This New Moon of April 19/20th has a solar eclipse. The new moon is in Aries as is the sun, a fire sign harkening new beginnings. With an eclipse, we enter a period of transformation until the next eclipse which is two weeks later. May 5 is the second eclipse of this “sandwich.” Who you are as you enter the eclipse is different from who you are on the other side. Welcome to a portal of transformation with this moon cycle. The Akashic records communicate in images and metaphors. The energies we are in just before the eclipse are strong, symbolized by lightning bolts out of the blue, with sudden changes happening. The ground is shaky, indicating that it is challenging to keep our balance. The New Moon Solar Eclipse on April 19/20th puts an exclamation point on our current energy, amplifying it and bringing it to a conclusion. We then will enter a new period during the time between eclipses. The energy of the first eclipse is bringing the truth out in the open, and in this case, it is personal truth. We are seen for who we are and we see others for who we are. The April 19/20th eclipse drops the veil, which is any delusions or filters to what we see. The eclipse passageway is for integrating new truths and new ways of seeing. The image to represent this in the Akashic records is the covering of the moon dropping. There is a big thud as light (representing truth) becomes visible. The veil dropping can be seen as lower density or lower vibrational illusions dropping. A sound that we cannot miss is heard or sensed by our intuition. This will be translated into our spidey sense into a new knowing or understanding. What doesn't feel right anymore will become obvious. Multidimensional information comes through instant knowing, through inner sight, through feeling, through olfactory sensing, and through hearing such as the thud sound. Different people have different intuitive ways to sense, so pay attention to what you notice. This eclipse represents a landing of a new way of seeing, and ultimately a new reality as the old is dropping away. The Eclipse Passageway Astrological changes come just after the first eclipse. The sun moves from Aries, a fire sign into Taurus, an earth sign on April 20th. With Taurus, more peaceful energy comes in and the momentum of energy we have been experiencing slows down. Mercury goes retrograde on April 21. We settle into stability as we land in a new reality in which the veil has been lifted away. We look back while we integrate the last moon cycle's intense energies. Who we are as we enter is different from the one we are as we leave the passageway on May 5th. This is a time for inner work. What will help us go through the passageway? The image that the Akashic records offer up is of a vintage, old-fashioned camera. In the old days, the photographer would make a chemical mixture on a plate. The exposure might have to be as long as 15 minutes for the subject to be photographed. The eclipse passageway is for the alchemy of elements that create the picture... the new way of seeing. Allow the new picture to develop as you transform within. To get a good photo, you need a long exposure and that requires sitting still, maybe literally or figuratively. To have the clearest view of reality, use the alchemy of different elements for making something new come to light. You are the photographer and also the subject, so still allows you to look backward and re-see what you have witnessed in the past. A retrograde time is one for looking back and reviewing and correcting mistakes. Pluto also goes retrograde on May 1st to add to the astrological energy. Ultimately, you are setting the tone for the next period to come during the eclipse passageway. After the second eclipse, you will be developing a new photograph which is your new life. In other words, the picture of your new life is gradually coming into focus. Welcome to the Next Phase The May 5 Lunar eclipse on the Full Moon in Taurus completes the eclipse passageway. You might feel a transmission of energy in your body at that time. An energetic reset occurs during the time of the eclipse on May 5 from 8:14:11 am to 12:41 pm Pacific time, with the peak at 10:23 am PDT. After the eclipse, I see the beauty of a candle that is lit in the darkness. All of the intensity, the looking back, the adopting of a new viewpoint, the transition through the past moon cycle, and this recent passageway bring you to a transformed place. You simply light a candle in the darkness... the light that is you is shining. Everywhere you go, you carry this light. The experience of the passageway is that of being alone. After the eclipse on May 5th, it feels like you will be coming together with others who are each holding their candle. The energy of hope is there as you bring your light together in circles of similar vibrational frequencies. Those holding the light are here to also ignite the light and show the way to others. Many lights represent the awakening of humanity. One empowered being expresses their true self which inspires another to do the same. Together we are a movement of individuals shining their uniqueness together. If you know about the shift in Human Design toward 2027, this is another step that marks a midpoint of 7 years until the full evolutionary change becomes apparent (2020 to 2027). During this moon cycle, we go through a dark, long winding path of transformation. We come out the other side and find those who are mutually lighting one another's path. We collectively form currents of light together as a result of the inner work. The energy update is an intuitive perspective of what the potential collective experience from April 19 to May 19. Wishing you a wonderful moon cycle with deep, positive transformation. Thank you for being a light in the world and for embracing the deep inner work required. Luminous blessings of love and support, Shivrael AkashicIntuitive
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