Welcome to an Energy Update from the Akashic Records
New Moon Solar Eclipse December 3 to January 2 What is the energy we have been in? We have been preparing for something. We may not know what it is or how it will play out, but that is okay. The Akashic Records, which speaks in imagery, show an image of a person throwing out clothing from their closet. The closet has what we are attached to and also our identities and even “boxes” we have put ourselves in. A metaphor of things we keep hidden in the closet includes what we might choose to get rid of. We may have a weird feeling of not knowing who we are anymore. Literal decluttering is happening as people are letting go and also reorganizing. I see the two eclipses as a process that started with disorganization with chaos. Some things we released and as we entered the doorway to the second eclipse. Transformation is happening in relation to our journey between and through the two eclipse portals. We come out a new and different being than we were before in November. Our life may have changed. There may be break-ups and exits around this this time. Themes for the recent and current energy : Forgiveness, trauma healing, ancestral healing, inner healing for individuals, wealth creation, concern over money, learning to trust our abundance. What is the energy we are in? The energy of the eclipse brought purple energy with a marbling of gold. In an image from the Akashic Records, the sky held this energy which means that it is our environment and all-pervasive. Purple is higher consciousness and gold is the frequency of love. The crown chakra is awakening. The astonishing information that was shown to me was that the eclipse was an opportunity for 1/3 of the population to be impacted whatever their level of consciousness. I saw more people shifting to courage and higher. The Map of Consciousness was shown, created by David Hawkins and individuals are shifting upwards. Those who have chosen to raise their consciousness, do so consciously by asking, or unconsciously by the calling of their higher self. It is happening and unfolding now and through the window of the solstice. An image for the eclipse of last night was of a giant round membrane holding back water. There were people who were tearing the membrane, trying to open it. They were opening the floodgates of truth which bring cleansing and purification. Image of the Living Grid The strings as streams of the new foundation are the living grid of crystalline light. It is an overlay on a map as a glowing alive and moving white light. Previously, it was transparent, but at this time it is glowing white which shows how strong the light is made from the people. This new foundation is a grid moving underneath everything, and it is you, creating new earth. The new reality underneath is getting brighter and more tangible. Getting out of the Boxes Some will sit there and not notice the box around has left. There will be push back to those who see the freedom and possibilities. We will notice and start creating the new. Do it anyway, despite the pushback. Don't look in the review mirror. You will see the old falling away, the cracks in buildings, structures, belief systems, rules, and regulations. You are a master of learning to create outside the box and now is the time. You, heart tribe, are rolling out a red carpet. It is very wide so that all who are awake and aware can step forward. All who are aligned with love can be taken with the ones on the red carpet, which is essential for all humanity that sees and dreams of a better way to benefit all beings and life. May you feel the infinite possibilities and be in your highest joy, Shivrael akashicintuitive Akashic Readings, Human Design, Beyond Quantum Healing Mt.Shasta