Full Moon Download from the Akashic Records for June 24, 2021 I think of the Akashic Records as the source field, as the energy of all that is which holds information. I can access glimpses from it, and so can you. Just after the solstice and before the recent full moon today on June 24th, I received some information to explain what we might be heading. I am speaking to the collective who connects to this information as you are the ones who are currently aware of your multidimensional existence. What I noticed around the solstice was that I was going through emotional triggers coming up to be understood, healed, and cleared. Others were doing the same, with their own stories and dramas. I noticed that every bit of victim consciousness had to be seen and cleared. Every place where I felt I wasn't loved had to be looked at and I had to take responsibility for it once and for all. That gave me peace and I came to a greater understanding to notice places where I still felt like a victim and no longer do that. Some people whom I care about went through some shaky days just before and around the solstice which was June 20. Some may still in it or maybe they have not gone there yet. It was a trend I experienced personally so maybe I am projecting it, or maybe it is real for the collective. I share it in case it might be helpful to somebody else. See this picture? Imagine a person standing in the middle of this hourglass shape. This is the image of reality fabric, how we are all connected in our individual toroidal fields. It is representation. A wormhole vortex comes into our crowns above our head, which brings light codes of information especially when we enter dates of powerful transformation. Energy spirals in and out of us, including downloads of higher dimensional information to help us evolve and also grow. Usually, I see dimensions as if I am in an elevator. You can imagine that you are taking an elevator to a higher dimension in meditation, check it out, and go to another and see and feel what might be there for your to discover. I have done this many times – it is fun and valuable. Each dimension has a difference and it is fascinating to do this with a friend. In this vision, I saw the reality fabric like the picture and saw it as a computer simulation too. Don't let that freak you out though- it was not about AI or anything. It is more a metaphor for understanding like the other images that appear from the Akash/ source field. I see that as I am in this field (and you are too) that dimensions are nested in each other. They exist simultaneously together all as one. That was different from my previous understanding with the elevator of dimensions going upward. I was seeing that dimensions 3,4, and 5 blended together and making up one aspect which I call “reality” or that which is currently seen and experienced in the physical. I could see that we had recently been going through a giant reset of our operating systems, our body's cosmic programming. Again, this has nothing to do with AI but a natural evolutionary process and the explanation is merely a metaphor. The emotional turbulence that you may have felt or feel was the reset in which we adopted a new ability to see from two places at once. My friend, who also saw this with me, described it as putting on the glasses in the way God sees, or a different color like pink lenses when we go to another higher dimension. The pink glasses are softer, more beautiful reality and way of seeing. With two realities visible, it is like one reality is laid upon the other. This is your new upgrade! But, like I said dimensions are nested and really all nested within each other. The upgrade or reset is the ability to see from the physical “reality” dimension (ie 3,4 and 5) and also from a higher dimension yet at the same time! This is what came in at the solstice and is now stabilizing in the full moon, depending on you and your consciousness timing. It is like putting on another pair of special glasses to see from a higher perspective. A BQH session that I did recently had my client experiencing this too. He found himself at the top of a waterfall, the higher perspective, and the bigger picture before incarnating. He jumped into the waterfall and in that space, you can only know what is going on in your small perspective at the moment. It is much more intense. It is a bit like a rock slide in a torrent and you do your best to find your way through it, It is like birthing to go into a human form and face the density of the experience. Yet now we are given the gift of seeing from both the expansive eternal place and also the in the moment now a place of physical reality. Even before you go into an incarnation of the body, you know it will be like that but you don't know how intense it will be until you do. You enter the womb for a new experience and we have been in that experience of “reality” our whole lives. The image of the reality fabric, what I am showing here, appeared again and it was like the human was in the wormhole, and the lines in the reality fabric were lit up. That was the activation for the new way of seeing – from the higher dimensional place and in a lower physical reality dimension at the same time. What I am seeing is that the great revealing time is coming closer for the larger collective. It will be an intense time for many. I see the potential for shock, upset, anger, inner turmoil, and then acceptance for so many, in fact, most people. Many will be freaking out, and it is likely to happen soon. We shall see. However, you who are reading this and a vibrational match relating to this information are in another group. Please take what I am sharing with a grain of salt as I am one perspective of millions of eyes on the planet. I see, in my vision, that we are working together towards something amazing. We will be as busy as bees during this time of the great revealing of truth. We are down on the Earth with our trowels for gardening. This represents the idea that we are grounded through this time - during the great awakening, we will be okay. The trowels represent turning over what has been hidden underneath the surface. Also, most importantly, you are building the infrastructure of the future for everyone's benefit. We have gold bricks that we are building with. Gold represents abundance for all. Abundance is a state of being and it can come in many forms, or so we are reminded. Gold is the pure essence of our soul, of our Higher Self. The vision indicates that what we are here to bring to the world, our gifts, are finally ready to be received. The vibration of the planet is high enough for the frequency bridgers which I mentioned in previous energy updates. You can think of frequency bridgers as the volunteers for new earth that Dolores Cannon wrote about. We are here to be of service to others, and the gold represents the information from the higher self which gives unique guidance to move forward. What are you building? You are building the foundation of New Earth which is what you came for and what you are divinely coded for, beautiful soul. I will leave you with that... thank you for reading and feel free to share your experience with me. Know that you are loved and meant to be here. Thanks for showing up. Enjoy your new vision. With my luminous love and support, Shivrael akashicintuitive Thanks to 2 friends who helped me with this- you know who you are and I so appreciate you. Happy Full Moon everyone - may your dreams and intentions actualize with ease and grace.
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