Happy Equinox to you, whether you are coming into spring or fall equinox depending on whether you are in the Northern Hemisphere or the Southern Hemisphere of earth. It is a time of balance. I was so inspired by this quote from the Osho Zen Tarot, as it relates to equinox and balance today. "The image of integration is the unio mystica, the fusion of opposites. This is a time of communication between the previously experienced dualities of life. Rather than night opposing day, dark suppressing light, they work together to create a unified whole, turning endlessly one into the other, each containing in its deepes core the seed of the opposite." I call this day a "Day of Inner Alchemy" as we have the opportunity feel the balance within us, which is available other days too, but today seems to highlight it for me. A bridge between opposites is being built inside, like a blending of our shadow and our light. It is a coming to self-acceptance and self-love for the whole that we are. For not seeing ourselves through the eyes of what our shortcomings are, but witnessing them and loving them into neutrality. It is the same for what is outside of us- for those who seem opposed to what we believe in, they might be reflections of ourselves, of the shadow we hide from ourselves and don't acknowledge. Being able to be in non-judgment with others helps us do so with ourselves and vice versa. It is like we are a universe unto ourselves. When we commune and ask for healing, or balance, it is like the universe we are comes into balance. Somehow, for me seeing myself as a space or a universe, in which there are aspects of self that are in smaller and smaller parts, makes it less personal. It makes it okay to ask for help from the non-physical world and other humans and receive it. A feeling of being worthy is there when I think this way. It makes it so that I am part of earth's energy field, the galactic field. Would you want to heal the earth? Yes, if you are reading this, you probably do. Why not you as an aspect of her? And a space for all sorts of structures and energies to exist within? Would you not want to be a healthy, happy, balanced world for all your cells to exist within? And as a universe, all is within us as is without us as we are microcosmic refections of the macrocosm. My tuning in at the Equinox moment of 12:57pm EST was showing me something. We have been so wanting to manifest what we desire for awhile and indeed we can. Much manifests quickly from our fears as we are getting the hang of this creatorship, and being a universe unto ourselves.Ultimately, we want to manifest a state of being even more than we want stuff or experiences, I sense. I sense that we want joy, bliss and love as a state of being. In meditation, I was getting that what we think of as manifestation is different now. On a higher level, as our process of having a consciousness shift is more accelerated now with this milestone of the Equinox today. It is inside out as our manifestation is the desire to be in a higher state of being and to give of ourselves in service to others. The Law of One, a channeled dialog, speaks of this shift from being mostly service to self to the state of being service to others. The Law of One can be explained as "The best way to be of service to others is the constant attempt to seek to share the love of the Creator as it is known to the inner self.This involves self-knowledge and the ability to open the self to the other-self without hesitation. This involves, shall we say, radiating that which is the essence or the heart of the mind/body/spirit complex.Speaking to the intention of your question, the best way for each seeker in third density to be of service to others is unique to that mind/body/spirit complex.This means that the mind/body/spirit complex must then seek within itself the intelligence of its own discernment as to the way it may best serve other-selves.This will be different for each. There is no best. There is no generalization. Nothing is known." We discover that the more people who embrace service to others, instead of just the self, the more likely ascension to a higher density will occur. In other words, embracing a higher frequency of love, for all of life, helps you ascend. Spiritual maturity is desiring this service to others more and more. It is a handing over of our physical vehicles to be in service to source. The heart takes the lead, and the mind collaborates for this instead of going where one things it wants to go. In meditation, I see us each as a universe, and as having the divine spark of creation in our hearts.It was flying in different directions like a comet in appearance, which shows it is like a weathercock showing which way the wind blows. Only the divine spark says go here and don't go there, in our heart, through feelings and emotions. What feels good? Follow that. What feels exciting? Definitely follow that. The divine spark can guide us how to best be in service to others, and it guides us the places and people we are supposed to hook up with for experiences that contribute to soul growth for each and more importantly, to our highest good and THE HIGHEST GOOD. I was getting that the following of our own inner guidance like this naturally leads to joy and it leads to service. Our universe wants to be aligned with the divine spark of the One, and we are designed to feel where to go, but the directions are given in every moment not in way that I expected. I expected to receive a directive from source to do this or that, a role that is service of some kind. The guidance is more moment-to-moment instead. The direction to divine purpose is sharing what one knows already, that has helped them, with others. It makes it easy, really. It makes it easy that it is in the moment instead of a big premeditated thing. The challenging part is our conditioning that makes us stick with situations or people that may not what is in alignment with the divine spark. We are missing out on living our true purpose sometimes. It is challenging to hear and feel where to go, and it is a new way of navigating through the world. In Human Design, we have a magnetic monopole (as the divine spark) and it attracts those of our soul fractal for the experiences we need. This is where spirituality and Human Design converge. I am excited about both of these things as a Human Design Guide who reads peoples charts and guides them on how to do so. I like that my inner guidance is explaining this now. On this day of the Equinox, moving forward there is a melting of the solidity of ice to water. This represents allowing our divine spark with and in the heart to be the guide of us. We flow with being ourselves, connecting with information, experiences, and people and we serve them as they serve us. It is a mutually beneficial dance of reciprocity. The structures and systems that keep us in solidity are melting on earth. They are breaking down so we may be free to be our true authentic selves. Systems that get in the way of the flow could be orthodox religious systems, government, schools, money systems, the requirement that we work, consumerism, medicine and politics. That which ties us to the matrix also keeps us from flowing in the way that I am speaking of, but that is another blog and one that will some push buttons while it subverts the dominant paridigm. A great way of subverting the dominant paradigm could be hearing our inner heart's leading and acting on it. The inside out aspect of the divine spark is about manifestation, with the old way versus the new way of manifestation. The old way is using the Law of Attraction to create what we want including stuff and experiences. This is usually aligned with what our mind or ego wants and not what our heart says, which is in alignment with source. The new way is being in the state of bliss, love, and joy and most of all, receptivity to hear where our heart and divine spark wants to guide us. We are surrendering to being of service, and we are surrendering to being receptive to hear the inner voice and inner calling. We are asked to take inspired action on it and go in the direction of our dreams, the dreams we have that serve the highest good. It is not a martyr trip, as we are also included in the highest good. May all beings be happy, and may all be guided to do what is in their highest good, aligned with the highest good of all. Many blessings on this special day, and thank you for reading my blog. Shannon Luminance River
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