Many ways of meditation can take us into the heart space, and I have been experimenting with them for a long time. I had a guided experience that made a huge personal impact recently at a workshop with Viola Rose who teaches Drunvalo Melchizedek's material on going into the sacred space of the heart. She is a teacher from his School of Remembering which carries on his work as he is semi-retired and onto other discoveries. Benefits of Living in the Heart There is great value in living in the heart and it sounds cliché, so cliché that we may dismiss it. We miss something without the inquiry as to what this really means- to live in the heart. She explains the difference of living in the head (which most of us do much of the time) versus living in the heart. Living in the head for me can feel like I have certain pathways of thought that I travel over and over. It is not fun to be in this state and I am sure most everyone has experienced this. When it becomes neutral of emotion it is much easier for me to have obsessive thinking patterns. What I do is to simply acknowledge it which then allows me to let it go. Viola's way of describing her life before anchoring herself to living in the heart was that there were peaks of joy and valleys of challenging emotions, ups and downs. She says that the Law of Attraction, thorugh thinking does this up and down thing to our lives by bringing what we want but also what we do not want into it. Living in the heart made her life more smooth, a river of grace. This got my attention! I wish for my life to be a river of grace! I was already familiar with and aligned to Drunvalo's work with the heart meditations and this workshop took it deeper. A meditation that I like is here and Drunvalo Melchizedek's book about this is Living in the Heart. In the meditation, the firsth thing is to blindfold your eyes. You then send and receive love with Mother Earth, and then the sky and mix the love together in your heart, feeling their union and their love for you. Doing this first makes it easier to go into the space of the heart. You place your awareness to the center of the brain as if you had a sphere there, and you as a tiny being. You move downward to the throat. At this point, I felt the urge to speak light language and felt like it could flow easily. This is something useful for those learning to speak light language. Entering and Exploring Your Own Personal Heart Space We then moved the sphere into our hearts. She showed us how to find an opening and more into a wormhole and to the vortex of the heart space. Our vortex heart space is our own and like a lotus flower temple and is unique to each person. My own heart space is unique each day as it changes as I do this meditation. You meet yourself and perhaps your higher self, not other people, in this space. It is a place to commune with spirit. It is a place to ask questions and finding solutions. For me, the heart space has a palpable vibration that is special and visceral. Once you are in the space of the heart you can tone the vibration that you feel which is your unique soul signature tone. It is a key to returning by toning it and through feeling it in your body especially in the heart space. That is something to experiment with when you visit the heart space. In recent days a few things have happened here. One day I became a butterfly with other butterflies, putting on wings. It was all light and playful. Today I saw myself as having ancient indigenous heritage with dark braids. I could feel the simplicity of this multidimensional aspect of me and the beauty she has which helps me bring that through to this life. I have experienced a golden pool of liquid love light that I have immersed myself in and floated in during these meditations. It has rippled, ripple love out to the world. That represents how our hearts are magnetic broadcasters of love vibration, and they effect all that is around them. The cover of the Living in the Heart book has the hearts energy field, a torus, and also the human energy field around that of a golden person illustrating the heart coherence field. A journey into the heart space showed me a room that was a dome space made of different mirrors. The mirrors are mirroring back my light and they represent people in my life. The message was that sometimes we run away from our shadow that the other is reflecting to us. I could see how silly that is... to run away from the self when it is presented. Instead, we are to interact with others so the light within us shines the brightest and is thus mirrored back. Something about how we see them, and how we can be neutral so that the mirrors shine the most light that we are back to us with the clarity of truth. That can be interpreted as "be neutral about what others show to us as ourselves and don't freak out about who we are." Witness the self. The heart space is the nexus point between heaven and earth, and so much more. The book Love Without End by Glenda Green illustrates it so well: "At the center of your soul is the Sacred Heart. This is the point at which you are one with God. The heart sees infinity within and without. It can behold perfection. It can ascertain the origin point of conditions and