In tapping into what the coming Equinox gateway will bring to the us, I received a feeling of joy and excitement, visions and information. Woo hoo! We are ever expanding and evolving as a species. Are you feeling the intensity of it? Let me share what I am seeing and feeling as an akashic reader listening to cosmic information in a download. Please use your own guidance to know what the Equinox will be for yourself. Vision: Seeing the cosmic whales connected to the stars, connected to the earths oceans and everyone of you. Cosmic whales represent and embody the oversoul or group soul. Physical Earth whales are the frequency keepers of earth and those who have the records, or some believe. There is a connection between cosmic whales and Earth whales as the Cosmic Whales are the higher selves of the whales, just as we humans have higher selves. Tap into the frequency or the feeling of the whales, as they are so joyful and loving. Also imagine the cosmic whales swimming through space, and feel them. There is something very special about whales. A recent news story from this week says this: Humpback whales are suddenly hanging out in massive, densely packed “super groups” and scientists are trying to figure out why. It’s a curious phenomenon that’s been spotted off the coast of South Africa by researchers and the general public. Their meet-up spot is far away from where humpback whales usually summer in the Antarctic. The groups swell from 20 to 200 and they are focused on one thing — feeding. The photo of many whales are having a pow wow in the ocean came to mind in this connection after seeing it and then today reading the news story. It is spectacular to imagine being there and to see the photo! Whales in this moment represent the downloading of the oversoul into individuals. This may be happening to many as they go through awakening, walk-ins of their higher selves, and expansion into unity consciousness. It is seen as shedding old skins of separation and merging into the ocean, into being connected and remembering ourselves as a part of a bigger being. The whales are doing this. That means our monad of soul family is downloaded into an individual so your beloved soul family is a part of you, within you. We are finally coming together; we are finally a part of one another. The whales coming together represents unity consciousness happening. It is also showing how the photonic light and changes on earth are effecting every form of life. We are all going through this together. Even the whales are shifting. Explain that to scientists in scientist language. It will be wonderful when science and spirituality merge as one synergistic truth. The vision of the whales together in pods, and the real sightings of them is a sign of the shift, a sign of coming together with soul family. And with that, we graduate to including our soul family within us, so that there will be experiences of forgiveness and reconciliation. It is remembering the oneness we are. It is letting bygones be bygones and returning to love. We are floating in one big ocean, represented by water, but as an ocean of love. Remember to float! Float through this time of shift which is a metaphor for not struggling, but letting yourself be led and guided to where we all make ripples of our unique frequency, from the stars, and thus impact one another. What of the coming time of the Equinox? 3:29 am pacific daylight time on Monday, March 20, this Monday in the USA. On this date, we shift to a higher level of light on earth. This will push the spiritual acceleration and awakening to a new level. Gateways that naturally happen on earth when the procession of the Equinox takes us to this balance point in time and space allow a portal of light, a flooding to photonic solar light codes to shower earth and ourselves. It is in service to our awakening and earth's awakening, and the grid of light to carry ever higher frequencies changing this planet. Those who are with the raising frequencies will flourish. Those who are resisting the energies may have wake up calls or perhaps crises. For many, it has already been a challenging season since just the first lunar eclipse time in February. We are going through Some of us have both as we adjust as we are often in the spectrum of resisting and letting go at the same time. You may feel pulled in two directions. Should I stay or should I go? How can I let go? How can I keep what I identify with? How are attachments serving me? Time to Let Go You are asked to let go, let go fully. What are you still holding onto? You are asked to release anything within you that keeps you out of the light of yourself. Your light is your joy, it is your ease in being in the world, and it is your relaxed self feeling good. This means that you will want to be All In, All In to embracing the change and what this energetic gateway that is so light and so crucial , has to offer. It is a gift to you, to your DNA , to the planet. Flowing with Emotions It is time to ride the wave and not resist any emotions, any sensations. Simply acknowledge all as rising, and falling . Notice the change. none of what you are feeling in this shift is permanent. All is rising and falling be all in. Notice the emotions. Let the emotions flow without judgment. Feel them. do not stuff them away. Do you know that when you stuff away your emotions, you end up frozen and constipated energetically and feeling bad? Metaphorically, you are constipated with emotion that wants to be expressed and flow out of you. Allow time to cry, time to feel, time to be in nature. Old stuff, old wounds, old traumas may be triggered only to be felt and cleared. All is to make you lighter. You don't need to carry the baggage to the other side of Equinox on the 20th. Lighten your load and release. we are going through something huge. Let your thoughts be gentle and loving toward yourself. Go with the flow. The universe has your back. You are loved and cherished. You are being given energetic support for healing of emotions from way back. What is happening? I see a timeline shift, with those who resist and those who let go. Letting go is the fastest and easiest however we are all on our way home to source. We are on the way to more love, more feeling one another as ourselves and with that more caring, more supporting, more of a divine society that is sharing and giving and receiving in abundance. Turn on Your Inner Light Illuminate, turn on your inner light, your essence. Shine. Do not dim your light.Go inward. close your eyes. in touch with your starry essence through the space of your heart. Your starry essence is your connection to your stars of previous existence, where you come from and each star is a frequency signature of sound and light. It is a frequency for you to download, assisting this reality, assisting your awakening and DNA activation and simply your feel good. Feel the support that is there. Smile and relax. More of you wants to join with you. More of you is your higher essence self, that which is non-physical that wants to come into you and be part of your experience. You have arrived. Full energetic connection to source is always available. Ask for it, feel it, see it in your minds eye. Relax into presence. Even if the world is going full speed ahead. Even if you feel caught in the speed of it, in the duality of this world, the right and wrong, good and bad; let go and be. Follow your bliss. Be good to yourself. A lot is going on under the surface of you and the surface of Gaia. A rebirthing, a releasing, a relinquishing and it is all for a new existence the more we let go of our own. It is like our old crusty shells of separation are being cracked off to this softness. Rest with your connection to Source and Mother Earth Rest in the sweet succor of yourself that is soothing with source connected to your crown. Rest grounded on Mother Earth. Everything is happening to support you. Feel the exchange of love with Mother Earth, and with the cosmic heavens that is there for you. Feel gratitude on all levels . Feel gratitude for what you eat, the ground you walk on. Feel gratitude for green shots coming alive from the earth. Thank the rain. Thank the sun and receive the light that has codes of awakening and enlightenment. Thank the flowers. The stars are shining you home. Thank you for reading and for being an awakening being earth. Much Love and many blessings, Shivrael Luminance River Feel free to contact me for support in the shift.
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