in the hearts blossoming rises the golden ladder to the heavens of our ascended starry seeded DNA we are the vortex of celestial codes raining down on the planet we are the opening, the portal, the widening thank you cosmic beings of light thank you for gifting this planet of beauty a jewel of the galaxy on the necklace of Indra's net each drop a universe each universe unfolding in the knowing that we are one drop the drop of all oceans swimming together we are the watery intuitive flowy receivers and transmitters of the new paradigm we are the ebb and flow waves ever rising to a tsunami of love on the planet we are the hearts open widening tides flowing we are empathy becoming compassion we are Quan Yin's tears poured out of a galactic sized bottle filled with stars river of light poured out shifting this part of the photon belt to a higher vibration *receive love* the galaxy is offering up *receive light* this Now is a gift do not miss the moment rest in infinity ever spinning and evolving to a new now a new higher clearer seeing and being WE. borders dissolving massive forgiveness, evolving it happens in every heart it comes with tears shed, feelings felt, hurts soothed, memories honored and released inner children hugged divine guides communed with God felt through every heart what is the thread here? What is the truth? take me into the infite spiral of our ever becoming I welcome the messages of truth, inner knowing I welcome those of the evolution revolution raising us up lighting our DNA callibrate elate, there is no escape evolve revolve, we do it together evolve revolve, let us go round the sun and become one welcome codes of light integrate, so grateful the chaos before the breakthrough to the other world will you be the peace in the whirlwind? can you stand as a lighthouse in your truth and your calm? the world calls the dove of peace that lies in your heart. rest easy and be the creator we do it together all hands on the holodeck all hearts wide open all memories of what could be put on the table all visions cracked open seeds of the new earth we plant for the mother's rebirth fill with intention for a higher dimension bring it on bring on peace bring on sharing bring on food for all bring in the healing we hear our own call from within, guiding where to begin everybody has a roadmap a divine blueprint an inner calling to the wholing of the all no matter what the news says no matter how much chaos no matter what it is up to you to master your peace to be the calm in the storm it is up to you Thank you for reading, Shivrael Akashic Intuitive I invite you to find out about the Enhancing Inner Guidance Course and you can use the code "guide" without quotes for a special upon registration.
Yesterday I shared a couple of radio interviews about the Miracle Field Immersion Project. Today I share this audio blog. Thank you Family of Light for turning a blog into a video..... Recently the Miracle Field Immersion Project happened as did the Miracles Dreaminar, which was a Quantum Dreaming Experience. My friend and co-creator of these miracle projects Tee Ming and I talk about what we were doing here on this soundcloud clip with was a radio interview. Thanks to all who participated and we as a group will continue to co-create with the miracle field!
The Radio Show is here. After the project we did a second show, and made a new radio show to share what we all experienced in the Miracle Field Immersion for thirteen days, and also the Miracles Dreaminar. What happened? More bliss? More joy? More ease? Find out! The second Radio Show is here. Enjoy! May you be steeped in the Miracle Field! ~Shivrael at Akashic Intuitive #MiracleFieldImmersion |