What happened with the eclipse today? Today we received a grand infusion of celestial light and continue to, since the eclipse this morning around 3 am to 3:45 EST. I am getting reports from various people about how they are experiencing it with a huge variety of experiences, including ecstasy and physical difficulty. There is not one way to experience this as we are each different. We agreed to play the earth game and incarnate with our own filters of experience to have a gamut of experiences. Source itself experiencing life through each of us, as us. We also are coded differently to experience something different. I have been taking time today and yesterday to be quiet and go within. I am also setting intentions with my heart, by feeling what matters from a state of being that is expanded. What is happening, that I am seeing is this ocean wave of many colors. It is the flooding of frequencies coming into earth, beamed from stars and the sun and the Grand Central Sun. It is for a higher purpose and I am told to expand us beyond human. I have heard that we only experience a small percentage of what is happening, or see it as the visible electromagnetic spectrum is much less than reality. Well, we are being blasted by new frequencies represented as colors in this wave coming in. Some may have physical sensations that show up. Some are saying that ascension is a fairy tale and they are here to be on earth. No judgment on anyone's experience of belief system. I am seeing how our belief systems direct our experience in this reality, though. That is my belief system and biased perspective. Others know that this is an important infusion of light, that it is an opportunity to line up with who we really are, to align with love and embody it. As part of tapping in, in meditation to the meaning of all of this, I got some phrases which I will share. Color is sound and sound is color. We are able to hear color and see sound, well as our multidimensional senses come in. They are to interpret the vibration of different frequencies into experience. We came here for the experience. Somehow this infusion of light, waves of colors, are triggering our multidimensional senses so we can sense beyond the standard visible light spectrum meaning access to what is beyond the veil, the non-physical. Our belief system has to know it is possible, maybe from our genetic coding we came with, or maybe because of who we are. Those who do are learning these things and making it possible for others in the future. I hear a whispering in my head that "future" does not really exist but as time is not real. Future is a construct, there is only now. Now we are being infused with light, raising our frequency. When we hear colors, or see sound, it is really a collaboration of our multidimensional expanded senses working together. There can be more sudden knowing happening. We are tie together what comes through into a coherent pattern of expression. Ultimately we are receivers of vibration which comes in packets on this light wave. Yes, you have so much knowing within you right now. The way to open these packets, or see them as presents, is to be with yourself in silence and go within. I would say meditate, but that would connote a necessity for formality when it is more just being in your life experience with space to notice the now. Maybe you will get a hit when you take a shower about the nature of the universe with some unique understanding only you can bring through. What else about the waves of colors coming in? It is washing us clean meaning taking density away from us. It is taking our attachments away. It is taking away emotional stuckness. It can wash away our emotional history so we stand naked in the now. It allows us to be more present with others and with ourselves. We are more awake and alert. We may find ourselves having less to say and more to listen to as we hold space for others in a way we could not before. We may find our interests shift and our identity as a person starts to become amorphous, as in less definite. It is all a good sign, a sign of spiritual maturation with this letting go process. In the wave are colors, the colors that have not been on earth before now. The earth is in a new place in the galaxy. Gradually we are being lit up inside. Lit up as in light bodies activated, DNA activated, Divine Blueprint remembered. Lit up as in enlightened. The heart being open is the way. Being present and non-attached and receiving divine guidance within is part of it too. See all those colors in the wave as multidimensional information from the stars coming to enter our bodies and effect us on the levels of mind, body, emotions, and spirit. It is a passing wave, intense of some and barely noticeable for others. Everyone is effected though, on subtle levels. All life and Mother Earth are going through this. Those of you who feel the intensity are the acupuncture needles of Mother Earth. You are anchoring it and your connection to others creates a grid of sending and receiving. The physical body can really feel this right now. But think of it as a good sort of purge for the highest good. Think of it as the potential that it is, and for the potential of experiencing bliss and peace. And it is okay whatever you are feeling now, as this too shall pass. I am so excited with where I AM, with where we are, and with where we are going. I hope you you are riding these waves and surfing, and weather any challenges with ease. I am so with you in this process and send many blessings to each person reading this, and all those whom we are connected with strands of light through time and space. Thank you Shannon Luminance River Akashic Intuitive Readings and Blog
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