change them. The heart is your higher intelligence. Your heart is centered in the viewpoint of infinity established by your creator. Thus the heart honors your individuality, the oneness of God and the integrated unity of all that is." I encourage you to experience this space in the heart for yourself. It is where you go for your own experiences. Meditation is the way. Drunvalo's heart meditation path is one of many ways to go there. Within the personal heart space there is also another place, the "secret space of the heart, the singularity point." She described a hole that goes there, and I saw it as a black spot, nostril looking orifice and felt the swoosh of going in and arriving in this space. Another thing is that when you enter these spaces, you ask for there to be light as the first thing. Then you can see with your psychic senses what is there. I feel and sense lots of vortex energy and swirling. I also sense expansion once I have entered the space, like it opens up and there is an aha feeling of knowing I am there. When I went to the secret space, the singularity point, I confirmed that was the location intuitively after the fact by the vision that came. You see everything and everyone including the smallest particles to the largest universes have singularity points and they are nested and the same singularity point. One can visit the entire universe within you. That is exactly what I had the opportunity to do. First I felt myself seated at a desk that was a U shape around me. On the desk was something and it seemed like a topographic map that was three dimensional. I could feel or see or sense miniature mountains on it. From here, I could bless the world, pray for an area, a person up close in a magnified view (like my Mother for example), an area, a planet or galaxy. It is all the same and all accessible through the heart space. I see a topographic map of the world with dimension to it. Have you seen an apple peel that is cut in a long strip, a spiral? It can be put back together to cover the apple by wrapping it around the sphere. It was as if the world were like this, in a long apple peel strip except there were mountains on this globe. I felt the spiral of it as if I were standing on the earth/apple, and also there were spirals of galaxies and the universe as stars connected to the spiral of the earth plus the spiral of the stars. I saw the earth go into a globe as a spiral with the spaces filled in with peanut butter. Peanut butter, in this vision represented love. Love is what mends the earth, and holds it together. So imagine the earth glued together with this love. From Sufi friends, I have learned that there is a word called Ishq in Persian meaning love (Divine Love not romantic love )or the glue that holds things together. Ishq allows the planets to move correctly and to be drawn together. Love is the force holding the universe together. Upon this vision of the earth being mended by love and the spiral of the galaxy, I had a message about what is important for me and perhaps for other humans. This is that we need to go into the heart, in meditation, often and to live there as a way of life. The message was that we do not need grounding so much as this but to have more "withinning" which is a word my consciousness made up meaning to go within. It sounds a bit like winning to. We need more withinning. And indeed this inner communion of the heart was profound and left me feeling more heart centered. I kept that awareness after the meditation time. I asked the teacher how to have be more in the heart full time. She said that the toning gets her back in the heart when she knows she has left it, like when challenged emotionally or frustrated. Intentionally go back to the heart when you know you have left and are thinking too much. With thinking there can be a feeling of love and bliss but there is also doubt and judgment. The heart cancels the duality experience which is what is so wonderful- so life can turn into a river of grace. My experience after this meditation has been a feeling of being able to listen without judgment to another and being much more patient in conversation. I am allowing longer pauses with silence to hear what the other says. It feels easier and less stressful.It feels more peaceful and flowing and present. I feel myself feeling into the heart space like a vibrational hum inside while I talk to another person or listen to them. And it is a n awareness I wish to continue and cultivate more fully. As a consciousness scout, I will be "withinning" more, feeling the vibration of my heart, and going into the heart space often. I will have longer daily meditations.... because it is fun and reaps so many rewards. Thanks for allowing me to share! Many blessings and blissings to you on your heart journeys! Shivrael Luminance River
