We recently experienced a new moon in Leo on August 18. New moons are new beginnings and they are a time to plant seeds which can be intentions. Think of yourself and your life, your family and community, and your world as you make your intentions. Always make your intentions for the highest good and the most benevolent outcome. The world needs our prayers right now and underneath the chaos is the potential for a brighter world that is peaceful and abundant. It is coming together underneath the surface of the chaos. Remembering last energy update, we heard about divine neutrality and being a bird flying above a calm lake? That detachment still applies. The importance of observation is so crucial. From the place of observation, we decode our programs. Jealously has come up for some people. All sorts of emotions have been coming up for everyone. It has taken some time to complete this blog because I had to feel into it. I sense that we are in a completely new phase in which shift has hit the fan. What I am noticing is energetically powerful days. Around the 16th-18th at the new moon, I had days where I was completely exhausted. It was a result of the heightened Schumann Resonance plus other energetic influence on the planet, I sense. Some days I just felt like being and not doing anything. The energy has changed again. Lately, I have lots of energy. Some may be feeling electric and having kundalini symptoms. That might be sleeplessness or just an activated energy within them, especially in the spine area. It leaves a slightly altered state of being and sometimes can be blissful, but more of an active energetic vitality. It also feels like time acceleration is at an all-time high. Do you find yourself multitasking and having an urgency to do things? Is there a lack of focus because you want to do so many things at once? I experience this often and find myself highly distractable. Do you feel inspired? It could be that you are receiving downloads of information that may be guiding you toward what you are called to do. I heard a friend describe how the Universe gives her a "to-do list' every day and she contributes to the world. She also receives from the Universe. I was greatly impacted by her words, with a feeling that the Universe completely supports me on my path, and giving what I can is more important. Imagine the Empress tarot card who is surrounded by flowers and vines on her throne. She sits there and magnetized and receives everything she needs. We can be that Empress and let what supports us to show up by serendipity. There is more trust in abundance coming, and more reciprocity for those playing in that game. A new way of being is being born through the latest planetary energetics. That will call many to stop caring about the acquisition of money and things and care more about giving to others. Ironically, this will allow exactly what they need to come to them as they are living in divine law. The Divine Feminine It is through extending that feminine energy of love and compassion to all parts of ourselves that healing happens. It is from doing this that hearts melt, the past fades away, and we are better people. Now we can commune and find common ground, even if it looks like everyone is polarized one side versus the other and sometimes over seemingly stupid stuff. Have you noticed this craziness? The Divine Feminine within everyone brings compassion. It brings this beautiful heart-centered field of being. Not so long ago, at the last energy update time of Mid-July through Mid-August, it felt like warrior energy was there to balance the feminine and now this overriding compassion energy is there expanding us and our hearts, and the energy of peace. We need the warrior protective energy and we need the compassionate energy too. Sometimes it feels like time is super accelerated and we are working to do many things at once, and then it slows down. We know we have integrated a new upgrade when it feels like we have spaciousness again and things have slowed down. A description of what it feels like that came through a conversation is that we have been in a storm. We were swirling around in the chaos. The chaos is still there, but one by one, we are collectively all choosing to enter the eye of the storm instead of where we were swirling around in it. Remember the calm eye of the storm is always there for you to return to. From here, we can discuss from the place of different points of view and not be triggered. We can even approach the conflict of voices in our heads with this sense of peace. New Directions for your Life This pivotal shift happened at the new moon time and you may find your life doing a reset and going in an unexpected direction. It could be your work, your love life, your home, or where you are headed. It could be your friend circle. Keep breathing intentionally and mindfully. Take time to be in silence. Let the changes integrate and let what shows up be there without worrying about the future. All of this process is divinely aligned for you. Your continuous connection to Source makes it all easy. Cultivate that connection. What to Expect in the Coming Month: - Lots of Energy Upgrades - Craziness in the outer world that might confuse or shock you. If it doesn't, be a wayshower and hold the light in your being for yourself and others. Radical Self-Care Self-care is encouraged to be many means. One is through being in water, through soaking in baths or swimming. through being in saunas or sweat lodges. Through exercise, meditation, yoga, chi gong. Through relaxing and listening to music and also inspiring words. Simplify your diet, your life, your consumption of news, and the internet. Cleanse your energy field with those baths, showers, your intention, the violet flame, sage, and visualization and especially through meditation. Be