune them upwards, or to a better feelign place. The value you place on unification will change your experience of living. It is not ignoring emotions as much as being present with whatever is already there and not resisting them. We won't be in a state of unification al the time, but we can learn to go there in ourselves and use this practiced state of being as a go to place when we need to, kind of self-soothing and self-calming. The more you do this, being able to be a neutral state of pure presence, the more you can assist others by simply showing up as you. It could be describe as this: An Open Channel. Open, receptive, clear and sensitive; an unobstructed path or waterway. Being receptive to intuitive guidance. Allowing ourselves to open as a conduit for healing, guidance, divine love and protection. - Open Channel, a Dolphin Divination Card Take that to the next step- create a unification field with another human. You are more likely to be able to do this with somebody you are vibrationally aligned and who also wants to explore the feeling of unity within. Come together in silence. Be present. Imagine your hearts are one heart. Practice merging your essence with theirs. See another person as yourself, as the same light and the same breath as yourself. It will take you to looking at their gender, their body attributes, their personality as who they are. See the essence beyond the form of the human you are communing with. And it is a communing not a communication unless you mean a communication of vibration, not words. This is a way to practice unity. Take it further and merge with the essence of another that you feel comfortable doing this with and you both want to do it in meditation. Profound things will start to happen as you become one being. At first it will be a heightened state of presence that you experience. It is not a doing anything but more a being present that happens. Being in a group that does silent meditation will amplify the experience of unity. I am seeing bubble realities of people who are vibrating in a similar way getting together and coming into unified consciousness. The consciousness will be beyond mediation however meditation is the place to start. I see how these communities, groups, or couples will interact when they speak. They can bring that love and respect and honoring with peacefulness and presence to working together. Conversations might have more silence and will certainly have more awareness. The feeling of what the interaction is how each person is feeling inside will be noticed. The feeling of harmony is there and also the sense of truth being told when needed. There is a free space for authenticity with difference how one another feel and respond being respected. It sounds like utopia but it is possible and the way of higher consciousness to learn to do this. I am afraid that our models on TV don't give us this and they program against unity and harmony. If we make it something we value, we can create it in ourselves and our families and friendships, then we can be the examples. We will join cats and dogs in being masters of the unified field. The unified field exists beyond one or two or three people. It is a feeling of unification with all that is, with all forms of life, loving all of them. We are going there. We are dropping duality in favor of unity bit by bit, and first within. I am a believer that that which is created within the self is mirrored outside the self. The micro is the macro and the macro is the micro. You become a transmitter of unity and love via presence. Your world around you changes the more you do... and everyone does. Imagine what a world we can create if we are all coming back into peacefulness whenever we get out of balance. Imagine if the structures of the world around us supported our being peaceful and in harmony. A completely different world is possible. Let us dream it into being, Shannon Luminance River Akashic Intuitive Readings and Blogging
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