Let us have Today' Focus is praise. Let this be an invitation an experiment for us. Do you say critical or condemning things to yourself in your own head? Do you do this with others, as in there are people you think are wrong for being who they are and doing what they do? Yes, we probably all do this. Today's experiment is this: How about we turn it around, just for today? How about saying more kind things to ourselves in our own heads? How about acknowledging how capable we are, how we are doing a good job being us right now? How about loving ourselves more? And how about thinking of 3 things about others on something that we like about them, of someone we criticise in our heads or with our words. By praising others in our own minds and praising ourselves, affirming our essential worthiness and lovability, we will shift worlds. We will shift how we show up and how others show up. A new aspect of them and a new aspect of us can come to the table. What ways will being kind and praising myself allow a new me to be experienced? What ways can I praise myself? Thoughts? Acts of kindness? Words I speak to me? Words I write down? Likewise, what thoughts can I think about another that I have not thought before. What can I like about somebody? Maybe there are some rascals in our experience.. and if we find some things to praise about them in our own heads, how might it change our experience? The third thing to do is to praise others, to tell them good things about them. Use their name and say, "What I like about you is _____ and ____ and ___. I really like how you _______. I love how your essence is loving to others, playful, hard working, honest, organized, inspiring.... Thanks for being a contribution in my life. Thank you for being my friend. I love you." That is a script to give you ideas. Of course it comes naturally for everyone to share praise. Will you think, say, or write a message that is praise today? The focus, to nourish the seeds that we have planted in the miracle field, our hearts, for a most majestic and delicious life, is to pour on the praise. Everybody loves it and start with yourself! Praise in your thoughts to yourself. Praise in your thoughts to others. Praise in your words to another. Praise in your words to yourself. See what happens. Wishing you a magical day with wonderful surprises! ~Shivrael Let's raise each other up instead of tearing each other down. Some of us are coming together for an experiment for 13 days. In these 13 days we open ourselves to the miracle field. We access a new frequency in ourselves, a new level of allowing and receiving. This changes our set point around what receptivity and openness to miraculous occurrences. A set point would be the level you feel comfortable receiving from the universe. Each of us is a field of miracles, and I see that field emanates from our heart, a heart resonance field. What can bring that field up to higher resonance? We hope to discover that and so much more. We will merge our energy fields together during this Miracle Field Immersion project which amplifies the field for everyone. The Perfect Storm I live in a beautiful place by a mountain, Mt.Shasta in California. In the past two years it has been in severe drought with some wildfires. I have seen streams and lakes dry up. However, this winter brought lots of snow and rain. The spring has been rainy too. Since we have been through drought and water shortages, we are attuned to celebrating water when it comes as rain. There is a huge awareness about water here. We have water ceremonies. As a result of lots of rain this year, we have glorious flowers this spring. Some bloom and more come in when the previous ones are done. A local plant nursery owner is marveling at the flowers. He has been here many years and says that this year there are varieties he has never seen in this area. This offers such a metaphor and a great story to illustrate our project, which is seeding the field of miracles. It is not just about ourselves but to extend miracles to those we love along with the rest of the planet. Can we create a ripple effect? I see it as a ripple effect of love and joy. Can we change our ability to witness and receive miracles in our lives? I hope so and I sense it is possible. I know the power of meditation and I know the power of the heart's resonance. I know the power groups coming together with the same intention. I know the power of prayer and the power of accessing information that allows us to be in the creatorship of our own experiences. The story about the new varieties of flowers appearing represents how the field (the earth or our lives) can be nourished with water and sun, the perfect conditions. The perfect conditions and the right weather nourish a seed that lies under the earth. We have seed, which are our dreams, lying in our hearts. The seeds are the lives that we step into the fullness of who we are, live large and with magnificence. The seeds are also dreams of a new paradigm so that all may live in greater joy and abundance on this earth in harmony. We dream of a peaceful world. The Miracle Field Immersion is to water the dormant seeds within us. They may be seeds that sprout and blossom that we didn't know we had, as we really don't know what is possible. We are raising the bar on possibility. We will move the ideas of what is possible out of the way making conditions for fertile ground, which is our lives. The miracle is to live a delightful and majestic life. That being said, it is also our inheritance that is absolutely available to everyone. We will use tools such as Quantum Dreaming, (which is Quantum