in nature to re-attune to the resonance of Earth. Be in nature to relate to living things, the elementals, and the Earth. This takes your anxiety and inner pressure down a notch or three. Making music, singing or toning is good because it gets you in your heart and out of your head. It is like your body and energy field is going through intense upgrades and possibly some shocks this coming month. Be ready with whatever feels good that soothes you, not in an addictive way but in a healthy way. What is soothing to you? What calms you? Do it! We have more roller coaster waves of intensity to go through. Be equanimous with the good news and bad news coming. It is all leading to a bigger picture and so keep that higher perspective from as far away as you can. Last month it was like a bird flying over a lake. Now see it as joining source from your star of origin in the cosmos. You have become less dense and "bigger." This is a reflection of your consciousness. You find that "place" inside you. Those who go there, and feel the detachment from the chaos of this realm will do well. Yet when stuff comes up, notice it and notice the patterns there. Acknowledging, feeling releases and heals it very easily. This is because the planetary energetics are there to support you with emotional healing through your ever-growing awareness. Allow yourself the quiet, contemplative time to just be will make it easy. Don't get too distracted by input all the time, though you may be tempted to do so. Drinking extra pure water is recommended. I can see some emotional times, that will be opportunities to clear. Time moves fast and we will be shifting. It is likely to feel intense at times. This month to come will have more moments of peace and bliss and just pure spaciousness. That can be a contradiction to the time acceleration which can give a feeling of anxiety and not having enough time to do things. You are called to "be" not "do" at times, and you are called to slow down the more time gets accelerated.That will help immensely. You may have a feeling of spaciousness and feel spacey in this coming time. As you clear your own emotions through feeling them, you can hold space for others. You can even find inner lightness if you kind of detach and be in your happiness bubble. Yet connecting with those who uplift you, even one person, can be of such a huge importance. Wayshowers are called to due deep self-care so they can be the light. Holding space in this context is not fixing- that is the old paradigm. It might be listening. Being in your peace is what helps you hold the light for others. Earth and her people are upgrading another big notch between now and September 17, the next new moon date. There are times it will feel like a whirlwind and times you feel like you are in the center of the storm, the eye of peace when it feels like the world is being torn asunder. Your heart space awareness helps you be in that place. There is a calm place inside your heart and in that place, you are connected to Source. Source itself transmits the love and shows you that this world is temporary and an illusion to not get caught up in. The feminine aspect of Source love holds you as you shift back to love again. Your masculine aspect of Source helps you take a stand and speak your truth and stand firm in this eye of the hurricane. Your warrior nature that protects and offers resilience and strength is there keeping you safe. You are always love and always safe. Everything will turn out alright, and better than expected. We have some rocky territory to traverse with some challenging moments ahead. Keep breathing, doing your self-care, be a bit detached, and not taking anything personally. An image from the Akashic Records: Now I am seeing a symbol of an old fashioned ink bottle spilling but it is white ink. It reminds me of the bottles used at the time of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. This ink is the ink of truth and it will be spilling out and more obvious than ever for those who have eyes to see it. The reference to the Declaration of Independence applies to individuals being sovereign, more than ever, and detached. Co-dependency is over. The warrior parts of us will be fed up and want to claim our sovereignty more than ever. Have you been setting boundaries? The more that the truth ink spills, the more we will stand up for what is right for those who are weaker. We can help by being present and witnessing others and we can help by offering assistance through actions. Be sure to ask for help when you need it. Many want to help others right now and the spirit of this is growing. The feminine aspect is powerful in that she protects her children and she has love and compassion for what is right. To declare something is to take a strong stand and this month will change us from a place of confusion to a place of solidarity and independence, or at least wanting that and working towards it. Divine is working with us. The universe, the stars, and our star families in this sentient cosmic universe are wanting what is good and true to come forth. Ride the waves of change dear beloveds. I see the web of light which is the grid that you each are connected to and hold. It is becoming stronger and brighter all the time as you each are. Thank you for being the unique being you are taking care of yourself with love, and for shining your beautiful light. You will have energy flowing over which can benefit the world when you do. Until next update- With luminous blessings of love and light, Shivrael Akashic Intuitive website Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis and Akashic Readings PS I am always delighted to hear of the energy experience of others and what resonates, and what else you are experiencing.
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