I want to tell you about an event that I am facilitating here in Mt.Shasta. It is on October 25th at 7pm, taking place at the Silk Road Chai Shop.
We will come together to receive customized visions of New Earth. We will then plant the seeds in our imaginations of New Earth in a Quantum Dreaming Ceremony, a guided meditation experience. We will share our experience and our visions to help create the world as we wish, in our own lives and for all beings. We will share as a group which will allow us to see feel New Earth and create it now through embodying those frequencies, visioning, sharing,taking inspired action, and finding synergy among us. The New Earth Together Summit is a crowdsourced event bringing together imagineers and visionaries of New Earth, the new paradigm. The practice of obtaining needed services, ideas, or content by soliciting contributions from a group. In the group we share our ideas of the world we dream of and wish to come into reality now. We receive ideas and share them between us, getting excited about a new paradigm and culture that we can co-create. I hope you will join me at the Silk Road Chai Shop at 105 E. Alma Street, Mount Shasta, CA on October 25, at 7pm. It is an event facilitated by love donation. Listen to a similar program of what we are going to do, yet ours will be a conversation with sharing between all of us which will be even more fun. The meditation is near the end. It is a show "Dreaming New Earth into Being" on Lauren Galey's Radio Show Quantum Conversations. Link: https://soundcloud.com/laurengaley/quantum-conversation-with-shivrael-luminescence-river-dreaming-new-earth-into-being
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