Jumping plus Conscious Dreaming) which utilize imagination plus guided meditation with group co-creation. We channel of our own individual customized-by-source information from our higher selves/source which we then crowd source the intelligence by sharing with one another and combining what we learn. It is like we each can access our own miracle formulas. To crowd source is to obtain (information or input into a particular task or project) by enlisting the services of a number of people. We turn up the positive expectation, the knowing, that miracles are possible and happening all the time already. The group reinforces this inner knowing for everyone as it amplifies the field. It nourishes our field of miracles. We raise the level our gratitude, our connection with one another, the support; enhance the passion for a juicy life (and also feel into what this is like). In this area of the world, there are flowers that may not have sprouted or bloomed for decades. However, the dormant seeds were there. We discover the right conditions for germination and thriving and voilà, we have new flowers not seen before, and we have miracles! This is the feeling that would be so great for everyone. What if everyone on earth walked around with so much hope in their heart for what was going to bloom even if they did not see it yet? What if the feeling each person has is that of "anything is possible" while "everything supporting me" was there for each person? We might feel more relaxed, more kind, and less stressed; don't you think? We might have a culture that helps everyone thrive, helps everyone access miracles. That is what the Miracle Field Immersion Group is about! We come together in play, imagine, and support of one another. Support in this group is via a way based on the new paradigm perspective, that of upliftment and encouragement; instead of the old way, which was finding comfort with those who are suffering from the same challenges. We empower our own dream life coming to fruition and for others creating a culture in which miracles are everyday, and we notice them and celebrate them with a feeling and expression of awe and wonder. Link to the group is here: It will begin tomorrow, the solstice, and on or around the 23rd, we will make the group closed instead of open so that people can share with one another in more privacy and freedom to be themselves. You are welcome to join us! <3 Thank you and blessed Solstice wherever you are in the world, Shivrael Below is a mini slideshow of some flowers around Mt.Shasta that I took and I also took the one above. Enjoy! What is the relationship of gratitude to miracles? Gratitude is a frequency, a state of being, or a feeling. Gratitude is an acknowledgement and expression of appreciation for blessings received. In attuning to gratitude, as a feeling inside, one attunes to the a thankfulness for what is, what has been and what will be. That takes us to the eternity and limitless of our being, beyond time when we feel gratitude for past, present and future blessings. Thinking of specifics to be grateful for turns on this frequency within us. It appears that feeling more gratitude can seed the field with miracles. My knowing is that through seeding the field of miracles, for the self and for everyone; we offer what nourishment to the seeds, or potentials of our dreams and infinite potentialities. It stretches us from 'what is' to 'what could be.' Imagination, the dreaming of what could be opens up the door to the field. Each of us has our own vibrational field of being, our field of energy that could be called a broadcasting station of energy. Tee Ming was explaining her way of seeing - everyone is like a little broadcast station of miracles and all of us together are a common broadcast station of miracles. Since each of us are broadcasting a miracles how about we merge together to have that common miracle potential show up? Others have received formulas for miracles, including prayer, and the frequencies of love and joy. My friend Eva received: Miracles are simply an understanding of how creation works. We are creation unfolding in every moment. What is your miracle formula, or your wisdom download as to what amplifies the field of miracles for you? Together we amplify the field of miracles, we open the possibilities, allowing the impossible to become possible. Much love and many blessings, Shivrael Luminance River of and Announcing a new project, to take place with a kick-off on the Solstice, July 20 at 5:30pm Pacific Time, a Free Webinar Quantum Dreaming Live Event "Miracle Dreaminar.". There is a worldwide meditation for the Grid of Light before the Miracles Webinar that is separate and I have blogged about that recently as well. Register and find out about the fb group. The Miracles Dreaminar begins a 13 day project to empower ourselves to be in the field of receiving and also to extend miracles to others. See the Miracle Field Immersion. It will be fun to see what miracles arise in our lives and how we can send joy, abundance love, and healing to all beings! Come play with us! The points are little points of light, yet are mighty representations of each person's I AM Presence, connected to source. Then those