I love the idea of musings, which are inspired thoughts shared from the heart. I would say “expanding into” but I prefer “becoming D consciousness.” It seems like we become steeped in 5D consciousness and it becomes us.
Let's play around with ideas about navigating this consciousness change. We are all changing how we see the world and the world is changing. Perhaps there is a connection, as one is making the other happen? Some would point to the ancient Hermetic principle of "as within, so without." Yes, consciousness is shifting and reality is too. The people of the world have voted with their vibration A lockdown situation creates so much desire for freedom and something different that momentum is created. So much momentum from the quarantine experience, and now in this spring we are breaking out of that into a grand expansion of our consciousness. Quarantine brought limitations. We know something else is possible. What is happening to our consciousness? For some that are in a state of love and trust despite the change and the unknown in the outer world, this is what might be happening. A simple way is to see the shift in two stages of 3D consciousness and 5D consciousness. In reality, it is more subtle with many gradations, so I would call it consciousness expansion. 5D can also be seen as inclusion consciousness with the ability to hold the paradox of different perspectives. There is no longer a need to take sides and choose only one. When we look at the information we receive as data instead of something to react to, we are expanding our consciousness. We learn to respond instead of reacting. It is through holding the awareness that is in a flow state, a state of heightened openness. We also can read energy. Example of Seeing with New Consciousness Let's say you hear something from a loved one that sounds like they are giving you the advice you don't want. In the past, it might have triggered you and upset you. They misunderstood where you are coming from. Previously, with a more contracted consciousness, you might take offense and either cut them off or tell them they are wrong. With a newer, expansive consciousness you might read the underlying intention of their advice and suggestions and know that they come from a place of love for you. You can also see the fear they might have that you do not. You take what they say as an interesting perspective, not having to buy it as your own, but not having to push against it. You could even be soothing in your response to them because you know they love them and that their intentions are positive. Zero-point awareness with a neutrality that allows this to happen and your consciousness to expand. You can read the under the energy. Likewise, you can read the agenda of religious organizations and governments in what they say and do. You can see where an individual or organization may not have good intentions which is discernment. It is a big deal to go from believing what you have been told to seeing with your own inner awareness. You see through things, that is the new multidimensional awareness and intuition coming in. One thing that you see through is the control matrix and that is why we are also going through a geopolitical awakening at the same time as a spiritual awakening. You begin to take more responsibility for yourself, your health, and your life. You declare your sovereignty. The shift in awareness is the basis of what is awakening which so many are experiencing right now. It is contagious when people shift their awareness and wake up. Wayshowers are energetically holding those who have less expanded awareness as part of the greater whole. We see the potential for the whole planet when the greater shift happens more fully. What else is possible? What can we do to shift our awareness and expand it? The flavor of multidimensional expanded consciousness feels timeless. It feels expansive, and you flow from one moment to the next. Getting things done and time pressure is no longer experienced. Instead, people experience a flow state of being. As we move into flow, the perfect thing shows up at the perfect moment. We find ourselves in the right place at the right time, naturally. We naturally manifest resources to do what we need to do in the world. We move away from fear and more toward love. This will be reflected in who we spend time with, what happens in our lives, and even the greater world. As more people shift toward love and trust, the whole world changes to a kinder and more loving place. What can I do that is practical for experiencing 5D? 1. Intend that you are already in 5D, and be aware of it throughout the day as a check-in with yourself. "Where is my consciousness? How can I shift to a higher perspective at this moment?" 2. Be like a child, bring your innocence and your awe and wonder to daily life. Do what makes you happy, what is fun, and find fun in whatever you are doing. Can you look at everything like it is the first time you are seeing it? 3. Enter flow states of being. A flow state feels like you are lost in whatever you are doing and there is no time. When you have to do something you don't love you can wait until you are more aligned to do it. Or you can find a way to be fascinated and in flow while you do what you need to get done. I call it flow-cus which is a flow state in which you focus on something you are doing in a relaxed way. You will be surprised that you can get in a flow state doing lots of things you didn't think were possible. For example, driving a car can feel like a wonderful flow state. In the past, we may have called it mindfulness, and taking a bit of that, but letting it out of the box to a non-thinking state would be flow. It is allowing and going along for the ride instead of having the mind be in charge. Yes, use your mind when needed and go back to an expanded state of being. For me, listening to music that I love helps me to be in a flow state. 4. Let go of time. Don't have clocks or look at them, as much as possible. Make your life more spacious by being less scheduled so that you can move through your experience with what inspires you at the moment. That may mean doing work that you love. In 5D, you are often called to be of service and also do what you love. Can you get absorbed in what you are doing? What do you feel most inspired to do at any moment? What am I excited about doing right now? 5. The process of consciousness expansion can help you notice mental loops or patterns you have going that don't feel so good. These are places in your thinking and life that you can become aware of through being an observer of yourself with neutrality or zero point awareness that does not judge. What feels low vibrational in your life? What do you use to distract yourself or change your brain chemistry either through what you ingest or what you watch or listen to? You will have an opportunity to see where you might have habits and addictions. You will become aware of how you might get to the root of why those things have worked for you. As your consciousness expands, you will notice then and then suddenly might not want to do them anymore if they lower your vibration. 6. Accessing your divinity through connection with your higher self will take you further in seeing what and how you can expand your awareness and make your life more 5D. 7. Become love. It is all about finding more ease, more joy, and more love. You come to know yourself as the love and are not seeing love as necessarily coming from another. Your connection to Source fills you with infinite love and light. One way to do this is to use a guided meditation to increase the love vibration within you. 8. Your superpower is noticing how you feel. Reading energy is discernment. Allow yourself to feel how a situation feels, a relationship, an encounter with another, a place, a book, the news, spiritual teaching, or something else. Walk away, or let go of whatever doesn't feel so good. Focus on what would feel good. This practice begins in our head as our mind has thoughts that do not feel good. Notice habitual bad feeling thoughts. Ask yourself at the moment "What would feel good right now?" These are a few suggestions to journey with the multidimensional path of an expanding Self. We can read about what this consciousness is, but it is something to be lived and experienced. It is allowing you to find it within yourself with your heart as a guide. You will discover what works for you. You are at a Nexus point of deciding which direction you choose. In deciding love over fear, you allow something new and different and wonderful to be experienced. You change the fabric of our existence. Being Love every moment you can is the medicine that you need and the world needs and from here the path unfolds. Thank you for reading, Shivrael AkashicIntuitive.com readings and BQH Beyond Quantum Healing Past Life Regression sessions Author of Wake Up and Be Happy: Expand Your Multidimensional Awareness to be published in 2021 Look for an energy update at the New Moon
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