Remember your Sense of Humor!
I intuitively hear laughing fairies. I see tiny flowers. I hear the words “return to childlike innocence.” It is time to come back to being an innocent child, to playfulness and finding the simplicity and joy at the moment. It is letting go and being reborn into not knowing anything about the future or what will happen. It is taking charge of the moment by milking it for the joy that is present. It is allowing our creative side to play for the joy of it, without expecting any results. It points to the importance of being in the now without expectation, savoring what is right here, right now. Can you notice tiny beautiful things like flowers? Laughing fairies remind us to have a sense of humor. Right Here, Right Now An image of a record playing, the vinyl kind with the needle appears. A record can represent, in this instance, the wheel of karma. I see it going on automatic and the needle being in a groove which plays the karma. It comes out like a program, a record that could be an akashic pattern with another person that is recorded or even groups of people. It is an invisible pattern playing in the background of a relationship. I ask, in meditation, how to get out of karma? It is simple. Be in the moment, be in the Now, be in a state of love and appreciation. You notice what is happening and find the awe. You are out of the patterns of suffering just like that by being full of presence. Let this be a guidepost of remembrance as you navigate this cycle. What will be helpful to know? An image of a calendar appears. It looks like the days are stretching longer, like distorted text and blocks. On one hand, September will go fast, yet with our 5D and higher focus on timelessness, we can manipulate time. The way to manipulate time is to be in a flow state of sinking into “the zone” when we find ourselves there. It is to be less scheduled and therefore less a slave to time. What if we followed our internal flow as to what we did and thought regardless of what others expect? Even if September seems like it might fly by quickly, we can enjoy where we are in the moment and make it go slower. Despite what is happening in the outer world, we can live in our inner world, at our own pace, following our own direction as to what to do and where to be. When you do this, you end up in the perfect place and the perfect time, with synchronicity. You meet those you are supposed to meet in a divine appointment. You experience what you are meant to and your heart sings in the process. Synchronicity shows you are on the path like cosmic winks from the universe. But the World is Going Crazy... What about how the outer world is crazy right now? Yes, it is indeed it does seem crazy. Don't pay so much attention to it. Maybe you are seeing divisiveness. That is an opportunity to be masterful in seeing other's points of view and not making them wrong. It is an opportunity to express where you are coming from while you hear others. Some of you are called to standing in your sovereignty now... and we say to make that come from the inside and then outer actions will expand from there. Weave your expressions of sovereignty with love. See the possibility of unity with others of completely different perspectives. You the Heart Tribe are in the space of love, so whenever you cultivate that and other positive emotions, the more it ripples out to others who might be going through the experience of fear. From this chaos is born something new and better, and more in alignment with everyone's well-being. On a higher-order - it is an upgrade month to come. Keep visioning what you want, what you prefer. See the new earth, free, with healing technology. See Gaia restored and renewed with respect, and see communities that are working and playing together all over the world and in-person, face-to-face. Feel the peace that is possible. Start with peace and love in yourself. Whenever it gets intense, an elder told me to go slower and go within. Activate your Merkaba and with that, you can go anywhere. We create the outer world from our inner world. Where two or more are gathered, we are powerful. Meditation is a wonderful tool, and it makes you feel invincible. Indeed, you are if you do it every day. Find your way of feeling and practicing positive emotions such as gratitude, love, peace, appreciation, contentment, freedom, joy for existence, trusting the unknown, heart coherence, caring, forgiveness, magnificence, and unity. Our positive emotions and expectation bring us on that perfect path where we meet our destiny. There is nothing outside to save us- we are the saviors of ourselves. Yet we are supported by Source in all we do. Asking for help from angels, guides, and beings aligned with the highest good is always recommended. Ask on behalf of our world, our people, and our own lives. Doing meditation and prayer with another amplifies the field so that our world will be impacted in a way that shifts everything. In fact, you already are, as you embody love over fear. You are making a quantum ripple in the collective. We are at a place of the unknown, and from that innocent place of not knowing, everything turns. Feel the power and potential of this month. The time before the full moon might be intense so pay attention at that time to your own ways that help you find your center. The full moon is September 20 and it looks hazy around the edges. That would be a metaphor for confusion at that time. The confusion clears and clarity comes. A feeling of tides and watery energy is with the full moon and once it passes, there is a relief. It seems like the last part of the month and lunar cycle into October goes quickly with lots of events in the outer world so we can't keep up. I see those who were aligned to this message feeling a slowness and timelessness on the inside when the outer world is going very fast and furious. Lots of things might be thrown out into the collective field as red herrings. They are red herrings, like something fishy that takes us from our path. The disruptions or red herrings are distractions from our ascension process. Disruptions are can also be misdirection. They distract us from love to fear, and they disrupt our faith and positive expectation. Let the sparks fly but keep your center. Simply be the love that you are and know that all is well. May all beings be happy, Shivrael BQH, Akashic Readings, Human Design, Thai Massage. Thanks for reading and look for another update at the next new moon in October.