points, which are quite bright points, like luminous pins being placed are lit up, and also they connect in threads of light. We become light servers and we are serving light to one another, to the planet, and to all life. Each person is in a vortex of their own I AM Presence, and many are in earth vortexes. This allows the connection to source as our I AM Presence and the bringing of cosmic light through our bodies and to the earth as conduits. The I AM Presence is the same as our Higher Self or divine self, yet it is within us, connected to us and also, at the same time, the more illuminated realms of creation. Our Higher Self is our embodied divine self and separation and hierarchy is falling away in our understanding. All is divine and we are aspects of the Oneness, of divinity. Nothing is outside of divinity. Doing the Worldwide Meditation with an open heart is a powerful act, in collaboration with our I AM Presence, and with creation on behalf of others, including plants, Mother Earth, animals, and Stones.
Those who have shown up to be points of light on the planet are not special, though they are conscious of the opportunity to anchor light on this date. You could see them as tools of source, as if they are pins placed on the planet by divine; and also like transformer towers or maybe antenna receiver and senders of this cosmic light. As tools of source, we receive guidance from the I AM Presence that we are, our I AM Presence leading us to visit or move to or stay at certain people. Some gridworkers move around a great deal and these people can be catalysts, and they are anchors of new timelines and jumpers of timelines. They physically do something in collaboration with Mother Earth and the higher realms in this physical world. A lot of this is intuitively guided and instinctual for the people doing it. Some of it is left a mystery so our egos don't get involved and caught up in self importance. Just think of Gridworkers as tools of source, being moved around or placed somewhere, for the highest good of something greater each is serving a small part in. It takes everyone who participates and the trees participate as well. What is a Grid Anchor doing? This is one perspective that came and I would love others to share what they “see” so we can understand our purpose. In meditation, a vision came of how Grid Anchors are vortices, as I mentioned before. They have a strong vertical connection with their I AM Presence which has guided them to meditate and participate, in whatever way, and other activities for the spiritual benefit of the collective and life. They are more and more discovering their connection with source and becoming sovereign. The old paradigm has been based on vertical connections between beings, where we get energy from one another instead of from source. Our energetic light is a resource and when connected vertically we are always refilled. Meanwhile, disconnecting from energetic cords that tie us to others or contracts with others is a good idea so we have a greater vertical connection to source. The love remains to all we care about, yet the control dramas and codependence between others on an interpersonal level can disappear. Love and interdependence is the new way, and the basis for interaction in the new paradigm. The Grid Anchor is able to feel the connection to Mother Earth, fully grounding and being embodied. The individual is also fully connected to and merged with their I AM Presence, and this the Greater I AM Presence, source, or Great Spirit. This is the vertical connection, and the more sovereign a person is, the greater their ability to be a tool of source that receives and sends into the Grid of Light. The old paradigm way is based on horizontal connection between people with cords attached to parts of our bodies to one another. Old systems are based on this horizontal connection between people and have hierarchy inherent in their make up that controls people via time, money and emotional energy. If you have heard of the Indigos, they are of an energetic frequency that came to break down the old ways and old systems in order to bring in the new. The new paradigm is one of equality. We are moving from the old way of connecting with drama and negative emotions to one another, to a new way which is freedom from those attachments! The attachments make up what is called the Matrix, and the Matrix keeps us held back from the freedom that is our birthright. The Grid of Light is a key to the freedom and better world we desire for all. The Grid of Light is a group of people, serving as tools of source who transduce (step down the power of, and disseminate) light or transformational energy, for the collective. Humans are cosmic galactic light receivers through their crowns. You can see the physical body as an operating system that transforms and conducts light. I am seeing those giant transformers for electricity that you see on highways. I see the Meditation Gridwork Group as putting up the poles, or points of light, all over the planet. You are one of these points of light. And through inner guidance, in whatever way, to be a part of the grid anchoring, you are a team that erects these poles and puts wiring in all over the planet which is a metaphor. Every point of light is important! The energy of love and compassion is the vibration of this Grid of Light and the people who are volunteering to anchor it who tune inward at this time. They work as a whole and together especially, on these special days with a Worldwide Meditation. Grid Anchors go through changes in their bodily systems. Awakening with kundalini rising changes them, the multidimensional senses can be awakened and activated. Grid Anchors develop extrasensory perception and intuition. Hearts are opened and activated. They continuously embody higher frequencies. All humans are going through the evolutionary change viscerally. See bodily symptoms as signs that something is occurring, and that progress is being made. We need to give one another extra love and care through the changes. Love one another and help one another through holding space and presence for others when you are able. Holding space is to be fully connected and sovereign with your I AM Presence and see them in their full connection and sovereignty as well, in their vortex, with compassion. When we meditate together, we strengthen everyone's connection to source, our I AM Presence, and divine love of creation. And the more we ground, which is to feel the presence of Mother Earth, and to connect with her, the more power we have and more light we hold. We are stronger in our vertical connection and more independent, always able to source our own light and be replenished. Awakening experiences allow them to feel oneness with everything. They come see their part in the greater universe, as a piece of the whole and their viewpoint shifts to want to serve the greater whole or play their part. May that be playful and not spiritual difficulty as the egos want to make it! We are always supported. Meanwhile, it is important to see this shift in evolution as happening to everyone on earth and all life and Mother Earth. It does not mean that they are better or different than others who have not started experiencing the inner changes. Everyone is on the way, and as a greater organism of Oneness, our planet and all life as one, there is divine timing. Some are called to be energetically sensitive and awaken at this time and others later. Perhaps it is for the greater good of the whole organism, the whole being that is Mother Earth and her life forms, to do it gradually. Consciousness shifts within, to more awareness of the greater whole and their multidimensionality. Multidimensionality is to know you exist beyond the body in many places at once. You are more than your physical human self, and you work in collaboration with your multidimensional aspects and I AM Presence. A Grid Anchor stops seeing anyone above or below him or her, but all as equals. A Grid Anchor learns to listen to the Higher Self guidance first, and yet honors, communes, and may communicate with the consciousness of other beings and collectives of beings. Energtically Sensitive People become telepathic and tune into higher channels of communication. All communication is through the heart instead of the mind. When the light enters, the individual's operating system receives light and sends it out to the grid which is an invisible yet real energy lines on and within the earth and between life forms. This brings more cosmic galactic source light to all life. Those other humans who are around us feel this light too and their systems are started to be upgraded via proximity. Some may react and resist the upgrade, and others may want to attach or to be near a Grid Anchor and not know why they feel an attraction. That is why our connection to source, Mother Earth, embodying our I AM Presence is so critical. It helps us, and it helps others. It helps all to move forward on the evolutionary pathway of progression. It allows us to not care about the reactions of others, and remain sovereign, in our full vertical alignment. Empowerment allows others to be sparked into their empowerment. When we connect to source with our vertical connection from heaven to earth, we are vortices, swirling pillars of cosmic light. When the auspicious days that are portal days, equinoxes and solstices, or solar flare days come in something happens to our human operating systems. It is in service to this greater Grid of Light so that all people on earth can one day each be their own points of light on this grid. All persons feel a connection with source. Many blessings, Shivrael Luminance River PS The next Worldwide Meditation is on June 20 and 21st at In addition, as a project that is a co-creation with myself and Tee Ming and other friends and others, the Miracle Field Immersion is a 13 day experiment that begins on the solstice . After the moment of the solstice and our worldwide grid meditation which we do in physical groups or on our own, there will be a “Miracles Dreaminar,” or free webinar to open the field of miracles will happen at 5:30pm Pacific Time on the date of the solstice, which is June 20, 2016. The conversion time for around the world is here. To join the Miracle Field Immersion Group and to receive a a free ticket , reserve a space and receive log in instructions for the Miracles Dreaminar go here: |